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Everything posted by mutant

  1. You can draw to a control in its paint event or OnPaint override.
  2. You would have to owner draw your controls, meaning that you draw them yourself. There is no standard controls that look like that, you could also search the internet for controls like that.
  3. You dont have to do anything special to mix them. Just remeber that when creating your own classes dont use the __gc keyword in the declaration if you want to have an unmanaged class, or use the __gc keyword if you want managed class. With C++, you dont have to use MFC if you dont want to. But some people will not recommend using MFC because of all the overhead it adds, instead use the Win32 API to create the gui.
  4. You need to create an instance of that form: Dim frmUpdate As New UpdateForm 'change to whatever you have as the name 'and create a new instance using the New keyword. frmUpdate.Show() 'show the form
  5. You can mix managed C++ and C++ in a managed C++ application, if thats what you mean.
  6. C++ .NET uses the .NET Framework but you can still mix managed an unmanaged code in a managed application. C++ doesnt have access to .NET Framework, you use Win32 API with it. I wouldnt go back to C, no object orientation support. MFC is a collection of classes that you use to build GUI applications.
  7. You could startup from sub Main and start a message loop for the splash screen, and then when that message loop ends create another one. Or simply hide the splash screen and then open all the other forms.
  8. Other than starting your application from command prompt you cant do much to keep it there except wait for the user input and then exit. You can use this to achieve that: Console::Read; //or Console::ReadLine;
  9. One book that I would absolutely recommend is "ASP.NET Unleashed". That is a great book, loads of info on ASP.NET. (Using VB.NET)
  10. First you need to set the DialogResult property for those buttons to OK and Cancel. Then you show the dialog like this: If dialogform.ShowDialog() = DialogResult.OK Then 'do something when ok is pressed End If Same goes for cancel but DialogResult.Cancel instead of DialogResult.OK.
  11. You have one too many parenthesis in your code on the right by strMaster.
  12. You cant apply surfaces to meshes. You can apply textures, but if you are using the X file format and the Mesh class it will already have all the texture info and the textures will be mapped. You dont have to worry about that.
  13. When you create a surface simply specify the image file name: Dim imagesurface As New Surface(yourdevice, New Bitmap("image filename", Pool.Default)
  14. To start an application you System.Diagnostics.Process class. Like this: System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("Path to executable") To get some other options for starting the process use the ProcessStartInfo class: Dim pinfo As New System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo pinfo.Arguments = "arguments go here" pinfo.FileName = "path to executable" System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(pinfo) 'start using the info provided in the pinfo object
  15. f im understanding you correctly you are trying to raise an event that does nothing, is that right? Then if you have no code for the event what is the prupose of it? :)
  16. To convert a string to a color use this: System.Drawing.Color.FromName("string name")
  17. The other 3, MSDN Library, are the help files. Even though its optional you should install it as its a great source of information. Enterprise editions come with other CDs with tools too.
  18. Im very sorry, i was thinking of a class when writing this and wrote class instead of call :rolleyes: . (I edited my post) What I mean is that: DirectCast(FMsg, frmMsg).SubThatHandlesTheEvent(arguments) You would have to make that event handler sub public.
  19. If you want to execute the code that you have in the handler of Move event then simply call the sub that is the handler, not the event.
  20. You can use RaiseEvent only to raise events that are in the class you are calling the RaiseEvent from. Take a look at this: http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/vblr7/html/vastmraiseevent.asp
  21. If you want all pages to have access to it then put in a class in your project, and make the function shared if you dont want to create objects of the class.
  22. You can use the Optional keyword, but this is only supported in VB.NET and not in any other language. The right way to do this is to make overloads.
  23. You need to have a sub that accepts the right arguments for the event you wish to have and add a handler using AddHandler: AddHandler object.Event, AddressOf subthatwill handle
  24. Drag a progress bar onto your form from the Toolbox, then you can set the value of it using the .Value property. You will have to figure out for yourself what position the progress bar should be on, for example if you have a For Next loop that runs 100 you could increase the value by 1. Do you have some more specifiec questions than how to program a progress bar :) ? :)
  25. THat example uses DirectX8, if you dont want to use DX then look into PlaySound or sndPlaySound API. http://www.mentalis.org/apilist/PlaySound.shtml http://www.mentalis.org/apilist/sndPlaySound.shtml
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