What you are doing is simply drawing over the picturebox, not to any bitmap object. If you want to draw onto the PictureBox's Image then you have to create graphics object for the image:
Dim gr As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(PictureBox.Image)
'then draw using that graphics object
Now everything will be drawn onto the actual image.
Yes, you can assign any bitmap to the Image property. When you are using the DrawImage, is onto your picturebox (for example in Paint event) or are you drawing to an image/bitmap object (by creating Graphics object for it)?
This will return it for you:
The SpecialFolder enumeration contains a lot more other special folders. Then you simply get it using the GetFolderPath() method.
I think that would be true, while browsing Microsoft's website earlier I noticed something about a free exam voucher if you already taken the VS6 exam.
I dont know of any recommendation but you could search Amazon.com, it came out with some rusults for Object Oriented Programming. Im assuming thats what you want because of the thigns you ask.
There are a few from MSPress there.
Cast the MDIParent object of your mdi child to a type of the parent and then access the toolbar:
DirectCast(Me.MdiParent, ParentType).Toolbar1.something()
You could create a Bitmap object from the PictureBox's Image object and then use the GetPixel method of the Bitmap object.
Dim b as Bitmap
b = Picturebox1.Image
dim c as Color = b.getpixel(100,100)
If you reference a DLL then you should be able to see what It contains using the Object Browser.
You can view it by going to the menu:
View, Object Browser
There shouldnt be anything wrong with your code, are you sure that is the only argument that the exe accepts or maybe you need something else. Are you sure you can pass in the directory? Maybe you could try passing in a file name.
If you want to see if a certain type of a form is opened then you could do this:
Dim f As Form
For Each f In Me.MdiChildren
If TypeOf f Is Form3 Then
'do something if a form is of the Form3 type
End If
If you want to display an HTML page you can use the Web browser control, you caan find it in the COM Components tab while adding control to the toolbox.
Your form right now should have something like this:
Public Sub New()
End Sub
Thats the constructor. You have to change it so it accepts an argument:
Dim anobject As argtype 'variable that will store what you passed in
Public Sub New(ByVal arg As argtype) 'accept an argument
anobject = arg 'assign the passed in object to the local variable
Then when you declare your form:
Dim NewForm As New Form2(the object you pass in)
If you want to pass it between forms then you could edit the constructor to accept that variable of the form that you pass the variable into. If you want a variable that is accessible to all forms and classes then simply create a class that will hold a shared instance of the variable.