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Everything posted by mutant

  1. I think im somehow beginning to understand you :). If they have different values then it wouldnt make sense that one variable could have two different ones. What about making a structure or a class that will hold two variables of that enumeration type and you assign the enumaration values to them. Something like this: Public Structure Card Dim firsttype As Number Dim secondtype As Number End Structure
  2. mutant


    Google turned up a lot of results: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&q=object+oriented+programming&btnG=Google+Search I doesnt really matter what language the examples are written in, object orientattion conecpts are the same for every language that uses classes and object orientation.
  3. The control works fine for me. What is the exact error message you are getting if you are getting any?
  4. Im sorry, I thought you had a problem with the timer because aewarnick mentioned it and you said it didnt work without a form. :)
  5. Wouldnt it be better to put the color into the Color object instead of a string?
  6. A timer from the Windows.Forms namespace doesnt need a form to operate. Public Shared Sub main() Dim t As New Windows.Forms.Timer 'create the timer object AddHandler t.Tick, AddressOf Tick 'add an event handler t.Interval = 500 'set the interval t.Start() 'start the timer Do Application.DoEvents() 'let the app process messages Loop End Sub 'the tick event handler Private Shared Sub Tick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) MessageBox.Show("Hello") End Sub This just an example, it will show you that the message box will be shown.
  7. You could also do something like this: Dim b(3) As Byte b(1) = 97 b(2) = 97 b(3) = 97 b(0) = 97 Dim s As String = System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(b) Now s will contain "aaaa".
  8. I would suggest you use Regular Expressions, and then look for the names using links as the pattern. MSDN has some good samples on using Regular Expressions, if you have some questions then post :).
  9. You would have to do this: Select Case ToolBar1.Buttons.IndexOf(e.Button) This will return to you the index of the button, and you then choose what to do based on the index.
  10. Dim c As New Class1 In case like this you should consider making your function shared so you dont have to create class instance everytime.
  11. To display it you have to find it first :). See this thread which has a lot of info on working FPS. http://www.xtremedotnettalk.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=75420
  12. Serialization is capturing the current state of any object that is marked as Serializable to the file so you can restore it later to excatly the same state.
  13. As far as I know whenever you use the Dialog of that sort like OpenFileDialog, the location that you last used will be saved. Use this as a path: Application.StartupPath & "\ldb.txt"
  14. It should pass them to the hWnd argument.
  15. Windows 2003 and up have the Framework built into them.
  16. Yeah, you get the idea. Except you dont use square brackets in VB.NET for arrays :)
  17. You can start another program from a .NET application, you can do that using System.Diagnostics.Process. Command Line wont start anything for you by itself, you have to read the parameters and do whatever you do for each one.
  18. First one will return the exe path and all the parameters. The second one will return an array of strings, that were created by separating every commend by a space. The first member of that array will be your exe path and name, and next members will hold the params.
  19. To get the command line parameters passed into your application use those: System.Environment.CommandLine() 'returns all params 'or System.Environment.GetCommandLineArgs() 'returns params separated
  20. Create a new Process object instead of just using the shared Start() method: Dim p As New Process Then you can use all kinds of interesting methods and properties of the process.
  21. If im understanding you correctly you can do something like this. Start a process using the Process class, and get the handle to the executable from the process object and then use EnumChildWindows and SetWindowText APIs.
  22. If you are doing your painting in the paint event you should have no problem. Are you drawing in the paint event?
  23. You shouldnt have to worry about your application taking too much memory, if needed by another process, the memory will be freed by the garbage collector.
  24. You mean redistribute without additional runtime files? If that then yes you could because Windows XP already has VB6.0 runtime files.
  25. Use the vb tags: [ vb ] ...code... [ /vb ] But without spaces between the barckets. :)
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