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Everything posted by mutant

  1. This page should provide you with more info and links about that: http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/cpguide/html/cpconusingsetupexebootstrappersamplewithapplication.asp :)
  2. You need to install the full .NET Framework on the client computer, can't split it. The resistribuatable can be downlaoded here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/netframework/technologyinfo/redist/default.aspx
  3. If you dont have any forms its logical that you wont use the Close method of the form that the message loop is relaying on :), You can use Application.Exit()
  4. You dont seem to be adding the controls to the form: Me.Controls.Add(pbxSquarePic(xCount, yCount))
  5. This happens because it is case sensitive, so if you want to replace A with B and a with b you need two different calls.
  6. You could use the Visible property to hide all the other ones (set Visible to false) and leave the one you want visible.
  7. You can move it using the Location property: Form.Location = New Point(100,100)
  8. I personally think it is a great idea to bring into this forum :). But what could be topic for the challange? :)
  9. No, you can use the code your created in VC++6 in VC++.NET.
  10. mutant


    You can use the WebClient class to downlaod a file: Dim wc As New System.Net.WebClient 'download the file using the DownloadFile method which accepts the location of the file on the internet 'and the location to which you want to download to. wc.DownloadFile("address of file", "Location to download to")
  11. The main difference between two is that using VC++.NET you can produce managed applications, you cant with VC++6. Also with newer compilers, Microsoft is getting closer and closer to full compliance with standards.
  12. The error seems to happen when I change the PDF document from the one that was set first (which works). Ill have to look into this more later because I will be leaving shortly.
  13. There is a difference, even though you initialize the instance inside of a sub/function that variable itself is global to the class and when initializing you are crating an instance for that variable.
  14. You would have to code that functionality yourself, or maybe there is something like this somewhere on the internet. :)
  15. In .NET forms are objects, so you need to create an instance of the Form object to show it: Dim frmNDoc As New frmNewDoc frmNDoc.Show()
  16. Is that thread what you are looking for? :) http://www.xtremedotnettalk.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=49406
  17. THe Close method calls the Dispose() method for you so you dont have to worry about it.
  18. Acrobat comes with an ActiveX to do just that. In yout control toolbox select Add/Remove controls and select the COM tab and then look for a control that has a name which starts with Adobe (I dont remeber the full name :)).
  19. The easiest way to do this would be to start two message loops: Public Shared Sub Main() Application.Run(New SplashForm) Application.Run(New MainForm) End Sub Now when you exit the splash form when the timer reaches the specified number and you exit the spalsh, the main form will show.
  20. If you want to make the form show modal use the .ShowDialog() method instead of Show().
  21. You can do it code but not in the designer. Code example: Dim Boxes(5) As TextBox dim x as Integer for x = 0 to 5 Boxes(x) = New TextBox 'set some properties Next x
  22. There is plenty of sites :). Some of them: http://www.codeproject.com http://www.windowsforms.com http://www.c-sharpcorner.com And meny more :)
  23. Yeah, the can coexist on the same OS.
  24. I dont think I understand your problem either :). What do you want your code to do? From what it is now it seems you only show the value twice and the chosen file name.
  25. Use the IO.StreamWriter object to write to the file: Dim writer As New IO.StreamWriter("path to the file", True) First argument is the path to the file, and the second argument which is a boolean indicates whether you want to append to the file. To open a file and read it use the IO.StreamReader object: Dim reader As New IO.StreamReader("path to the file") 'then read it using different methods... reader.ReadLine() 'or reader.ReadToEnd() 'or other reading methods you want to use that you want to use
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