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Everything posted by mutant

  1. If you want to use objects from your instance of Form1 on your Form2 you need get that instance first. You can do it using constructors or shared variables. If you want to do it using construcotrs then: In Form2 create a new variable of the Form1 type: DIm f1 As Form1 Then find the constructor for Form2 (Public Sub New) and edit it to look like this: Public Sub New(ByVal formone As Form1) 'get the instance MyBase.New() InitializeComponent() f1 = formone 'set the passed in instance to the local variable End Sub Now, when declaring Form declare it like this: Dim f2 As New Form2(Me) 'pass in the instance to the constructor Now you will be able to access the instance you passed using the f1 variable in your Form2 class.
  2. Those types of contests are very interesting, but as always there is one thing I dont like about them. You have to transfer all rights to the game idea and everything to them :( .
  3. The first method closes the window, it also gives you a chance to stop the closing using the Closing event, or do something after its closed using the Closed event. After that the window gets disposed. The Application.Exit lets the app process any remaining messages and then closes all windows for the appllication. What do mean by DialogResult = x;? Never seen this used to clase a window.
  4. The application closes all together because the first form is the form that your application loop depends on. What you could do for example it hide that form.
  5. You want to write all the items that are in the ListBox to the file?
  6. Serialization is a process of saving a state of an object to a file with exact properties that were set to it during serialization. Its like putting an object into a file for storage :).
  7. The point of that is that it is a big part of Object Orientation. Everything needs to have an instance, you simply cannot use the class name itself to reference the object, but its instance. This gives a huge advantages. You can create multiple instances of each class, which beats procedure oriented programming in every aspect. If you want to know more (Im sure you do :)) then just search http://www.google.com for "OOP". In your example code you create a new instance of Form1 object. I assume thats not what you want. If not say and I will provide you with an example to use the instance of Form1 you already have in your Form2, assuming you show Form1 first :).
  8. Are you sure you set the Context Menu property for your from to your Context Menu object you created?
  9. System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("path to the exe") The process class will let you start and control processes. If you want more options then create a new Process object instead of using the shared method to start the app. :)
  10. Instead of putting your global variables and functions in a module you could put all of those in a class and make those variables and methods shared. This means that they do not need an instance of a class to be used.
  11. Exactly :) You register and then on of the screens wyrd mentioned you look for option to enter the key you receive.
  12. You have to register it for free :) http://www.vbrkit.net/
  13. Right click your toolbar. Click on Add\Remove Items, use the .NET Components tab. Find the controls that start with the name C1, and add them by checking the CheckBox next to it and clicking ok. :)
  14. $899 :) (or even more)
  15. You have to draw the control like that yourself. Preferably using GDI+ in hte Paint event of the object inherited from a Control Object or any other control. Or, which may be easier, look for already made controls like that.
  16. It truly is a great set. The controls from ComponentOne look great!
  17. I doubt you will find a place other than MSDN that will list all info about an object in so many details, because simply MSDN already does that. As for tutorials there is plenty of sites, like those for example: http://www.codeproject.com http://www.windowsforms.com http://www.c-sharpcorner.com (most in C# but same concepts apply to VB.NET) This is very useful too: http://www.syncfusion.com/FAQ/WinForms/default.asp And there is always Tutor's Center and Code Library here on those forums.
  18. Irasmith, an obfusctor designed for .NET should be able to handle any type of assembly produced by .NET. An example of an obfuscator would be the one that comes with VS.NET 2003.
  19. This question is too broad :). Methods of what? Properties of what? :) (as in for what object) For syntax related stuff like keywords, there i no better place than the .NET SDK Docs.
  20. No. Change the name "checkbox1" to the name of your checkbox. Simply calling a boolean variable like your check wont work, because there is no relation between them and there would a variable name conflict :).
  21. You simply create a boolean value and do not do anything to it. And by default booleans are false. If you want to see whether a checkbox is checked you can do it like this: If checkbox1.Checked Then 'it is checked Else 'its not checked End If
  22. This is called the XML Documentation that can be generated while coding. VB.NET right now doesnt support the generation of it but C# does.
  23. There is no event called OnCreate. If you want to do something to do object right after it is created you could use its constructor.
  24. Oh, now I see what you meant. Its not because o your English, its good actually :)
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