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Everything posted by mutant

  1. Some collection classes actually use the ArrayList as their internal list that they use, and are then simply customized.
  2. What you are doing is passing in 2 arguments, when the method wants only one, an array. You could build that array in your method, or if you want to pass in a smiliar way you showed you can do it like this: RemoveFile(New String(){"firstvalue", "secondvalue", "thridvalue"})
  3. How are you drawing the info to the image?
  4. If you want to save an image object to a file then using its save method will do it: imageobject.Save("path", System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Tiff)
  5. Yes, using the AddHandler keyword. For that you also need to have a method that will accept arguments required by the event. AddHandler object.Event, AddressOf methodthatwillhandleevent
  6. Here is a very basic example of a custom region: 'define a graphics path to which you will add shapes and other things like that Dim gp As New Drawing2D.GraphicsPath 'for example add an ellipse to the path to make your form look like an ellipse gp.AddEllipse(100, 100, 200, 200) 'set your forms region to a new Region object and pass in the graphics path Me.Region = New Region(gp)
  7. device.Transform.Projection = Matrix.PerspectiveFovLH((sngAngle)math.PI/4.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, 3.25F) One problem, this is not how you do casting in VB.NET, and you cannot cast to a variable. To cast in VB.NET use the DirectCast keyword. Here is an example of how that line would look. device.Transform.Projection = Matrix.PerspectiveFovLH(Convert.ToSingle(Math.PI) /4.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, 3.25F) If you want, you can download a sample like this here: http://www.directx4.net/tutorials/15.zip
  8. Ah, forgot to make the spaces while I was copying the string from the first post. Thanks VolteFace.
  9. If im understanding your problem correctly, then reading the line of text into a string, and then using the SubString methd of the string should work. For example use substring to retrieve first 15 characters, and then start at 16 and get 25 characters: Dim s As String = "Mike Smith 123 Something St. Here" Dim first As String = s.Substring(0, 15) 'get first 15 characters from the string If I didnt get what you are trying to do correct me :)
  10. If you have trouble translating from C# to VB then just post, there is plenty of people ready to help with that. :)
  11. Are trying to write that in .NET?
  12. You need to use one of the file reading or writing class, System.IO.StreamReader and System.IO.StreamWriter. Here are some examples from MSDN: http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/cpref/html/frlrfSystemIOStreamReaderClassTopic.asp http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/cpguide/html/cpconWritingTextToFile.asp
  13. There is, but not for free. It used to be $29.99 but the offer ended in september.
  14. mutant


    Change all declarations to an integer: Private Declare Function Beep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwFreq As Integer, ByVal dwDuration As Integer) As Integer Im assuming you used this code for VB6. In .NET, Integer is equal in size to Long from VB6, thats why you need to change it.
  15. Public Function [And]() As Object '... End Function If you want to name your method with a reserved word, putting brackets around it will let you do it.
  16. The upgrade from VS.NET 2002 to VS.NET 2003 is not free. It used to be, lets say, almost free, because the upgrade price was $29.99. But that was a limited offer which ended in september.
  17. Didn't notice that you replied to this thread until the latest reply by CattleRustler. :) Here is some sample code: Dim os As ListBox.SelectedObjectCollection 'declare the collection object os = ListBox1.SelectedItems 'fill it in For x As Integer = 0 To os.Count - 1 'go through each and display it MessageBox.Show(Convert.ToString(os.Item(x))) Next Sorry for the delay :).
  18. If im not mistaken the samples from the newest release of DX9SDK come in the VS.NET 2003 format. So your copy of VS.NET 2002 will not open them. You could try creating a new project and simply adding all required references and files and then run it.
  19. Did you reference the Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3DX assembly? That is where the class is located, and then after you reference that assembly it will be added to Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D namespace.
  20. The Value member of the scrollbar is a property, from which the event could be raised as well as the internal variable that holds the value that is returned from the property. The way you could do what you want is using properties, just like the Value value of the scrollbar.
  21. You need to first create an instance of the form and the show it: 'create a new isntance Dim f2 As New Form2 'use the Show method to show the form f2.Show()
  22. Release mode does not contain any info like that, thats why its faster and smaller.
  23. How you decide to go with your licensing is up to you. One of the new trends in licensing is application activation, which connects to the internet and checks a database for info that was used in the registration. You can also make your users enter a serial number and other info without activation and store on the client computer. There is many possiblitites. Do you know what kind of protection are you looking for?
  24. What are the problems you are having with the tab control? ALso, if you could attach the form file or some kind of screenshot it would be better to help you decide on what to do with the form :).
  25. You should check here: http://www.crystaldecisions.com/products/crystalreports/net/licensing.asp :)
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