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Everything posted by mutant

  1. If im not mistaken, VB6 had to create a default instance of the form for you. One needs to be created in VB.NET too, but you yourself have to create that instance.
  2. Look into the following classes: Microsoft.Win32.Registry Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey To read, or set registry settings look into the OpenSubKey, GetValue, SetValue methods of the Registry class.
  3. mutant


    You have to cast the sender object that is passed in to a button type. Then after casting you can access the properties of the button. To cast, use the DirectCast keyword. DirectCast(sender, Button).Text = "some text"
  4. Me.Width = Windows.Forms.Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width This will return the width of the screen for you.
  5. Attaching binary files is against the forum rules :). As I said before, if you want to keep your application loop alive then the form it is running against can't be closed down. Why don't you simply want to hide it?
  6. DirectShow is not a part of Managed DirectX right now. You might be able to find some wrappers for unmanaged version.
  7. If you plan on doing it that way, do not divide the image into other image objects then, that is what I think you are doing from reading your post. Instead, create an array of Rectangle strucutres which specify the part of image that is the given frame.
  8. What is usually done in those cases is having one bitmap which contains all the frames of the image. Then based on what you need, you draw a given part of that image.
  9. Using a String type will not work if you want to display a dropdown list like that. As far as what goes there: Return _myProperty :)
  10. The property should be shown without any additonal work with the User Controls, I have no problem doing it.
  11. You could make the list of values an enumeration and then in the property grid it will show a dropdownlist. If that is not what you are looking for correct me :).
  12. Why do you want to keep track of that info? Isn't having it in hashed form enough for you to maybe implement a security system for your app, or whatever you want to do?
  13. That is excatly what I meant when I asked if you added a reference. :)
  14. You don't have much choice than hiding if the first form you are trying to close is the form the application loop depends on, if the form closes so does that application loop.
  15. D3DDEVTYPE_HAL specifies that the hardware is used for rendering. D3DDEVTYPE_REF stands for reference rasterizer, it specifies that the hardware features will have to be emulated, that is why it runs so slow. Also REF is only available with the DX9 SDK, it is not redistributed with the retail runtimes, so the only two devices you could use in production are hardware and software. In some samples you can't choose the hardware because you hardware might not be capable of doing whatever Direct3D needs it to do, so it has to emulated.
  16. If your teacher teaches you .NET and tells you to use old VB6 methods then don't listen to him/her :).
  17. Did you add a reference to the assembly called System.Web?
  18. Look into the Transform property of the Graphics object. Using it you can manipulate rotating by 2d matrices.
  19. mutant


    Hello. This is not the right place to ask people to do the coding for you. Try some sites like: http://www.rentacoder.com
  20. As far as I know, .NET framework does not contain any classes for playing video files right now.
  21. When showing you other form as a dialog simply pass in the value to the Owner argument which will then keep a reference to your original form from the dialog. Dim f2 As New Form2 f1.ShowDialog(Me) 'pass in the reference to your current form Then , from your dialog form access the owner like this: 'if you want to use objects that belong to your form class not the Form class 'then you have to cast the owner object to the wanted type DirectCast(Me.Owner, Form1).TextBox1.Text = "some text"
  22. You can use the RotateFlip method of the Bitmap object to rotate it: Dim b As New Bitmap("some path") 'rotate the image by 90 degrees b.RotateFlip(RotateFlipType.Rotate90FlipNone)
  23. The error says it all "There is no matching method to override" :) You are putting that override in your UserControl1 class, so what the code attempts to do is to override a method called picLogo_OnPaint, which does not exist in the UserControl class from which you inherit (at least I think you inherit from that because the code doesn't show). Even when you change it to OnPaint, it wont work as you want it to, it will work but you will get the override for the paint event on your user control now, not the picturebox. Why not simply use the Paint event?
  24. If you want to use the ReadOnly property of the textbox then simpyl cast the control object to the TextBox object: If TypeOf ctrlTemp Is TextBox Then DirectCast(ctrlTemp, TextBox).ReadOnly = True
  25. DirectX9 contains many updated things, like HLSL. It is newer then DX8 which means it will contain more features, will be better overall. I would suggest you go with DX9. The speeds of Managed DX almost reach the speeds of C++ with DX, so in terms of speed it is not bad either.
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