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Everything posted by fantasma62

  1. Thanks a million
  2. THank you all for your help....
  3. Hi all, I have gone thru a few programming books and none so far have been very good. I have learned Visual Basic 6.0, but I really want to continue learning and the books out there aren't very good. The same goes with C#, I want to learn it but I don't know what the best, or more recommended books are. Can anyone tell me what are the most recommended books for these two languages? I will try learning by myself, since I have had to do so before because the instructors offered no help.... Thanks all....
  4. i may be wrong, but when I have opened my VB6 solutions with VB.Net, I haven't had the need to convert it into .net......They work well with VB.Net, as if I had done them there.... Maybe that has to do with the fact that I have updated my Vb6 a few times....
  5. Success. I got it to work, I had simply forgotten to add the frmParent.show at the Tick event of the splash screen.... Thank you again for your help....I hope that when I have learned enough, I'll be able to help out another.... Thanks..
  6. Sorry, I have 4 different books and none talk about that.... Thanks for the information, you have provided... Again, I am sorry for my lack of information....
  7. sorry, as I finished writing my last post, I got what you wanted me to do..... What's happening is that when the splash screen's timer ends, the Parent form, which is the one that I want to display, flashes and the application closes..... As you can plainly see, my instructor doesn't exactly instruct.....Thus, I don't know things that I am supposed to know....
  8. Hmmm, I don't see the closed event in my main form. I imagine you mean the frmMdiParent form.....Again, sorry for my lack of knowledge, but I am a beginner....I already placed the SubMain in the frmSplashScreen....
  9. One thing, though, should I create this SubMain in my Startup module or in the Splash Screen?
  10. I promise this is it, I have bothered you enough.... I have set up a Splash Screen so that when the 5 second timer ends, the Parent form will be displayed..... I have set up a module to set off the Splash Form and I have put in a timer in the frmSplashScreen. However, once the 5 seconds have elapsed, the program stops running and doesn't display the frmMdiParent........ ???
  11. Thank you all very much for your help....All of it has been invaluable to me....The problem has been resolved... Thank you so much....
  12. I am sorry, nothing happened. This is what I wrote: Private iNumber1 As Integer Dim frmParent as New frmMdiParent Then, in the button click event I wrote the following: iNumber1 += 1 lblInline.Text = iNumber1.ToString() frmParent.sbrMenu.Panels(1).Text = "Customers in line " + iNumber1.ToString Nothing happens there., it doesn't print in the panel By the way, VB asked me to declare frmParent as New frmMdiParent Sorry if I seem like a dummy. This is the first time for me studying VB
  13. There is one thing, though, I am trying to set text from the Child to the Parent Status bar and I can't get them two to click together....
  14. Thank you That's exactly it.... Thanks....
  15. Sorry, I'll rephrase.... I created a status bar in a MdiParent form. This form is linked to a MDIChild form. When you open the MdiParent form, 5 child forms open along with it. These child forms have 2 buttons and 2 labels. Anytime I press a button, a number appears in the label.... What I am trying to do is to have that number appear in one of the status bar panels. The problem that I am having is that there already is text on the panel. I'll attach the solution so that you can have a look see. I hope that may help...... I apologize for my not being to explain it well. I am pretty new at this and don't yet know the lingo.... ch11ex5.zip
  16. What type of code should I use if I have to print information in a panel on a status bar? There is text on it, however. The fact remains that along with the information contained in the labels. I also need to print the information that appears in my labels... Thanks...
  17. Thank you....
  18. I have to labels and two buttons. What code can I use if I want a label to show a number and increase it in increments of one when I press a button? What code can I use to do the same with the other button so that in its corresponding label shows a number and increments it by one once you press the button? Also, as you increase the numbers in one, how can i decrease it on the other? Thanks
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