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Everything posted by ysac

  1. Hi there, I have the following XML-file of a supplier. Does anyone know how the XML-Schema of this file looks like ? And does anyone know how to load this file into the VB.NET XML-Designer ? <PNAResponse> <Version>2.0</Version> <TransactionHeader> <SenderID>123456789</SenderID> <ReceiverID>987654321</ReceiverID> <ErrorStatus ErrorNumber="ErrorNumber_1">ErrorStatus_1</ErrorStatus> <DocumentID>{C160DB2B-08A0-475F-BF17-ABF41576652A}</DocumentID> <TransactionID>CI123456</TransactionID> <TimeStamp>2001-07-19T13:36:41</TimeStamp> </TransactionHeader> <PriceAndAvailability SKU="123A321" Quantity="10"> <Price>117.00</Price> </SpecialPriceFlag> <ManufacturerPartNumber>IATA</ManufacturerPartNumber> <ManufacturerPartNumberOccurs/> <VendorNumber>8349</VendorNumber> <Description>The Product you Ordered</Description> <ReserveInventoryFlag>N</ReserveInventoryFlag> <AvailableRebQty>0</AvailableRebQty> <Branch ID="20" Name=�UK"> <Availability>-1</Availability> <OnOrder>11</OnOrder> <ETADate>2001-07-12</ETADate> </Branch> </PriceAndAvailability> <PNAResponse> Attached you can find the definition of the schema. Especialy the line '<PriceAndAvailability SKU="123A321" Quantity="10">' is more difficult since there are 2 elements/attributes in a line without an ending PriceAndAvailability keword. Thanks in advance. Ysac xmlelements.doc.zip
  2. Hi, Is it possible to load only the file data of the current record into a dataset + the data of the combo boxes like postal codes, etc., and this to save memory space and to speedup loading a dataset. An article form contains in our case about 60 fields, of which also about 10 combo boxes with their underlying data (postal codes = about 2000 codes + town names, article subgroubs about 50 codes, ...). The article file contains about 2000 articles with 60 fields. Our purpose is to only load the data of the current record, edit the record, and then move to the next record which we load at this very moment. The data of the combo boxes and list boxes we have to load on form_load. This all to save memory. Another file with supplier catalogues contains 50.000 records. So here the memory is even more occupied. Thanks.
  3. Thanks. I'll try and let you know. Ysac
  4. No, just a standard Windows form.
  5. Hi, I'm programming several projects within one solution. The startup project is a form with a mainmenu and submenus from which a call the forms located in other projects. Opening forms within the same project is no problem. However when I try to open a form located in another project, nothing happens. To give you an idea, here is part of the hierarchical structure: Solution : Administration Project1 : prjMainMenu frmMainMenu 'From which I call all other forms and modules Project2 : Sales frmCustomer frmQuote frmOrder frmInvoice ... Project3 : Stocks frmArticle frmImportPrices ... Project4... So, I would like to open several forms, where frmMainMenu is the Master form from where all other forms are opened via the submenus. Also it should be possible to have several forms opened at the same time, for example, having frmQuote and frmArticle opened at the same time, with frmMainMenu always opened underneath. I worked with Navision before and I'm trying to organize about the same software structure in .NET . Does anyone know how to open these several forms from other projects and how to organize this at the best ? Thanks.
  6. Thanks, This works !
  7. Hi, I'm having a problem with using a variable in my Select statement to filter in a MS Access SQL statement. Following:see code bellow A. When I use 'B-1000' in the select statement, the query does it's job like it should and shows me all selected details.(see code A) B. However, if I use a variable (txtPost as String) with the same value, the query returns no records at all. What do I do wrong ? Code A: Works fine Me.OleDbSelectCommand1.CommandText = "SELECT Name, Company, Address, Email" & _ " FROM CRM_contacts WHERE (Email <> '') AND (Postcode = 'B-1000') ORDER BY Company" Me.OleDbSelectCommand1.Connection = Me.cnContactList daContacts.Fill(DsContacts) Me.DsContacts_PositionChanged() Code B: Does not work fine Dim txtPost As String txtPost = "B-1000" Me.OleDbSelectCommand1.CommandText = "SELECT Name, Company, Address, Email" & _ " FROM CRM_contacts WHERE (Email <> '') AND (Postcode = 'txtPost') ORDER BY Company" Me.OleDbSelectCommand1.Connection = Me.cnContactList daContacts.Fill(DsContacts) Me.DsContacts_PositionChanged() So, here (Postcode = 'txtPost') doesn't give the expected result. Thanks in advance.
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