I'm having a problem with using a variable in my Select statement to filter in a MS Access SQL statement. Following:see code bellow
A. When I use 'B-1000' in the select statement, the query does it's job like it should and shows me all selected details.(see code A)
B. However, if I use a variable (txtPost as String) with the same value, the query returns no records at all.
What do I do wrong ?
Code A: Works fine
Me.OleDbSelectCommand1.CommandText = "SELECT Name, Company, Address, Email" & _
" FROM CRM_contacts WHERE (Email <> '') AND (Postcode = 'B-1000') ORDER BY Company"
Me.OleDbSelectCommand1.Connection = Me.cnContactList
Code B: Does not work fine
Dim txtPost As String
txtPost = "B-1000"
Me.OleDbSelectCommand1.CommandText = "SELECT Name, Company, Address, Email" & _
" FROM CRM_contacts WHERE (Email <> '') AND (Postcode = 'txtPost') ORDER BY Company"
Me.OleDbSelectCommand1.Connection = Me.cnContactList
So, here (Postcode = 'txtPost') doesn't give the expected result.
Thanks in advance.