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Everything posted by Erikvandervelde

  1. Hi There! I want to create a control like the Start Menu in Windows! So I have to draw outside of the control area. How should I do this?! Thanks. Erik van der Velden Holland
  2. Hi there! I'm using a propertyGrid on my form to change the properties of some objects. When I have an integer-property. I'm still able to type non-numeric characters as a value in the propertygrid. The result is that the class gives back an exception. How can I prevent numeric values typed in this textbox? Events such as 'keydown' and 'keyup' aren't fired. Does anybody has a solution for my problem? Regards, Erik van der Velden. Holland
  3. Hi Divil, I'll take al look on MSDN to find some information. Thanks so far! If you have a example or a URL for me. Please post it here. Erik
  4. Dear Divil, I don't know even where to start... How do I implement the Win32 api tooltip??? Can you give me a simple example to get me started. Thanks so far... Erik
  5. Hi there. Have you tried to set te resizeredraw property of the control to true? Regards, Erik
  6. Hi there! I'm writing a usercontrol wich contains multiple buttons which I draw usering GDI+. It aren't actually buttons (controls) but i just draw them. Now i want to show a tooltip if the mouse moves over a button. I tried to do this on the mousemove event: Protected Overrides Sub OnMouseMove(ByVal e As system.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Dim MyButton As OutlookBarButton Me.MyTooltip.RemoveAll() For Each Button In Me.buttons If MyButton.Bounds.Contains(e.x, e.y) Then Me.MyTooltip.SetToolTip(Me, MyButton.Title) End If Next End sub But this won't work. The control doesn't show a tooltip at all. How should I do this?! Please understand that MyButton is NOT a control, but just a class. So Me.mytooltip.SetToolTip(MyButton, MyButton.title) is not possible! I hope someone can help me out! Erik
  7. Hi! Set the resizeredraw property of the control to true! Regards, Erik
  8. Once i have read the Rtf from the file... THEN i want to change the fontstyle of some words. Divil, thanks for the link to the article. I will try it tomorrow. As you can read in my first message, i already tried this myself. It worked, but very slow. Perhaps is this code better! Thanks a lot all of you! Erik.
  9. Goede middag! Very good! I'm not sure I understand what you mean. I am reading a RTF file from disk. My problem is (for example...) that when I have a word which contains 2 different fonts, the first 3 chars are bold, and the second 3 are underlined. Now I select the complete word en want to make the complete word Italic AS WELL (without loosing the fontstyle per char!) But now I have to fontstyle for the complete word! In VB6 you should say: MyRtfBox.SelectionItalic = True This will make the word Italic as well, but also it's current state! (Bold or Undelined and different font!) How should I do this with the richtextbox in VB.NET? Thanks again! Goede middag!
  10. Thank you very much for you reply's! But I'm still having problems! When the selectedtext in the richtextbox contains multiple fonts (or fontstyles (size, bold, undelined, italic or whatever...)) the Selectionfont property returns 'Nothing'. So I have to read until something in the font changes (that's a lot to check!) and then set the text to far, etcetera.... This works, but very slow! Especialy when you select multiple lines with different fonts or fontstyles! I'm thinking about sending windows messages to the richtextbox. Does anyone has expierence? Hoping to hear from you! Greets, Erik van der Velden.
  11. Hi there! I'm trying to write a kind of simple textwriter in VB.NET In visual basic 6, this whas quite easy! But in VB.NET i noticed that the bold property of the selectionfont is readony... I know I can set the font like this: Dim Myfont As New Font("Tahoma", FontStyle.Bold) But in this case, if the font was underlined as well, the underline is gone! :( So I have to check, all the applied font-styles, before i could set the font! :confused: I wrote some code, which processed 1 character at a time. That works, but very, very slow! Does anyone knows some code, to help me out??? Thanks! Greets, Erik van der Velden. Holland
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