I am sorry that the argument has so far been too slim!
The problem is that VB.NET is a product that is so far removed from the previous versions of VB that it is hardly fair to use the VB name at all.
It is however much closer to C or Java. I can understand why so many people believe this is a good thing. If you are a developer who has used a range of languages then VB.NET probably feels like a very comfortable language to use. However, if you have only used VB then VB.NET is a mamoth departure from traditional VB.
Many of the new concepts are very strange. Up to Vb.NET we were told by Microsoft not to bind data to forms as this was inflexible and innefficient. Now they are saying that binding data to controls is the best/only way to display it. I find this really incredible and totally unrealistic. Maybe in the sample applications or very simple projects it is feasible to bind data to controls, but in real world complex apps this is totally unacceptable.
ADO.NET is another example of where something changes totally, but by keeping the same name Microsoft pretends it is the same thing!
Ruby forms were great! they were flexible enough to do everything I ever required of them. They could act as a nice simple form object, or as a class when required. We seem to have lost a lot of usability by going to Win Forms, but gained very little.
My basic gripe is this; In an attempt to make it easyer for VB programmers to do web development, and in making VB a 'first class' language, Microsoft have removed all that made VB great in the first place. Its simplicity and usability are gone.
Customers do not care how good we are at programming, what they want to know is does the application deliver what they want on time and every time. With VB6 we could do that with .net we cannot.