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  1. I'm using these on other applications. A screenshot prog must do the same thing honestly. Many of those work with Vista Aero. I think before Aero most screenshot progs used BitBlt.
  2. I use a few API like GetPixel and BitBlt. However these do not work correctly on an Aero window. First, is there any way for me to detect if the user is using Vista in Aero Mode from my code? Second, is there any way to use those functions or functions like it to analyze pixels from Aero windows? Thanks for any help
  3. Re: Mixed mode DLL Thanks for the help guys. I have actually tried making a managed C++/CLI project and everything seems to work fine, until i try to Run it in my VB.net project. The vb.net project actually seems to recognize it just fine, intellisense sees the classes and functions, it builds fine, etc. But when I actually instantiate a class from the dll it silently fails. There is no error, and no other lines of code in the method that does the instantiation executes either (even the code before the instantiation line). This could definitely be an error on my part in the dll creation as I still have little experience with C++ dlls. I'll have to work on it more soon.
  4. Hi, I'd really like to use some C++ programming in a vb.net project of mine because as far as I know only C++ allows you to use true assembly code. I need a bit of clarification on the best way to go about this these days. IJW - It Just Works - This does not apply to me because it only works in Visual C++ right? I can not use IJW in VB.Net as far as I know. Does this mean my only real option is using P/Invoke? I have no problem with this until I see some articles where they're the "Mangled Names" of the functions in the C++ DLL. That just seems incredibly ghetto to me. Is there a smoother method? http://www.codeproject.com/KB/mcpp/usingcppdll.aspx I simply want to create my own Visual C++ 2008 DLL that can be referenced and used in a VB.Net DLL.
  5. Thanks Marble, I'll just go ahead and keep the plugin interface more restrictive. Instead of passing the whole main form as a system.windows.forms.form I'll just provide functions that will allow the user to change various UI aspects of the main form.
  6. I've got another question - this time on plugins. If you provide access to your main form through the plugin interface as a system.windows.forms.form will users be able to use reflection or something to map out all variables, methods etc? I obfuscate the main program and I realize that people can map out and look at those variables and methods anyway (by looking at the assembly with MSIL disassembler), but i was wondering if if passing the main form to a plugin as a system.windows.forms.form would simplify it for them? I really do not know enough about reflection yet to know either way. Note I am not passing them the main form as the actual real class type - like Form1. I'd just like an easy way for them to be able to change the color and properties of the main application form and passing it to the plugin is the easiest way.
  7. Thanks PD this is exactly what I needed. I'll probably make an application plugin as well.
  8. Howdy, I'd really like to provide a robust scripting interface for a VB.Net application of mine. The scripts would be compiled and executed on the fly. I'd like the user to be able to create functions, classes, etc, if they'd like. But I think that's not the norm for standard scripting interfaces. I've never used VBScript, JScript, VBScript.Net, or JScript.NET but it appears that if you use VSA to implement them into your program then the user will not be able to create functions, subroutines, classes, etc. It looks like they simply type out a bunch of code that is sort of already in a "Main" subroutine - one that they do not have to declare. Is this correct? That's some pretty limited functionality IMO. Besides that VSA sounds great with the object-importing etc. It appears that there is very little info on this stuff. I've heard VBScript.Net refered to at a few sites, but then I can not find any documentation on it. MS doesnt seem to acknowlege it. I can find much more documentation on JSCript.NET however, so I'll probably go with that if i use VSA. I have found that old-school VB provided much easier ways to implement a VBScript interface, but I'm not interested in old-school VBScript. I'd like an object oriented system so that's another reason to go with JScript.Net. I might be interested in a VBScript.NET if it existed (not sure if it does). Anyway, then there's this CodeDom I keep hearing about. But i find little to no examples of anyone using it for a scripting interface in an application. Any Ideas, Suggestions, Comments?
  9. Thanks!
  10. Anyone know how you get a detailed google listing for a website? For instance, if you type "Taco Bell" or some other popular place you'll notice their listing has little subcategories and stuff with it. But most places do not have that by default.
  11. Thanks marble. I found out you couldnt use AddHandler, RemoveHandler so the way I did it was : Test.OnMouseActivity = New MouseEventHandler(AddressOf Me.MouseMoved) But even though there are no detected errors I'm not at all sure if this is the way to go about it. I'm translating a C# class into VB.net that sets up a low level windows hook for the keyboard and mouse. It works great in C#, but still cant get it going in VB.net. My guess is that the problem is in using an API or two (like SetWindowsHookEx) .. even though the declarations are identical to the original C# classes declaration. I am wondering if there is a good way to use both C# and VB.net code in a project besides creating a .dll in C# and importing it into VB.net? These classes are big or I'd paste them. If someone has the desire to see what I might be doing wrong send me a PM and I"ll email them to you or PM them to you.
  12. Thanks! :D
  13. Thanks for the quick reply ,but that doesn't seem to work. Here's a quick way to test it with this cut/paste class Public Class test Public Event OnMouseActivity As MouseEventHandler Public Sub MySub() If Not OnMouseActivity Is Nothing Then End If End Sub End Class Its the same error as before. I hope I'm not missing something. The C# class simply uses OnMouseActivity != null and that works fine
  14. I'm trying to convert a C# class into VB.net and have come up with a problem. The C# code is: public event MouseEventHandler OnMouseActivity; public void MySub() { if (OnMouseActivity != null) { } } And I would have guessed the VB.net equivalent is: Public Event OnMouseActivity As MouseEventHandler Public Sub MySub() If OnMouseActivity isnot Nothing Then End If End Sub But that does not work. The error message is "... is an event and can not be called directly." It's obviously some difference in the syntax in the way events are handled. I know that in C# you can call an event much like a function, but in VB.net you must use RaiseEvent. But upon further research I can not find a way to check for an event's instantiation in a conditional statement. Thanks for any help
  15. Re: Patents are effective Nope, I use .Net because I like it. I like it enough to compensate for bad MS decisions with obfuscation software (if i have to). It's a simple argument here.. why make it easier for people to disassemble your code than it already is? Why make piracy, code stealing, etc easier? And why make us worry harder about whether or not we CAN actually enforce a patent or copyright in another country? Not that a small business would even try to do that. If MS sold an obfuscater It'd all make sense to me..
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