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About JJKazJr

  • Birthday 09/23/1986

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  1. Yes, I know that I can add rows to a datatable as you have shown, I just don't know how to easily relate the all the data between the tables. Lets say I read an xml schema into a dataset, the structure it creates would be similar to: datatable[1] datatable[2] datatable[3] datatable.... when look at from the xml. Table 1's columns all corespond to the first elements and attributs, while the second would be the indented, sub categores, the third(subcatagores of the second) and so on. If I were to put data into datatable[3], is there an easy way to relate that back up to data already resideing in datatable[1] or would i have to work my way up, down the structure searching for the values of the relations and using them? That is what I was trying to get at. Thank you for the reply, I like all the input I can get, I just can't seem to get a lot at this forum.
  2. Ok, I am fairly new to .net and do not know how to utilize all of the new features. I am at a point where I have to build a xml file based upon a schema. In the past I would just create nested loops to build the xml. With .Net there are new tools wich I will probably use although I am not sure what is best or if my expectations of them are reasonable so any guidence would be useful. xml writer...seems like the same way as I am used to but with different tags to help see what is going on. xml datadocument..not too sure how this works dataset...load in the schema creates multiple tables but I am unsure how to insert the related data. These are the things that I have been looking at. Suggestions about what path I should look into or a differnt way I should learn would be useful. I'm sure there are plenty of ways to do this I was just wondering what way was the best(fastest,easiest, most versitle). Thank you.
  3. Darn, I was hoping for a way without having to use COM references. But it looks like I will have to. Thanks for the reply.
  4. I have tried for quite a while on doing this, so I am hoping someone can give me an easy answer or tell me to stop trying because its not possible. I have a large xml file which has many nested objects (not great with xml termananology so don't want to confuse helpers by possibly using the wrong term). Now I only want to use a small amount of the information stored in the file. I am trying to get to the useful data. I have the idea of loading it into a table in order to eventully query against a lot of other data that I have. I have tried(and failed) many times to load the needed data into a dataset. I have successfully loaded the entire file into a dataset but I run into a few problems. The dataset ends up having 20 tables when it loads the xml which is a pain to work with since in order to get all the needed info I would need to work my way up multiple parent (or down children) relations to get the information that I need. I would really like to predefine one table, and have the file fill the columns that I dedicate while leaving the rest of the data out. All sites that I have looked at tell very little of the actual process. They say to load a schema for the dataset then load the dataset with the xml. I have tried setting up the table and relations but when I tell it to fill the table, no data fills in. How do I go about this. ANY ideas, suggestions, or links would be useful. I am starting to get fed up and resort to looping through the entire xml to get the information. Thanks in advance
  5. I have a program that will use a lot of data from a plethora of sorces. I have come to the conclusion for ease and for the sake of memory I should move the data to a temperary database. The only database that I have write acess to is Access. I was wondering if anybody know how to create an Access database from .net(2005) code, i figure i can do the table editing in sql, but i need a database to start with. Any help would be apreciated. In addition, would the code run for users without Access? Thanks in advance.
  6. OK I have a bunch of data that I have collected from a number of sorces(sybase, Oracle, xml files). I have gathered them into a single dataset with table names. All tables that I have gathered contains information for a device by date and by hour. Now I am looking to get the information out of the dataset in a simple way. If the data was in a database with tables I would just use inner join statements in order to get the information that I wanted but from what I've found the .getchildrows and .getparentrows are the only real ways to join dataset tables, and I believe that you can only relate two tables at a time(parent/child) using those commands. Is there a way to query all tables at once. If not, are there any suggestions on how I go about this.......I was hoping for an easy way but if looping through the tables is the only way I will do that.
  7. Well, assuming that the process of teleportation does not travel faster than the speed of light, then the two people would not be the same. The whole interem period has part of the body in one spot, and the rest in some other place. Durring this period your body is in a disconnected state. Signals from one side would not be able to reach the other. One could argue that the signals originating on the original side would be transmitted to the assembling side, but the response signals (thinking a lot about the nervous system, and brain thought) would reach the current bounds of the body/may not even be able to travel since there isn't a complete circuit. This would leave the new compiled body in a different state than before the transportation (plus I don't know how screwed up the body would be sending delayed signals and not being able to recieve any). So in short unless if the whole process of gathering, sending, and assembling is faster than it takes for an impulse to travel from cell to cell the compiled body would be screwed up to a point even if it is unbelievably small. And unless if the compiling of the body occurs at the same time (not head to feet or vise versa) the signals within the body would be off.
  8. Oh, I may have misunderstood what you had meant, or stated what I was doing improperly. I am not using the VisualBasic.compatability namespace, I think i made an array of controls. I thought that you were talking about that idea of controling objects like that. I'm sorry. Thank you again for your insite.
  9. Yes, thank you that was exactly what I was looking for. What you said matched what I had found from screwing with it. The direct/indirect thing is what really cleared it up. I am currious however about your comment: I have written in vb6 in the past and know the benifit of control arrays, but have been using vba recently. I am now beginning to use vb.net and was looking forward to using control arrays again, however if it is a bad practice I would much rather learn the better way. If you could explain why I shouldn't use them and/or suggest a different means I would appreciate it.
  10. I have a group of pictureboxes on that I am trying to control using a control array and all seemed beautiful till this situation. The pitureboxes that I am trying to control are on form2 which is called from form1. The first time the form is loaded, all things work properly, but all time after the first any code that uses the control array doesn't affect the form at all. Is this due to it being a different instance of form2, and the control array is still pointing to the items on the first instance? To get this to work will I need to set the control array each time I load form2? I would just like a little explination of what exactly is going on so I don't screw something else up.
  11. Thank you, that worked.
  12. Okay, that may explain part of the problem, but it isn't called on the first time and then not again. The code (ChartChangeForm_Load) runs every odd time that the .show command is ran through. In addition, the ChartChangeForm doesn't show. On the even times that I call the .show command, the form will show, but not run the code. I could see the Load function not being called because of your reasoning, but it doesn't even load up the form half the time. Here's my code. Private Sub TLeftChart_DblClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TLeftChart.DblClick ActiveControl.Tag = 1 ChartChangeForm.Show() End Sub Private Sub ChartChangeForm_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load Dim x As Int16 For x = 0 To 3 If chartset(x).Tag = 1 Then MsgBox("Yeah") chartset(x).Tag = Nothing Exit For End If Next Me.Datebox.Value = ddt End Sub Each sub is in their related forms, I just grouped them here to show both.
  13. Ok, here's the problem. I have a form(a) which I am calling from another form(b). when form(a) is loaded i have a set of code that is set to run. Now form (a) is launced by double clicking on a chart in form (b) using forma.show. The problem is this: form(a) only loads half the time. Half the time I attempt to load form(a) the code set to run on load is activated and runs but does not show the form, the other half it shows the form but does not run the code. I am really confused. Any ideas? Thanks
  14. This seems really easy, but I can't seem to get it to work. Lets say I have a dataset that I am filling with all the information that I will use later named rs. Now I want to add data to rs from an xml file. So far I tried to just read the file into rs, but since rs already has data in it, it cannot fill with a multitable xml. So now I am reading the xml into a temperary dataset, rs2, and trying to just copy the tables that I want, but I can't seem to get it to work. Is there 1) a better way to do what I want or 2) a way to copy tables into another or 3) will I have to read each row from the table into the other? Thanks.
  15. Thank you. That link looks like it should do exactly what I wanted. Haven't tried it yet, but it looks like what I was looking for.
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