MFC-OWC interaction.
Thanks Mike for the prompt reply.
I did find your reply useful. Switched to VB environment and found that it is easy to use in VB.NET. We however may have license and compatibility issues with Office and its web components to be installed at client 's machines for this program. So, we are planning to go with Farpoint's spread which only needs a design time license and nothing else - with a huge documentation on its usage in C++ environment.
I found the VB code worked for me but using same to similar code in MFC did not work for me. I was able to send data to the control but changing color was not intuitive from C++. Overall, I thought Active-X controls are supposed to be plug-n-play unfortunately they are in some languages of MS and not others with zero documentation on its usage except in VB, I am not impressed.
Thanks for your help. Mike.