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  1. Yes both of us are version 2.0.50727
  2. Hi, A couple of weeks ago I've uploaded my site and it was working fine,then last week I found out that the site doesnt open and it shows the same parser error as mentioned above. I've recompiled the whole project and uploaded it again and it still doesn't work. How can I fix this problem? Thanks
  3. Thank you for the help I've found the solution in another thread. All I had to do is write: Report.Database.Tables(0).SetDatasource(ds.Tables(0)) Report.Database.Tables(1).SetDatasource(ds.Tables(1)) Thanks again
  4. Please help guys the project is halted and I'm supposed to submit it very soon. Thanks
  5. Thanks for the reply, It does get me the correct data when I read the data returned into the dataset I get the correct data. The problem is in Crystal Report
  6. Hi I'm trying to select from 3 tables Orders,Receipts and Customers. I get the records that I want throght SQL but when I attempt to view the data in Crystal Report I get na empty report. Here is the code: Dim con As New OleDb.OleDbConnection(My.Settings.KazaConstructionConnectionString) Dim ds As New DataSet Dim com As New OleDb.OleDbCommand("Select Receipts.ReceiptNumber,Customers.CustomerID,Customers.Name,Orders.OrderID,Orders.Normal,Orders.Resistant,Orders.Total,Orders.PaymentType,Orders.EmployeeName from Orders,Customers,Receipts where Customers.CustomerID=Orders.CustomerID and Customers.CustomerID=Receipts.CustomerID and Orders.OrderDate=#" & nowdate & "#", con) Dim da As New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter(com.CommandText, con) Try con.Open() da.Fill(ds) con.Close() Catch ex As Exception End Try If ds.Tables(0).Rows.Count = 0 Then MessageBox.Show("There are no Orders made today", "No Orders", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information) Exit Sub End If Dim rcpt As New DailyReport Dim rpt As New Reports rcpt.SetDataSource(ds.Tables(0)) rpt.CRV.ReportSource = rcpt rpt.ShowDialog()
  7. alreadyused, the usercontrols are created when the user clicks on a date on the calender on the Main form. I want to add these usercontrols onto the eventspage which will be displayed on the IFrame. Eduardo Lorenzo I know how to set the properties of the IFrame what I want is to add the usercontrols created on the main form onto the page that the IFrame will display
  8. Hello, Im working on a site that requires me to divide the page(Main events page) into 3 parts. One part being a calender, a part to login and a part to show the events on the date selected. The login and calender are done. The user wants the events part to be displayed in a frame, just like this box im typing in with a scoller. I've put an IFrame object but what I cant do is add the events objects(usercontrols) to the page that the IFrame will display(events page) a different page from the Main events page. I want to be able to add the usercontrols into the events page dynamically so that the IFrame will show the events page. How can this be done?? Thanks alot.
  9. I'm working on a website that allows the user to purchase tickets online. What am i supposed to user in order to achieve this? Thanks
  10. I reinstalled the VS and I still can't. When I try uninstall the whole VS i got an error saying that the installer couldnt detemine the order of the unistall then it closes. I guess I have to format my PC
  11. I tried adding the report files in another machine then ran the solution in my machine when I open any report it gives me an internal exeception and stops the application. What should I do? I need to submit this project by the end of this month help please
  12. Im using VS2005 and when i add a Crystal Report it crashes. the last thing i see before it crashes is that it tries adding the references as CrystalDecisions.Enterprise and another file i cant catch then it crashes. A few months ago it was working fine and did not add these two files. What is wrong?
  13. Hi, Im working on this project in VS2005 and im mainly programming in VB but i've used 3 C# projects in the solution. Each one of these projects has a dll file. How do i deploy this solution? do i include the primary output for each project or do I just add the dll files?? Thanks
  14. No errors are given. It even returns 1 as the number of rows affected. but physically no changes.
  15. Sample Code These are the attempts i made to update the table. I have a stored procedure called AddNewUser that accepts the user id and the password. I have tried creating single rows then adding them to the dataset but it also doesnt work. I wrote the SQL command and it also doenst work. What should i do?? Try Me.InsCom.CommandText = "Insert into Users values('" & Me.txtUsername.Text & "','" & Me.txtPassword.Text & "','User')" Me.InsCom.Connection = Me.Con Me.DAUser.InsertCommand = InsCom Con.Open() 'Me.InsCom.CommandText = "AddNewUser" 'Me.InsCom.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure 'Me.InsCom.Parameters.Add("@userid", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50).Value = Me.txtUsername.Text 'Me.InsCom.Parameters.Add("@password", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50).Value = Me.txtPassword.Text 'Me.InsCom.Parameters.Add(New SqlClient.SqlParameter("@userid", SqlDbType.NVarChar)) 'Me.InsCom.Parameters.Add(New SqlClient.SqlParameter("@password", SqlDbType.NVarChar)) 'Me.InsCom.Parameters("@userid").Value = Me.txtUsername.Text 'Me.InsCom.Parameters("@password").Value = Me.txtPassword.Text 'Me.DAUser.InsertCommand.Parameters.Item("@username").Value = Me.txtUsername.Text 'Me.DAUser.InsertCommand.Parameters.Item("@password").Value = Me.txtPassword.Text rows = Me.DAUser.InsertCommand.ExecuteNonQuery 'Dim dr2 As DataRow = Me.QrsDataSet1.ViewAllUsers.NewRow 'dr2.Item(0) = Me.txtUsername.Text 'dr2.Item(1) = Me.txtPassword.Text 'Me.QrsDataSet1.ViewAllUsers.Rows.Add(dr2) 'MessageBox.Show(Me.QrsDataSet1.ViewAllUsers.Rows.Count) 'rows = Me.DAUser.Update(Me.QrsDataSet1.ViewAllUsers) 'Me.DAUser.Fill(Me.QrsDataSet1.ViewAllUsers) Me.InsCom.Dispose() Con.Close() If rows = 1 Then MessageBox.Show("Added") Else MessageBox.Show("Not Added 1") End If
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