hi everyone
my issue is this:
The web application I am developing now is scheduled to be deployed following the n-tier architecture where the webpages shall reside in a webserver, the business and DAL shall be in an application server and of course the data in a database server.
I have adjusted my architecture to the best of my abilities to "fit" the n-tier architecture by:
1) Creating each layer as a separate project. I created a Solution with all of these projects inside.
2) One of the projects(Datalayer) is the datalayer/business layer, the other project is the webservice(OBPWebService) and the third project is the web layer (Interphase)
3) Interphase goes to the datalayer through the webservice (web referenced)
I believe this is as far as I can go.
Now the project is at about 85% of completion, my boss gave me three more desktops and asked me to simulate the n-tier architecture by installing the projects on each machine. and use my machine as the "client".
My first Idea, which I am going to attempt right after posting this, is to build deployment packages (one for each project) and installing them on each of the three "servers"
I really am in the dark as to how to do this and most resources I have found point to single-server deployment.
All help shall be extremely apprecieated.
Thank you in advance.