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Xtreme .Net Talk

Eduardo Lorenzo

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Everything posted by Eduardo Lorenzo

  1. Does the app access anything other than dlls that could be exclusive to your machine?
  2. 1. Did you install the exe file? Try copying everything in the bin folder.
  3. Please forgive me for answering your question with more questions. 1. How did you transfer the exe file from your machine? 2. Does your application have a reference to a DLL or component available only in your machine? 3. Does the second machine have the .Net framework installed properly?
  4. I did something like this once using javascript. insert this in your markup code <script language="javascript"> function resetStatus() { var abssize = document.body.offsetWidth-30; if((event.clientY < 0 && event.clientX >= abssize) || (event.clientY < 0 && event.clientX >= 0)) { alert("The page will now close."); window.open("forceLogout.aspx", "_blank"); } } </script> and then also in the markup(html), change <body> to <body onbeforeunload="resetStatus()"> but for this you would need to add a page called forcelogout.aspx which, on load, logs out the current user.
  5. YEY! Congratulations on the upgrade..
  6. try to TRIM the string before sending it to BuildSpacing or inside buildspacing. Private Function BuildSpacing(ByVal strData As String, ByVal intTLength As Integer) As String Dim modata As String Dim i As Integer modata = strData.Trim <--- here For i = strData.Length + 1 To intTLength modata = modata & " " Next Return modata End Function
  7. Hi Jitesh and thank you very much. I have tried this option but that I want to do is to execute some ServerSide code (ASP.Net) depending on the choice. I have also tried to reference an object on the page - a hidden textbox, and it works "fine" I really want to find a way for me to catch the choice using server side code.
  8. right now I use this as a messagebox/warning. But what I want is to be able to display a Yes/No type alert and capture the choice for server-side processing. I know that this is possible.. I just don't know how. can anyone please help me.
  9. I must put this lightly to preserve my light mood... Set In Stone - is putting it mildly. They guard their servers and RULES like a mama bear. :( does this mean I will have to re-model/ re-code my webservice? Am really confused as to how to deploy (or at least where to deploy) the webservice when the webservice project itself has its own dll? ps. I will sincerely appreciate if you can visit this thread. And also to give you a more precise idea on what I am facing right now. Thank you very very much.
  10. just to give update.. still a problem here with me.. :( am not having this problem with other site.. xtremevbtalk
  11. got it.. darn.. I need some coffee.. thank you very much..
  12. I am making a verification app comparing two text files with each other. Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click opd.ShowDialog() TextBox2.Text = opd.FileName Dim ecreader As New IO.StreamReader(TextBox2.Text) f2 = ecreader.ReadLine.ToString End Sub gets the file Public Property f2() As String Get file2 = f2 End Get Set(ByVal Value As String) '<--------- error here f2 = Value End Set End Property error is Stack Overflow :confused: did I miss something?
  13. well the webservice has a reference (Add Reference) to the DAL/BLL and is instantiated in a basic way. <WebMethod()> Public Function fetchData(ByRef targetDS as Dataset) as Boolean Dim myDL as new DataLayer.clsDataLayer If myDL.fetchdata(targetDS) then errMsg = "" Return True Else errMsg = myDL.errmsg Return False End If End Function its basically like this. Is this wrong? I mean, this is my first n-tier deployment and I really want to get this right the first time.
  14. IE 6.. no cookies because a web app I am making now deletes all cookies.. the link works maybe three/four times in 30 attempts :(
  15. Clicking that link always gives me this Sorry - no matches. Please try some different terms.
  16. very basic but I think it will work.. although this can of course guarantee that the streamwriter will close.. what really bugs me is what kept it open in the first place? :confused: thank you very much for the reply.. I have added it to my code.
  17. guess what.. I got clearance from the admin to delete ALL cookies in all terminals.. :D (someone jsut handed me a mallet!) it seems developers here have had problems with cookies and trapping the X button click for quite some time.. thank you very much MrPaul and im happy you liked my forcelogout code.
  18. is this really impossible? well I have another question related to this: The printer keeps printing the filename and the pagenumber of the webform that I have ptinted through the window.print() function. How can I turn this off?
  19. Hi everybody. Am using asp.net and am developing a site that handles data. Part of the functionality is to create a text file on the server (triggered and populated with values from the client) as part of daily report/s and validation. (the text file will be used to compare with the crystal reports values and and values from the table to see if all transactions were recorded properly) right now I have this: Dim Writer1 As New IO.StreamWriter("C:\serverpathgoeshere\machinegeneratedfilename.txt") For ctr As Int16 = 0 To myds.Tables(0).Rows.Count - 1 addContents(myds.Tables(0).Rows(ctr)("accountno"), 20) 'more lines go here Writer1.Write(payfilecontents & Environment.NewLine) payfilecontents = "" Next Writer1.Close() addcontents is a function that builds a line of text and saves it as payfilecontents <- a string variable my problem is this: THe file is generated and populated. But when I try to delete the file using windows explorer (because I am still testing) windows gives me an error that an application is still attached/using the file even when my application has already redirected back to a previous page. help.
  20. Thank you very much MrPaul.. But what if I want to delete the cookies when a certain event is triggered? I have this: function resetStatus() { var abssize = document.body.offsetWidth-30; if((event.clientY < 0 && event.clientX >= abssize) || (event.clientY < 0 && event.clientX >= 0)) { alert("The page will now close."); window.open("../forceLogout.asp", "_blank"); } } and forcelogout.asp does a bit of "garbage collection" which SHOULD include the deletion of cookies because I have to force a logout because the user closed the browser "ilelgally" by not clicking my "logout" link.
  21. best project? hmmm... the next one.. :p
  22. well to put it as simple as possible.. when the aspx page needs data.. it calls a function in the webservice which in turn calls another function in the datalayer. the datalayer then connects to the tables and returns the data in a dataset. The datalayer passes the dataset to the webservice and the webservice passes the dataset to the aspx page. that's how it goes.. does this "architecture" pose any problems? If so, I really would like to know because the network guys still hasn't been able to connect the desktops (something about the admin not allowing a sub-network inside the office) and I still have time to once again re-architecture the application for the second time around once more again... :D
  23. this will delete only MY cookies on the CLient Side? I mean, I want my website to be able to display something like "All cookies cleared." message which of course would mean all the cookies that I save on the client's computer has been deleted.
  24. Dim f As IO.FileInfo Dim dir As New IO.DirectoryInfo("C:\Documents and Settings\user1\Cookies\") For Each f In dir.GetFiles If f.Extension = ".txt" Then IO.File.Delete(f.FullName) End If Next will this happen on the Client side? or on the Server? I mean.. will this delete the cookies on the client machine?
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