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Xtreme .Net Talk

Eduardo Lorenzo

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Everything posted by Eduardo Lorenzo

  1. this seems to be an issue with SQL Server's table definitions. Have you made sure that the DBase and tables in dev and prod were properly replicated?
  2. The readonly has been there since 1.1 Like the bulletted list in 2.0, it is one of those things that you find at about 4:45pm.. when ou are just about to leave the office.. :D Glad you found an acceptable workaround. We'll still try to find something for those viewstate hogging dropdown of yours.
  3. Doesn't the ReadOnly property for textboxes still allow them to be readable and copy paste is still ok? Just a thought... Anyways, if I understand your post correctly, you are looking for a way to display your data two ways (read-only and editmode) and you have solved this by duplicating the editmode controls with labels correct? (or is it the other way around?) One thing that comes to mind is approaching this through your CSS, like when you come-up with a "printer friendly" version of a page, you basically give a readonly version.
  4. and anyways, I believe tables (when created) in SQL Server has a fixed file size regardless of the number of rows. With this I mean, when a table is created and you assign it 10mb, it is 10mb whether it has a minimum or maximum number of rows. Maximum being 10mb. in addition to being careful with Select *, also do be careful with using nulls. as a general rule, we should avoid having nullable columns.
  5. For the SEO (Search Engine Optimization) I suggest a different approach. use a bulletted list for your headlines and a nested list for the titles. Then use a CSS to format the output. Search Engine spiders find it easier to "crawl" through <li> items. About the click sound, I have no sound card. :D
  6. as amir mentioned, if the tables are normalized, you should not worry. Most performance hits with data-driven applications, other that poor DB architecture come from poor/unoptimized stored procedures or SQL Statements, bandwith.. etc.
  7. I believe you should approach this by going back to how the dropdownlist is populated. You can add a limit to this by populating the list through looping through the dataset instead of binding it as the datasource. Another workaround which should require no development (since you mentioned this is a company-wide application) is to REQUIRE a certain resolution setting and browser/version.
  8. My.Computer.FileSystem.Drives will give you a collection of the machine's drives
  9. this Dim pr As Process = New Process() pr.StartInfo.FileName = "IEXPLORE" pr.StartInfo.Arguments = "file://c:/mypage.html" pr.Start() would be the VB version. you can also try to use the shell command. I hope this helps.
  10. Hi there, I am in the process of displaying a set of data(comes from a List) and each line, will need an Edit and Delete button so I am creating imagebuttons for these. how do I reference/attach code for the imagebuttons? Should I use a repeater control? am using C#
  11. Re: Code in InitializeComponent Thanks marble_eater for the advice. I do have plans of understanding C# as deep as possible but am afraid I was thrown into the C# cauldron quite unceremoniously. I was added to this project without formal core concept training in C#.
  12. thank you sooooooo much! I placed it in the Page_init and it works like a charm!
  13. Thanks so much. you wouldn't happen to know how to convert this: Public Sub Test(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles SomeObject.SomeEvent, SecondObject.SomeEvent, ThirdObject.SomeEvent End Sub
  14. I am a newbie to C# and I am sure this is a very basic question for you guys. In vb, we had a "handles" for the code block right? What is the version for this in C#? Thing is, in VB I had the habit of adding another control's event to a common control. And I can't seem to be able to do it in C#. Thanks in advance for helping out a newbie!
  15. Hi guys, am having some small problems with an Ajax accordion control. Here is the code I use to populate the items for (paneCounter = 0; paneCounter < navMgr.MainNodeList[headerCounter].ChildList.Count - 1; paneCounter++) { PanelItem = navMgr.MainNodeList[headerCounter].ChildList[paneCounter].Text; HyperLink lContent = new HyperLink(); lContent.NavigateUrl = "~/Families/default.aspx?family=" + PanelItem; lContent.Text = PanelItem; myPane.ContentContainer.Controls.AddAt(paneCounter, lContent); } but the items when displayed are not on top of each other but beside each other. Any inputs?
  16. one more thing.. be careful handling the Boolean type field of Oracle. It does not return True or False. It returns 'Y' or 'Null'
  17. This is a not so simple task. There are some things that you need first. 1. An oracle listener file.(for Oracle 8) this is most of the time provided/included in an Oracle procedure editing software like toad. So if you have Toad installed, then you can connect. For newer Oracle verions (Oracle 10g) you can use ODP.Net which is the dataprovider for Oracle. 2. Of course you will need to have Include System.Data.OracleClient namespace. For the stored procedures: it is almost the same as SQLServer but most cases you will need ot explicitly declare an output parameter. Something of the likes of: For the Oracle Stored Procedure itself, it needs to declare an output parameter as Type Cursor. I hope this helps.
  18. For this.. the bottomline will be to start from scratch. But if you want it to "temporarily" function at the same time, asp, aspx1.1 and aspx2.0 pages, it will greatly depend on how they treat their cookies, querystrings, classes..
  19. Does it really need to be outlook2007? 1. You can search the machine for the outlook folder. It is usualy in "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\OFFICE11\OUTLOOK.EXE" 2. You can search the registry for an entry for outlook. For your message; "This application needs Microsoft outlook 2007 properly installed to run." <-- is this OK? As to the HOW to show the message.. you can of course use the messagebox AFTER you detect if outlook is present or not.
  20. I love to program and I get paid to do it. :D
  21. you will need a NON-.net application to see if .Net is installed.
  22. Not that I am trying to tell your manager how to di his job but.. Although speed may be one of the key factors that your manager needs to test before choosing a language, there are also other factors that I think you should remind him of. Like cost, development time, support, manageability, scaleability and of course maintenance. And you did mention that you will be using SQLServer, the previous posts are correct in saying use ASP.Net because it is built to run with SQLServer. My 2 cents:
  23. He Everybody. This is the first time I am going to use VS.Net (2003) to create a simple app with data, using MSAccess as the back-end and used drag-and-drop with the data objects. I created the project. Dropped-in a TABLE I found in the Server Explorer, follow the wizard. Fill a datatable with the OleDBDataAdapter object. Add a DataGrid, set the DataSource property to the Datatable(using code). Now I add the "Save Button", how would I go about saving the changes typed into the DataGrid? All inputs will be greatly appreciated.
  24. Re: PATH environment variable what about regasm? My take on this is could be: 1. regedt32 could have been misspelled 2. the exe file is not in the same folder where the command was issued or Regedit32 is not included in Path. Regsvr32 should work, I can't see the reason why you got that message other than the exe file was not in the same folder. For heads up: 1. Do not include the DLL in you .net project's folder. You will have permission issues. 2. After successful registration of the DLL, add a reference to it in the COM objects/Interop. This should cover most of the bases. I hope... :)
  25. well that would depend on how the DLL is used in your application. just for good measure, I suggest you create a distribution package or a setup package and install that to the second machine. P.D. might be on the dot with the OS and SPs issue. if all else fails. :D
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