i found a good tutorial on that website
i tried converting it to VB using the same functions but, the converter wont work properly it gives a ton of errors
but anyone who's interested in doing some DIrectX with C# check out the URL above, its got a NICE tutorial, i understand the concept of DirectX now, but i cant understand some of the syntax on the site,
that tutorial basically gives how to initialize directDraw, but i cant do the same in VB, i know a LOT of VB, and im making a Mario- type game, but the graphics flicker and so i want to get directX to make it run smooth. bitBlt is too slow. I may be stubborn but i want to learn directX 9 for VB.NET, notice how i have numerous posts about directX, and initiallizing
my point is: in the URL specified, can someone convert that to VB and post it, with additional comments please(i hope in not asking too much)?