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Everything posted by ThePentiumGuy

  1. language? what language are you using? either way, if you have to specify a device , a device is something directdraw depends on if you're not sure, go to http://www.kuhnstall.de/tutorials/dx9sharp1.html and go to: directDraw theory, it explains everything clearly
  2. uh uh...what is Visio?
  3. directX http://www.kuhnstall.de/tutorials/dx9sharp1.html i found a good tutorial on that website i tried converting it to VB using the same functions but, the converter wont work properly it gives a ton of errors but anyone who's interested in doing some DIrectX with C# check out the URL above, its got a NICE tutorial, i understand the concept of DirectX now, but i cant understand some of the syntax on the site, that tutorial basically gives how to initialize directDraw, but i cant do the same in VB, i know a LOT of VB, and im making a Mario- type game, but the graphics flicker and so i want to get directX to make it run smooth. bitBlt is too slow. I may be stubborn but i want to learn directX 9 for VB.NET, notice how i have numerous posts about directX, and initiallizing my point is: in the URL specified, can someone convert that to VB and post it, with additional comments please(i hope in not asking too much)?
  4. i saw a nice tutorial on DirectDraw in C#. it explained everything to me thoroughly, but the way you initialize directDraw in VB.NET is different from the way u initialize it in C# for instance instead of this.GraphicsClipper you would say Me.GraphicsClipper http://www.kuhnstall.de/tutorials/dx9sharp1.html i just need help trying to do the same in VB.NET
  5. i have 12 graphics for characters character left 1 , characterleft2, character left 3 and so on when i say (when the user preses left) character.image = characterleft1.image character.image = characterleft2.image character.image = characterleft3.image it goes very choppily and you cant even see characterleft2 and 3
  6. does anyone know any good links for game programming for begginners for VB.NET? i have made games like tic tac toe and pong and whack a mole and i want to start making mario-type games or RPG games i have tried DirectX.. and i am confused :confused: , so can some1 help me out on game programming
  7. i read somewhere that the Visual Studio 2003 upgrade was free! is this true go here: http://apress.com/book/errataDisplay.html?bID=111&sID=1039 if it is free, can u tell me where u can upgrade? i have visual studio.net 2002
  8. thanx that1 helped, but can i stil take the directX8 tutorial and will it still work in VB.net i have directX9 some of the tutorials are meant for VB6, not VB.NEt and when i convert it, it messes up by the way, i heard Microsoft's directX book is comiing out in July, can some1 send a URL showing a description thanx
  9. sorry sorry but im specifically looking for VB.NET with DIRECTX for begginers oh by the way, whats MANAGED directX im sorry but, im just a begginer in direcTX
  10. i need a tutorial for VB.NET with DirectX needed i installed everything and i tried some of the directX wizards but i didnt understand it... i just need some1 to write a tutorial 4 me so that i can understand the basic fundamentals of DirectX-start with directDraw please if ANYBODY can make a tutorial, please do so, OR send me a site with begginners VB.NET with directX
  11. does anyone know any good BEGINNERS directX9 books/websites for tuturials for VB.NET if you cant find directX books/tutorials, can some1 send me a book /website thats good for game programming in VB.NET i've been searching for a while, i cant find a good site for game programming tutorials
  12. hey DirectX 9.0a is out! hey DirectX 9.0a is out! get it from http://www.microsoft.com it fixed all my problems
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