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Xtreme .Net Talk


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Everything posted by ThePentiumGuy

  1. oh.. :( there aren't many game programming forums out there for VB developers, only C++ game programming :( gamedev.net is good but its not for .NET :D hopefully one day ill start one :)
  2. actualy, you can't do that :( 'Declarations Dim BlockImage As String Dim BlockImage2 As String Dim BlockImage3 As String Dim BlockImage4 As String Dim BlockImage5 As String i declaraed '5 block images' in declarations 'Form1.Paint If Not bPT.X = 0 Then If bPT.X = 118 Then Dim BlockImg As New Bitmap(BlockImage) BlockImg.MakeTransparent(Color.Lime) e.Graphics.DrawImage(New Bitmap(BlockImg), bPT) End If If bPT.X = 148 Then Dim BlockImg2 As New Bitmap(BlockImage2) BlockImg2.MakeTransparent(Color.Lime) e.Graphics.DrawImage(New Bitmap(BlockImg2), bPT) End If End If i only did this for 2 blocks, they dont work.. by the way under Form1.Load, i Changed this: 'Form1.Load BlockImage = "DestroyedBlock1.bmp" BlockImage2 = "DestroyedBlock2.bmp" BlockImage3 = "DestroyedBlock3.bmp" BlockImage4 = "DestroyedBlock4.bmp" BlockImage5 = "DestroyedBlock5.bmp" Even tho i did it for 2 blocks, it still wont work :( it will only display 1 btw. when i said if bPT.X = 118 or 148, look in the collision dection thing u posted above... its just saying that "if you hit block 1" or "If you hit block2"
  3. oh. i thought the prob was only for the new version of DirectX ;) can u tell me the name of the directory of the wizard files and vs.net
  4. thank you thank you thank you :D how do u get more than 1 block to appear? if oyu have to do more than 1 e.graphics.draw image statement, i got it but if you dont have to, can u tell me?
  5. oh alright notice how the blocks are the same height? ok bPT is the coordinates for the destroyed block thats bPT.Y, its always gonna be the same height so, when what happens is, when mario goes to a certain point: If pt.X >= 100 And pt.X <= 131 then the bPT value will be set. Once the bPT value is set, a 'destroyed block' image replaces(or goes on top of) the original block image.. Basically the bPT value is the coordinates for the destroyed block image. The Destroyed block image has a red question mark. Ok as for the BlockValue = 1, there's a bunch of DestroyedBLock images(actually Five, one for each block, the destroyed block images: DestroyedBlock1.bmp, destroyedblock2.bmp) so what im trying to do is: If mario gets between a certain point: If pt.X >= 100 And pt.X <= 131 'In this case he would be underneath block 1 set the block value to 1 invalidate the form when it goes to form1.paint: it will say e.drawgraphics(new bitmap(blockimg), bPT) 'by the way: blockimg = "DestroyedBlock" & BlockValue ".bmp" when the form loads it sets the bPT.Y to like 253 or something because the blocks are all the same height what i was trying to do was display 5 different blocks by using the blockValue and saying, on the first block display 'DestroyedBlock1' on the second block display 'destroyedBlock2. But what happens is, the first block goes away and the second one appears :( i cant get it to work bottm line: the code you posted above is the collision detection stuff ;)
  6. just reinstalll 9.0 and reinstall 9.0a thats what i did
  7. i think we should make a new forum called Game Programming in .NET <see my other thread, "game programmign forum"
  8. nope actually directX 9.0 has wizards and samples but when you fully uninstall that, and get rid of the samples and wizards, and THEN you install directX 9.0a there's no samples/wizards the reason you have to get rid of the sample/wizards from directX 9.0, to prove that there's no samples/wizards in 9.0a is because if you have both, 9.0a will still recognize the old wizards/samples the bottom line is: its not vs.net 2003, its the new version of the SDK
  9. btw, does anyone else wanna help, not in a bad way, mutant, but i mean he's been contributing for this thread a lot ;)
  10. in the first line of code whats the @ symbol next to NewBitmap? How do you write the same in vb.net?
  11. o didn't notice ;)
  12. oh didn't know that :(
  13. speaking of commercial distribution how do u make a 'demo' version of a game? i have to disable features such as 'unless you purchased this program, you can't go past level 7, or soemthing' I can do an InputBox that pops up at the beginning of the program, and ask the user to type the serial number, but then it will get too complicated and everything,
  14. oh sry i meant the Red and Yello Envelopes in the main page and the Blue/Red icons in the sub-pages(graphics, directX, etc.) I dunno what to call those pages except for sub-pages
  15. some of the icons in the main site(when ur logged on) like the ones next to graphics, Windows forms, and things like that.. some of them are red and some are yellow, does anyone know y? and, when you go to a certain sub-forum like graphics or something, and u view the thread, the icons for the envelope vary, some of them are blue envelopes, some of them are blue envelopes with a black dot, and some of them are red envelopes what do these icons mean
  16. oh.. i didn't know that now i know y it doesnt work well for me
  17. what about the syntax higlighter system for this site? Can some1 let me .. use it for my site :rolleyes: i dunno, just asking
  18. but how do you make it so that the background of the code is white. the colors available in word for the highlight are limited, i cant get white btw, the background of my site is black, and i want the background of the text(or highlight of the text) to be white ooh! when you press <Enter> in the HTML editor in VS.NET what happens is, it skips a line, i want it to go to the next line..
  19. really? who was it written by? Microsoft should get a lot of programmers to work on this thing...They should see the different programming styles and try to improve this thing... obviously that would make them lose milions of dollars but still for the convienience its useful
  20. also, add an OK button to ur form and say Unload Me, that closes the program. So, the first thing you want to do is have ur first form up. After some event(key press, buttonpress) u want to pop up the form. what you could do is Hide(form1.hide) the first form, and say form2.Show and on form2 add an OK button that says Unload Me and set the background image to ur graphic file
  21. try displaying a form with the background Image set to the graphic you want, or are you talking about the exclamation icon in MessageBox.Show ?
  22. yeah, but if u override the OnPaintBackground it gets rid of it, nevertheless, my program works
  23. hmm look at the code u pasted above, it still says button1.keypress if u have 'button1' on the form, then use Button1.keyup, but if u dont have a button on the form use form1.keyup, the reason is, when u have a button, the button has focus, so the Form1.keyup event wont work.. select Button1 and KeyUp and type Private Sub Button1_KeyPress(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs) Handles Button1.KeyPress If e.keycode = keys.escape then 'blah End If End Sub
  24. also try http://www.verge-rpg.com/ it looks good
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