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Everything posted by ThePentiumGuy

  1. Heh. I'm working on upgrading it to 9.0c, I'm getting gay errors like: Must be overriden. So I override it. It complains about something and it says it cannot be overriden, it must be overloaded. So I freakin overload it. Once I overload it, it complains about the class, saying it must be MustInheritable. So I do that. Then it complains saying that I cannot instantiate a MustInheritable class. So I remove the 'New' keyword. No errors. It obviously won't run. NullRefernce Error. I'll figure this out. -The Pentium Guy
  2. http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B00067F1CE/sr=1-5/qid=1105684487/ref=sr_1_5/002-8459738-4304818?%5Fencoding=UTF8&v=glance HOLY ****! Read the reviews, they're hilarious.
  3. Hey, I have a present for you :). My friend lent me (a while ago actually, I think I gotta return it) Sams Managed DirectX 9. I looked through that book and guess what? It discusesd skinned mesh animation. Guess what also? It actually works. Here's the catch: It doesn't work with directx 9.0a It doesn't work with directX 9.0c It works with 9.0b. I'll post this as soon as I can. It uses that tiny.x model which came with the SDK and is faily easy to understand. I tried converting it to directx 9.0c, but I'm not sure what to do with a 'MustInherit' class. I'll try to create my own class which inherits this or something. I'm not that great wtih OOP. The good thing is: Microsoft did not write this code. So it's really easy to understand :D. I'll upload this soon. -The Pentium Guy
  4. Oh, thanks. I didn't notice the edit. I'll check it out tonight.
  5. Hey thanks :), this will be some good reading for me to do tonight.
  6. Hey, I just want to thank the moderators on this forum for providing all this help. I've noticed that rarely do they ever start threads (to ask questions)... and they always answer questions readily. Just wanted to give them a special thanks. Thanks guys. -The Pentium Guy
  7. Pretty awesome - So far I've been doing this without fully understanding the code.... I guess I should try to know what's going on. Maybe the comments will help :P. -TPG
  8. I gave it a few hours last night - honestly I couldn't get anywhere. I'm really not too sure where to start either. Time to get the code for the mesh viewer :P. -TPG
  9. I don't hate C# :). I just prefer to program in VB.NET (for me, code comes faster in my mind when I use vb ... i dont know why, but that's just me). I'll look into your wrapper (seperate assembly) thing. -TPG
  10. Dammit. That's another limitation of VB.NET. I wish they provided some hidden functionality at least for that. -TPG
  11. I'll make a mini-tutorial on this forum (Tutor's Corner?) - just to get some users started.
  12. I dont know what asynchronous means, but all I know is that I do not wish for it to stop there, I just want to make it so that when the server receives a message - it'll process it, and franky I don't know where to start :P, besides checking in an infinate loop whether the message it received was blank or not (it becomes blank anways unless it receives a message, because that ReadLine line runs in its own thread... whch seems to confuse me becuase if it's running in its own thread then why is it not going to the AddClient sub?) -The Pentium Guy
  13. CType/DirectCast? Sorry I can't help.
  14. Thank you :). Welcome to the community. -The Pentium Guy
  15. Man, this thread is turning into a flame war. Realolman - All I can say is everyone has their own opinions. If you don't like it, you don't have to use it (unless you're forced to... like your job). Hell I know some people who prefer Delphi over VB6, or even fortran over any language. Use what you want. We all agree, to some extent at least, that Microsoft has made some careless choices regarding MSDN. Some of us here just live with that. Some of us don't like it and have moved on to other languages. Once in a while there's a flame war deciding between languages (I remember a few months ago there was one between C# and VB.NET - I won't go there). Sure, sometimes we have arguments, Hell after that flame war I decided to try out C# and eventually liked it, some of us did the same too. Basically my point is, maybe .NET isn't so simple ("Beautifully simple" as some of you put it) to you - but that's what this forum is for. We're here to help. -The Pentium Guy
  16. Hey guys, When I read from a stream (TCPClient.GetStream) using StreamReader.ReadLine, it (obviously) waits until it receives some text and then it continues. Is there any way to do something like: Streamreader.ReadLineButStopIfTheresNothingToRead ? My chat program is going really well, just the server seems to hang on this line, and I can't really... do anything else (ex: AddUserWhenTheyConnect()). -The Pentium Guy
  17. I think socket 939 is gonna stick around for a while. It came out pretty recently (6 months ago? - which isn't long for a Socket). Thre's a lot of neat features in the 2 aforementioned chipsets. SLi, PCI-e, NCQ/SATA-II, nTune (if you're going nForce4).... too bad they didn't carry over Sandstorm from nForce2 (the greatest audio thingy of it's time) - I guess it was too expensive for nVidia, an best of all: better overclocking. Back on topic: I don't turn anything off, but when I had .NET on my old computer i basically closed everything... including the toolbox. Another hint: if you have the form designer open, close it (Once you're done with it I mean). Takes up alot of RAM. Another hint: More goodies: Control Alt Delete, right click Explorer.Exe and hit End Process Tree. Then Go to File|Run (you can type in explorer.exe again to start it again) - and open .NET... If you're desperate: Use notepad oO. -The Pentium Guy
  18. NCQ is awesome - Are you getting an NF4 chipset? Or Via K8T890? (I'm not familiar with the intel chipsets, but I know the AMD chipsets/motherboards fairly well .... hmm what an irony) - I'm building a computer for my dad and I might upgrade to NF4 if the budget constraints allow for it. Another hint: Turn off dynamic help. It's ab itch and it takes up a lot of unnecessary RAM. -The Pentium Guy
  19. = I just said that :)
  20. Good idea - limited to the subject of books only? How about resources/training? Anything that aids a .NET developer (or any developer) I guess. I like the idea of standard subject lines too, although some may not follow this - moderator intervention may be required. I slightly disagree on this: Becuase it would lead to a little bit of clutter. For example Book Advice? Effectve C# "Hi I want to know if this book is good...etc" But then there are those who don't search. Someone provides them to a link to Book Review: Effective C# and the forum gets cluttered. I think it should be: [book] Effective C# or [Control] DevExpress XtraGrid or [Website] Iceplug's Domain (Or something in a similar fashion, maybe not websites though) And it would fit in one catagory where people posted their thoughts about it..etc. -The Pentium Guy
  21. Odd, see the Introduction to Managed DirectX tutorial in the Tutor's corner and follow the VS.NET 2002 instructions - there's something there about finding an exe in the Debug directory in the place where you extracted the files. Something like that. Btw this is the latest version: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=77960733-06E9-47BA-914A-844575031B81&displaylang=en (I don't have this yet). -TPG
  22. <brag> Meh. I have a gig and I'm fine :D. </brag>
  23. Hey dude, good point - Sound is something I haven't even TOUCHED. After networking I'll check this out.
  24. Oh - I should have been a little more clear on my previoius post. I meant you can just go to www.msdn.com and get the help instead of having it installed on the system (or am I missing something here?). -TPG
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