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Everything posted by ThePentiumGuy

  1. hey guys, yahoo just upgraded their FREE mailboxes to 100 MEGS!! woohoo! (why would they be doing this?) and has anyone ever heard of Gmail.com (google mail), i heard that's gonna be 1000 MB (and im serious too) what's goign on? anyone? im happy though :) pent
  2. sweet :) so farcry'll be great (u have an amd 3000 - whihc is the same as a p4 3.0 gHz which is what im getting) " From what I read 256MB doesn't add much for performance " i guess that's true :p, i decided against it.. i dont have that much money to spare. When the time comes i'll upgrade to 256 as needed i did my research- All In Wonders tend to be a little slower becuase of all the features in them in either case: i'll be happy with whatever card i get becuase im upgrading from a 32 bit integrated o_O :p thanks to all, pent
  3. :p wow im so stupid lol thanks pent
  4. hey i have this code: (got it from Darc) [color=#0000ff]Public[/color] [color=#0000ff]Function[/color] GetScreenCapture([color=#0000ff]ByVal[/color] FileName [color=#0000ff]As[/color] [color=#0000ff]String[/color], [color=#0000ff]Optional[/color] [color=#0000ff]ByVal[/color] FullScreen [color=#0000ff]As[/color] [color=#0000ff]Boolean[/color] = [color=#0000ff]False[/color]) [color=#0000ff]As[/color] Image [color=#008000]' Captures the current screen and returns as an Image [/color][color=#008000]' object [/color][color=#0000ff]Dim[/color] objSK [color=#0000ff]As[/color] SendKeys [color=#0000ff]Dim[/color] imgCapture [color=#0000ff]As[/color] Image [color=#0000ff]If[/color] FullScreen = [color=#0000ff]True[/color] [color=#0000ff]Then [/color][color=#008000]' Print Screen pressed twice here as some systems [/color][color=#008000]' grab active window "accidentally" on first run [/color]objSK.SendWait("{PRTSC 2}") [color=#0000ff]Else [/color]objSK.SendWait("%{PRTSC}") [color=#0000ff]End[/color] [color=#0000ff]If [/color][color=#0000ff]Dim[/color] objData [color=#0000ff]As[/color] IDataObject = Clipboard.GetDataObject() [color=#0000ff]Return[/color] [color=#0000ff]CType[/color](objData.GetData(DataFormats.Bitmap), Bitmap) [color=#0000ff]End[/color] [color=#0000ff]Function[/color] [color=#0000ff][/color] well, here's how you use it GetScreenCapture(True).Save(Application.StartupPath & "\ScreenShot.png") that's the only way i know of to use it, what happened to the FileName as String argument? was it hidden text like my other post i made a while ago(actually, that one i fixed by restarting .net o_O) but this one seems to be 'permanent'. why is it that the STRING is optional but not the boolean? pent edit: and i can just delete the string argument in the function and it'll work.. i never use FileName anyways ;) im just wondering why it doesnt require me to enter the string pent
  5. png's are good their format doesn't look lossy at all (like jpg's) since youre using them in an app its good but on a webpage it wont 'show up' - you have to physically open it yourself in like notepad or something btw - 6k for an image?? my png's (lets say 32x32) are measured in BYTES ;) (dont remmeber how many tho) edit: earlier, looking at your title Getting byte data from an Image. i was gonna suggest using RAW files. the only thing it stores are the bytes in an image (i use them for heightmaps.. well im trying to figure it out) prob: not sure if you can do Alpha im not sure if .DDS would work either - use the textureviewer in the sdk , but im not sure if it'll suit your purposes pent
  6. hey dude, the MSDN documentation sucks :p i'd be willin to teach u directX im thepentiumguy@hotmail.com and the other thing is, ive mdea a tile engine(For an RPG project of mine) pent
  7. hey guys, im buyin a comp soon i need your advice on what kind of graphics card im getting: Radeon 9800 PRO or FX 5900 XT (both are 256 MB) i heard the FX takes up a lot of space, makes more noise, but is a little faster the Radeon is about $30 cheaper and performs better at higher resolutions that's my first dillema my 2nd one is: do i really need 256 MB? or would 128 be fine (but both the cards are 256-bit anyways) im thinking of playing games such as Half Life 2, and Far Cry, Doom III ..etc - the latest directX games btw i also heard from Darc that Nvidia: OGl ATI: DirectX and i read somewhere that the FX is better for older games (< dx 8.1) and the radeon is better for the newer ones i dont want to start a flame war or anything, but what do u think? pent
  8. ohh, i see :) yeah you're right, (0,-1,0) would work -> earlier, i had it in mind that the direction is when direct3d takes the 2 arguments and finds the direction, now i see direction means.. like literally direction.. very vague explanation on my part :)_ but tahnks a lot, i understand it now - im gonna test it out
  9. hey guys, im thinking of purchasing an IBuyPower computer (www.ibuypower.com) if any one of you have purchased a system from them, what was the experience like? - ive heard some very good things and some very bad things about them (like, they're too lazy to use Screws, so they use glue to put together their parts + horrible customer support) The advantage of buying from them is that its very cheap. Im getting an Nvidia GeForce FX5700-XT 256 mb graphiucs card Sound Blaster Live 5.1 asus motherbaord + 5.1 surround + Firewire + 8 USB ports 80gb - i don tneed that much space anyways amazing lighted case (NZXT Guardian - www.nzxt.com) 512mb ram logitech z-640 5.1 surround sound (no monitor) 8x dvd +- RW and a CD RW and more for only $1050 ish, please let me know what you think of IBuyPower if you've bought from it pent
  10. found some stuff regarding Vertex.Subtratcion: A subtracted vertex results in a vertex with its head(where it starts) originating from the tail of the first vertex, and its "direction" heading towards the head of the other vertex.. o_O what's that gotta do with the platform thing, im trying to draw this out in Paint bnut i cant see how it relates? pent
  11. yep! thanks a lot that did the trick :cool:
  12. hey, i recently installed .net and the directX sdk on an old computer. however, im trying to do some unmanaged directx and im having trouble setting it up with vs.net 2002 i went to tools -> options >projects >VC++ directories and added C:/DX90SDK (Wehre i installed it) then i wen tto project settings Linker > input and in Additional Dependencies i added: d3d9.lib d3dx9.lib well now i go back to my program and i just added 1 line: #include <d3dx9.h> it gives the following error twice: fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'd3dx9.h': No such file or directory fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'd3dx9.h': No such file or directory i remember on my old comp i did somethig to fix this but i don't remember it now lol, does anyone know what to do? pent
  13. what about a one line if? ;)
  14. i don't wanna start a flame war here lol, but i agree with Arch4ngel, -> costs too much $, but that's off topic :) mjp47 -> try email forwarding (i thnk taht's what its called lol) it forwards your mail to a new account and it'll notify the ppl who email you what your new email is :p
  15. there's no more left anymore (i ordered it just in time lol)
  16. plausiblydamp: :p lol
  17. what does vector3.subtract do?
  18. hey, when i try to do collision detection with meshes using mesh.intersect- when you provide the ray position and direction, where does the ray originate from? the center of the mesh? or does it protrude from the entire surface? thanks, pent
  19. oh,sorry my setupworld sets up a view (lookatLH) matrix for each individual mesh my collision will be (in pseudocode: Mesh.Intersect(car's position,below the car) just to see whether the car is on(above) the platform)) how do u set a world matrix for the car? thanks, pent
  20. so your saying identity platform.setupworld paltform.render identity car.setupworld 'NOW check for collisions becuase the platform's "Back to where it was", and the platform's .. well its back to werhe it *should* be Check For Collisions identity 'the car never moves, the world moves car.render where the platform'll move down every time the car moves up..etc edit: i corrected a lot of code
  21. so the only possible way i can "Scroll" is just.. move the platform backwards when i move the car forwards?
  22. hey dude i just thought of something, and i think this is where my confusion is comign in if i change the View camera with the car camera it should look like this when i push up view.movecamera(3) car.movecam(3) that's all said and done but also if i render identity platform.setupworld paltform.render car.setupworld car.render d3ddev.transform.world = matrix.LookatLH(Camera.pos,camera.target, v3(0,1,0) im pretty sure that last line's not gonna have any effect becuase it wont "change its position" like that in the last minute(you know what i mean?) - see the thing is, i got how to render the objects in a different position, but now - how would i change the view in which i see the objects? in that case, would i have to change the Projectoin matrix? or the World matrix? basically what i mean to say is - after you've rendered all the objects, how wuold you change the "View" camera so that you see your scene from a different angle(in my case, behind the car)
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