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Everything posted by ThePentiumGuy

  1. Hmm.. that seems to make sense. Which would be more sensible to use though (in terms of memory management)? ByVal or ByRef on objects. -The Pentum Guy
  2. Oh. Download SqwishyWare syntax highlighter, it's open source. Edit: by that I mean the source code is "visible"
  3. It's pretty odd. Because if you do this: Public Sub val(ByVal X as device ) x.asdf = "hi" End Sub Public Sub ref(ByRef x as device) x.asdf = "hi" End Sub ---------------- val(x) ref(Y) msgbox(x.asdf) ' "hi" msgbox(y.asdf) ' "hi" ---------------- ____________________________________ On the other hand: Public Sub val(ByVal X as device ) x = nothing End Sub Public Sub ref(ByRef x as device) x = nothing End Sub ---------------- val(x) ref(Y) msgbox(x.asdf) ' <Default Value of asdf> msgbox(y.asdf) ' <Null Reference Error> ---------------- So byVal uses a POINTER to the object (aka when you kill the pointer, the actual object isn't destroyed), but byREF uses a reference (when you kill the reference, the actual object IS destroyted) -TPG
  4. Aren't all objects byRef anyways? Public Sub DoSomething(ByVal X as device ) x.asdf = asdf End Sub Public Sub DoSomethingElse(ByRef x as device) x.asdf = asdf End Sub Same thing isn't it? Objects are referenced by default
  5. I'm definately joining up on the next one. School work was bogging me down a bit too much last time
  6. OH! vBulletin tag! It's simple: Dim x as Integer Just do a [ vb ] (without spaces)
  7. Not too sure what you mean by "C# VB tag"
  8. Or, I was also looking at this book: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0672326612/ref%3Dnosim/gamedev/103-5122963-2991824
  9. Anyone got any experience with this book? It's pretty cheap on amazon so I might buy it, I'd like some user feedback though. http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/1556222297/qid=1117632289/sr=8-4/ref=pd_csp_4/103-5122963-2991824?v=glance&s=books&n=507846
  10. I second that.
  11. Will Microsoft "release" the .NET Framework v2.0 for 2002/2003 ? I mean, they didn't even allow .NET Framework v1.1 for 2002..... Good marketing strategy I guess. :mad: Sucks if they don't give support for 2002/2003.
  12. Just use the 2005 express, you're not missing out on much unless you plan on doing some ASP.NET / ADO.NET. Knowing Microsoft's track record, 05 will be delayed :P. IMO it's not worth it to buy 2003 right now -> You might be better off sticking with 2005 express if you already have it. If you have 2002...that might be a problem when working in groups, but this issue can easily be resolved with a "Source code type converter." One more thing, if MS doesn't allow .NET Framework 2.0 support for 2002/2003, then I' d get 2005. -TPG
  13. What I usually do is simply create a Tile class, and then create a Map class which contains an array of tiles... The Map.Render method renders an array of tiles. Works for me.
  14. Heh. That would be the simplest solution to the problem :P.
  15. Hmm. Apparently I have to use SQL 2000 instead of mySQL. I talked with the guy. I learned that the best thing to do is simply use CSS instead of going for a CMS. I"m learning it right now - pretty neat. Thanks for all your help guys. I'll notify you when my new website unveils itself. -The Pentium Guy
  16. http://www.codeproject.com/vb/net/colormatrix.asp A couple of my friends know how to use Lightmaps, so maybe you could create a white lightmap (aka present the game as it is). and darken it using this colormatrix thing. That way you'd have ... dark areas. Probably a bad idae though. http://www.developerfusion.com/utilities/convertvbtocsharp.aspx -TPG
  17. device = new Device(0, DeviceType.Hardware, this, CreateFlags.SoftwareVertexProcessing, presentParams); Try hardware vertex processing. Most graphics cards (excpet the ancient ones) support it... but oh boy does it help. If you're not sure if your card supports it, I beleive it's dxDevice.supportsHWTransformAndLight OR something like dxDevice.getDeviceCaps().supportsHWTransformAndLight;
  18. I just talked to my hoster, he said he'll set this up later today. Thanks
  19. Thanks, Yeah I got my hosting from somebody else :). It's windows 2000 hosting though...
  20. Yeah, but the instructions ask me to fill those fields out :P. Mutant: I turned this on: <!-- Web.Config Configuration File --> <configuration> <system.web> <customErrors mode="Off"/> </system.web> </configuration> At the very end of my file. Not too sure what's going on here. -The Pentium Guy
  21. Yay. Done uploading. I read the instructions thoroughly, I created a database called dotnetnuke and a username/password. I made sure I could connect to the database <?php if ( mysql_connect('localhost', 'MYUSER', 'MYPASS', 'dotnetnuke') ) { echo 'Yay!'; } else { echo 'Crap..'; } ?> And it echoes back "Yay". So the database is working fine. I can't get the ASP.NET thing working though <add key="SiteSqlServer" value="Server=(local);Database=dotnetnuke;uid=MYUSER;pwd=MYPASSWORD;" /> That itself doesn't work. Not too sure what to put for the Server=(local); value.. Putting in <add key="SiteSqlServer" value="Server=localhost;Database=dotnetnuke;uid=MYUSER;pwd=MYPASSWORD;" /> doesn't work either. Any suggestions? Thanks. -The Pentium Guy
  22. Rofl. Are you guys sure? All I know is that java source code works perfectly fine. Not sure about vb, i'll give it a try.
  23. Yeah I know what you meant :D. But it is time for me to learn something besides .NET and Java. Man, my connection must suck (768K) it's STILL uploading DotNetNuke (50MB). Look at the time difference: 07:42 PM 09:20 PM Nearly 1.5 hours uploading 50 MB.. wow :P
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