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Everything posted by ThePentiumGuy

  1. Wow thanks for the link! Although I wish I had code and a project file to demonstrate this..
  2. http://msdn.microsoft.com/archive/default.asp?url=/archive/en-us/directx9_m/directx/ref/ns/microsoft.directx.direct3d/e/primitivetype/primitivetype.asp <-- For DX9, although they're the same. Well dude, are you in vs2003 or vs2002? Tell me the version number to your DLL's (when you go to Add|Reference, it'll say it). If you have 9.<something>.0<something> then it's A, if you have 9.<something>.2902 or 2904 then it's C. Oh yeah! KnightChat... yeah i totally forgot about that (that you can use TriangleStrip/List...etc) To make a circle, it would have to be really complicated (LOTS of vertices). Why don't you simply have a bitmap as a circle and scale it as needed?
  3. You have an older version of DirectX (oh btw, for D3Dx, did you remember to add it's reference?). Look at the Intro tutorial for more info, you have to manually add the references if you have .net 2002. Manually add the references from: C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Managed DirectX\v9.02.2904 You actually don't need the sprite, the sprite is required in DX 9.0c. So delete any word that says sprite, and you might have to change the TheFont.DrawText arguments a bit. -The Pentium Guy
  4. Lines - I'm pretty sure you can do that in DirectX, althoug Don't quote me. Circles - damn. beats me... look into Direct3D.SPrite (or is it DirectX.Sprite), it might have someothing Text - for sure. I posted a text class somewhere on the forum. Look into www.vbprogramming.8k.com (my site) or my tutorials on the Tutor's Corner on this.
  5. I'll post some soon ... probably over thanksgiving break. Wicked busy lately (15 page paper due monday)
  6. Don't mean to hijack this thread or w/e, but ... did it work :P. I"ve been waiting for a few days for your reply ;)
  7. Check out my last post here: http://www.xtremedotnettalk.com/showthread.php?t=89586 ALso view the tutorials in the Tutor's corner :P
  8. Charts eh? Start out by using lines. Split your data into pairs... for example lets say this is your data: (0,0), (1,1), (2,2), (3,3) that would mean that there would be a line from 0,0 to 1,1.. 1,1 to 2,2... 2,2 to 2,3 so extract your data like so. To graph: in the Form1.Paint event use e.graphics.drawline and provide the x,y,x2,y2 arguments like so (x2 and y2 are the x and y coordinates of the 2nd point... it just draws a line through those 2 sets of point). hope this helps, -The Pentium Guy
  9. Use Daemon Tools :P. Hopefully that'll work
  10. I'm sure there's a gridsetting to set it to Pixels instead of Twips. I remember doin somethin like this a while ago
  11. Woah.. somehow you found this old thread ;P. Go to the Tutor's corner and look at the Intro to DirectX tutorial, it'll help you out installing it :), -The Pentium Guy
  12. Here you go ;P. You should see a crapload of green. Oh, someone please move this thread to the DirectX section :). LoadingAMesh.zip
  13. Sure, i'll have it by the end of today or tomorow, i can't get internet to work on my PC with .net so .. :p time to go floppy hunting!!
  14. Yep. I got a class for doin taht if you want
  15. Heh... DOH :P I didn't know that. Let's hope that all of a sudden they don't change their looks back to their old looks... it should be somewhat of a gradual change if they wish for that to happen lol. Meh, I gotta agree about the Z4.... The back looks razor sharp but the front looks butt-ugly. The 5 series from the front or the back look great, but from the side it looks too much like a luxury car or something. The 7 series looks good the same way too, but from the side... eh.. the back lights DONT fit the trunk (same with the 6 series).. bulges out too much. -The Pentium Guy
  16. The new or the old ones? Or both :P. I know lots of people who simply detest BMW's. I used to hate BMW about 3 months ago ... "They look ****ty.. and they're overpriced" I used to say. One of my friends (this kid's rich) bought a 325i (.. a new car at age 16! Jeez) happened to convince me otherwise by talking about the way they handle and stuff. Blah.. If only I could drive. Somehow .. I hate the Acura TL which I really praised 3 months ago and i'm now obsessed with BMW's (Not because of what he said.. just by researching about them and stuff.. there's a lot of "behind the scenes" stuff goin on with BMW's.... it's a good all-around car, imo). I love what they've done with the new styling. Heh, I'm gonna somehow convince my dad to get us one... somehow. I convinced him to drive the new 5. he said it was great until the dealer talked to him about the price.. you could see the smile just... DROP. Hah - crap. I guess as time goes on ... we'll get more money ;). Here's what they say.. "Drive a bimmer and you'll wish you never had 'that other car' " or something like that. So yeah, if you ever get a chance to drive one, go ahead ;P... somehow I have a feeling (again, i don't know first-hand) that you'll like em. -The Pentium Guy
  17. Hey guys, I haven't seen a post here in quite a while... heh. so here goes my random thought: As some of you probably know, the new BMW's are undergoing some MAJOR facelifts... ever since the company hired Chris Bangle. It started with the flagship 7.. The 1999 7 Series (E38), as some of you may remember looks like this: http://auto.r52.ru/pics/1077260436461697.jpg http://paperlined.org/cars/pictures/comparo/bmw_740_rear.jpg Heh.. and the new one: http://wallpapers.jbcarpages.com/BMW/7series/Paper1/800.php The Z3: http://www.bmwstart.jp/buyers/pict/Z3-roadster-04.JPG The Z4: http://lapcr.com/Z4-01.jpg 2002 5 series series: http://www.bmwworld.com/models/years/2003/540i.jpg NEW 5 series: http://www.bmwworld.com/pics/5er/10157_1024.jpg Old 3 series: http://www.bmw.com.gr/common/images/downl oads/3_Series_sedan_download_11.jpg New 3: http://www.bmwusa.com/Vehicles/futurevehicles/new3/ BMW's usually have the traditional look to them... ya know? They're usualy more serious and more professional looking. I think BMW is going towards a trend called futurism. I mean look at these cars: Angular, "Modernized" (for those of you who beleived that BMW had a dated look, and more 'civil' heh.. except the 5.. DAMN that car looks sweet.. so menacing... Well, the BMW traditionalists have put up a CRAPLOAD of partitions out there saying "FIRE CHRIS BANGLE" ... Some people beleive that "The german cars are starting to look like Japaneese cars :O" my question to YOU is: Do you think BMW should continue with this futuristic/modernized trend? Or should they maintain their traditional looks. My opinion is that their NEW cars look so much better ;D! I wish we had enough money for the 5... :'(. BMW shoudl continue with this trend to 'keep up'. German cars are usually known for their stern, muscular stances... I mean.. shtz - take a look at the ML350(http://car.nifty.com/picture/car/tms2003/benz/ml350/m/3.jpg).. MAN that thing looks dated. I think it's about time that the germans, with their great athleticsm, have updated their styling :D! I still like the old BMW stylings.. but hey - at least the NEW one, you can tell the diff between a 3, a 5, and a 7. Oh, and by the way - if the germans *are* moving towards a modern trend... please try not to keep the cd changer in the glovebox...!! that would help too. -The Pentium Guy EDIT: I just HAD to show you guys this pic from the 5.. http://www.bmw-forums.com/forum/uploads/post-15-1083298281.jpg .. Wow.. GOD GIVE ME MONEY!!!
  18. ROFL -∞... what about WebMatrix? -The Pentium Guy
  19. Blink? Heh, turn on lighting and turn it off - there's your blink effect. Screen change: lets say the char walks over to the right side of the map, and a new map is supposed to load... translate your old world all the way to the left so you can't see it.. and load the new map... something like that. Game programming is all about creativity ;) -The Pentium Guy
  20. 800 isn't a lot :P... especially if you have a 9800 Pro overclocked to XT speeds and a p4c 3.0 overclocked to a 3.2. btw, I get 800 FPS on my heightmap only if i render it 256x256. But in 1024x1024, I get around 140. If i increase the detail (to 4 vertices per pixel) i get 45 - which is just around where I want it to be. So, you just need a good comp for that kind of FPS. Also, if I try to render a blank screen (dxDevice.Clear), I get ~2000 to 4000 FPS. You DO get more FPS in fullscreen than in windowed, try minimizing all your other applications if you're doing windowed. For some reason if i have an IM window up in windowed, my FPS goes down to like... 3. the moment i minimize (not close, just minimize) it goes up. -The Pentium Guy
  21. OH MY GOD!! Those lights were part of the friggin BITMAP!! JEEZ!! I had 2 copies of the same bitmap... I guess I did something with the other bitmap? I really dont remember adding lights. Heh, I'm glad THAT'S resolved. -The Pentium Guy
  22. Processing intensive? I got 800 FPS in my heightmap thing :P... Do While Not Game Over and Paint/Repaint are the same speeds if it's fullsceren, but in windowed, Paint/Repaint gives you more speed. -The Pentium Guy
  23. You could do what the guy above did :P. To solve this problem (I was a n00b at the time), I simply made the mesh in parts.. for example if i did a skybox i'd create 6 planes instead of 1 cube.. -The Pentium Guy
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