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Everything posted by ThePentiumGuy

  1. Well what can you do now? We all can sit back and be entertained for the next four years!!!
  2. Bit too late for this.. but ;P it DID get pushed, but it doesn't matter now becuase it's out :D edit: i meant it came out a while ago.
  3. Thank you so much
  4. About the proectile thing: Figure out the distance from the origin to the end of the barrel (use your 3d modelling program and figure it out manually) and translate the world accordingly.. for example: End of barrel: 0,1,0 Center of cannon: 1,0,0 You'd translate the world 1 unit upward and one unit left before rendering the projectile. I understand this is a makeshift way, but I think it's probably the only way of doing this (another way would be to use Mesh.Intersect to find the end of the barrel and do what I said above)
  5. Ay.. I can't help you there.. Can I ask you a favor though? If it's OK with you can you post the converted sample for the skinned mesh? I've been looking for it everywhere.
  6. This sounds really hard...:). Look into Desktop Items... for example go to http://www.google.com/ right click the word Google and hit 'Set as Desktop Item', see how it goes to your background like that? Well, I know that you can do the same with Flash (set as desktop item), so maybe you could go that route :P. -The Pentium Guy
  7. I don't think those are forms :P. Use ScrollBars (maybe you can set an image for the scroll bars to make them look leet) to slide 'em.
  8. Crappy. They didn't have much, 'sides from a crappyass HP for 500 bucks (that used to be 800), might as well save the money by building your own. Well, I did pick up a pack of DVD-R's for $5 :D.
  9. Convert each thing to ASCII (I beleive 65 is 'A' and 91 is 'Z') and see if the value's in between. Google around for an ASCII key table :D
  10. You too :). And remember to go to the BestBuy early bird sale tomorrow :D
  11. It was ASUS :P. It's actually a good thing that NewEgg didn't sell any :D
  12. Heh, actually I just looked over my code. I'm afraid that the class which I used for my camera (or controlled movement of the character) uses complicated math, and I'm really unable to explain it :( (I think it requires some advanced trig / calculus) I'm sure you could simply do some translating (view tutorials) with: D3ddev.transform.world = matrix.multiply(d3ddev.transform.world, matrix.rotationy(AngleAmount))) would rotate the object along the Y axis. Mess around :). If you ever need the camera class (again, you won't see any comments) given to me by tzOdem (he hasn't been on the forums in a while), then i'll post it up for ya.
  13. lol, yeah you can do this in C# and Managed DirectX....
  14. No probs anyways :)
  15. In either case, this is something very minor, so I wouldn't bother worrying about it :).
  16. I think it should be this.Handle :P
  17. I'd recommend drawing to a Picturebox or a Label :P, when you input the intptr, simply use myLabel.handle
  18. I guess there aren't any hardware guys on the forum :P. nForce4 came out like 3 weeks ago and it was an utter failure I heard (a marketing hoax, they sold a crapload, but none of them really worked).
  19. I think jay1b's right. DirectX is overkill for your project :D. See if you can find a way to optimzie with GDI+ here's what I do: Override OnPaint (and put nothing in the sub) - trust me it helps Me.SetStyle(controlstyles.allpaintinginWMpaint Or controlstyles.UserPaint Or controlstyles.DoubleBuffer,true)
  20. Oh, well to draw lines.. first take a look at my drawintg sprites tutorial. This time use a linelist to draw 2 points to make a line...
  21. Rofl, yeah we're too strict on EVERYTHING. I just realized, Froogle is getting wicked popular too. It's taking over sites like www.dealtime.com and www.mysimon.com and stuff like that :D. Gotta love google!
  22. oh, whoops, I guess it starts with a 1 :P. Sorry man, I can't help you there.. I gotta get the october update :D i din't know they had one!
  23. Random thought of the day: Google is searching 8,058,044,651 pages! :O! 8 BILLION! Jeez! 10 years ago this wasn't possible. 10 years from now it's supposed to go into the trillions. Can google be stopped? Sry, I was just really bored. I have a feelin google's gonna turn into a monopoly. Fine they have a search engine. Now they've got email. They even bought KEYHOLE ! Soon I heard they'll have an IM. :O. They've moved into the 1337 h4xx0rz community. What will they do next? ... btw another random thought: McDonalds has served more food than the amount of pages that google searches through. Sry again, really bored today and I haven't seen a post here in quite some time. -The Pentium Guy
  24. There's a slight error on the forums. If you look in the DirectX, and see the post "Bad support for DIrectX", it says Last post: Yesterday by The Pentium Guy, but if you actually go to that post it says it's sometime in October (that's when I actually posted it). Edit: I think I know why: Someone posted on that topic then deleted their post, so it still says yesterday, but my username was the last post.. so it says Yesterday by The Pentium Guy
  25. Awesome! Hey, do you mind if I make a tutorial on my site for this? (your credits obviously). I've never really had a problem with the clsSprite anyways (until 9.0C), but thanks for the code :D
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