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Everything posted by ThePentiumGuy

  1. Oh yeah. Sorry I must have mixed a few things up.
  2. It seems that a total of 0 (zero) people found this interesting/useful. Go figure ;). Edit: This works on home edition. I haven't tested it on pro yet.
  3. Ah. Thanks for clarifying. Yeah it should be a custom class, I haven't heard of a ClassEnc6 in vb.net or java. I'm pretty sure it doesn't matter where the square brackets go. Edit: Heh, corrected myself. Square brackets. I forgot about that. Yeah I was going to mention the index. CyroEnix, it would be better if you started your array with index 0 and ended with 1023 (unless you wanted 1025 elements in your array by ending with 1025), remember, 0 is an element. -The Pentium Guy
  4. ClassEnc6 NewEnc() = new ClassEnc6(1024); for(int num = 1; num < 1024; num++) { NewEnc(num) = new ClassEnc6("encryptionkey"); } I don't know the ubound command in java. It could be NewEnc.GetLength Edit: there might be a semicolon after num++. I have to brush up my Java/C++ skills. Haven't used them in so long (VB.NET is addicting :D) Edit2: Also I'm assuming you know how to create the basic program (just to get it running.. ex; Creating the public static void main(String args[]) function...etc). if you need help on that I"ll post some code. Also, i'd recommend JCreator Pro, it's a 30 day trial, however Xinox software seems to release new versions all the time, and if you give them your email they'll send you updates and let you "try" their new software for an extra 30 days. What they don't realize is, this is a cheap way to keep the software forever (legally). -The Pentium Guy
  5. Hey, Is there any way I can get back the key of a collection? By this I mean: Dim x as new collection x.add(aClass, "key") x.add(aclass2, "key2") for i as integer = 1 to x.count MessageBox.Show(x.Items(i).key) end for I'm looking for some way to retrieve the key value for this thing. Thanks, -The Pentium Guy
  6. Heheh. This is so leet. First check out the screenshot. "stop!" instead of "start." I'm doing this just for fun anyways (you might wonder what's the point :)). Get a hex editor, I used hex workshop (these instructions are for hex workshop anyways). Run it, open explorer.exe (windows folder). First of all, hit Save As... Explorer2.exe (just for the sake of having a backup). Now, this part's a little tricky. If you're new to hex editing, then don't worry. See the numbers to the left side? Those represent your offsets. The text for "start" should lie in between the following offsets: <LI>Windows 98 Offset: 0x00028D6E - 0x00028D76 <LI>Windows NT4 Offset: 0x00028BEE - 0x00028BF6 <LI>Windows ME Offset: 0x00033DDE - 0x00033DE6 <LI>Windows 2000 Offset: 0x0003860E - 0x00038616 <LI>Windows XP (Enhanced Start Menu) Offset: 0x000412B6 - 0x000412BE <LI>Windows XP (Classic Start Menu) Offset: 0x0004158A - 0x00041592 <LI>Windows XP SP1 (Enhanced Start Menu) Offset: 0x0004208E - 0x00042096 <LI>Windows XP SP1 (Classic Start Menu) Offset: 0x0004259A - 0x000425A2 <Taken from http://www.tweakxp.com/tweak1847.aspx> Hit control + g and type in the first offset number (you don't need the 0x). And look around for a word called 'start' (it should be written as "s.t.a.r.t"), it should be nearby. However that method didn't work for me. On my computer (XP Home, Sp2), "start" lied before this text: There was an internal error and one of the windows you were using has been closed.". So hit control + F, Find what: Type: Text String Find What: There was an Options: Either Now it should take you to that error. And just before it you should see: . .h.i.d.d.e.n. .i.c.o.n.s.............s.t.a.r.t.R.T.h.e.r.e. .w.a.s. .a.n. .i.n.t.e.r.n.a.l. .e.r.r.o.r. .a.n.d. .o.n.e. .o.f. .t.h.e. .w.i.n.d.o.w.s. .y.o.u. .w.e.r.e. .u.s.i.n.g. .h.a.s. .b.e.e.n Now, replace the letters (replace, you can't have more and you can't have less than 5 characters) 's.t.a.r.t.' with (this is what I did) 's.t.o.p.!'. Now hit save (making sure you're saving to Explorer2.exe, windows folder) ------------ If you still can't find "start", hit control + F and find the string "'start", making sure it's case sensitive (beucase there are a lot of "Start"s). You'll have to scroll through a list of 20 start's (you have to hit F3 to go to the next string). However these "Fake" 'start's will be something like. "Starting task... <something>"....etc So just look for the word start hanging around on its own. ------------- Now, we need to test if this works. Close all programs. Control + Alt + Delete Right click Explorer.Exe, End Process Tree File, New Task | Run. "Explorer2.exe" If you see the word "stop!" (or whatever you used) then it works. If you ever want to revert back, End Process Tree explorer2.exe and start explorer.exe. So it's not a permanent change you're making if you do it this way. Now, if you're sure that it works (click the start menu...etc making sure that there are no bugs), and you want this to be 'default', then: [quote=http://www.tweakxp.com/tweak1847.aspx\ open up regedit (Start | run | Regedit), you are looking for this key: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon] search for the value named Shell and make it equal to explorer1.exe. And, (yay) you've renamed your start button, permanently (You can rename it whenever you want). This article was based off of: http://www.tweakxp.com/tweak1847.aspx -The Pentium Guy untitled.bmp
  7. Woah so you're saying that you want to display some text over a DirectX app taht's not yours? Hmm. Here: Make your form 0% opaque. (There's an Opacity property) SEt formborderstyle to borderless (or is it None) Use e.graphisc.drawString("string", other arguments). See if that works. -The Pentium Guy
  8. The Normal (aka rhw) parameter is the perpendicular direction in which you want the light to hit it at. Err.. ok, here: Pictures help explain better than word, so I've attached an image. Explanation for the image. Diagram A: Our object + our light (blue) Diagram B: The direction of our Normal, it's the perpendicular direction away from the vertex. Diagram C: What happens is (it's hard to tell from the diagram), the light is reflected from the vertex in that direction (remember, when an object is a certain color, that's its ability to reflect that color.... hint: think Chlorophyll. A plant isn't really green, it appears to be green because Chlorophyll reflects the color green). Therefore, the light is reflected in that direction. It's sort of hard to explain - you really need to play around with it to understand it. Change the direction of the normal and you'll see that the object is ... heh... lighted differently. Here's one thing - look at diagram B. What if those arrows went the other direction? (To the right). Then the object would appear black (silhouette effect). Jus tplay around like I said before, it helps a lot more. Edit: whoops, I forgot to attach the image: -The Pentium Guy
  9. Yep, Gmail will give you invites after about a month.
  10. Gmail decided to give away more invites. I have 3 more. So when coldfusion says he's done, PM me and I'll hook you up. -The Pentium Guy
  11. THe textbox control can acheive transparency (I think), there's an opacity property for a lot of the controls. Even the form has that property. Sorry if that doesn't help you. -The Pentium Guy
  12. You can: DIspose the graphics object or use an If statement to NOT draw the line ... for example If IwantToDrawTheLine Then e.graphics.drawline(......) End If jtstantish - also you can go in to the label's Paint event and draw the line: e.graphics.DrawLine(.....) and use Label1.Invalidate if the position of the line ever changes and you want to update it. -The Pentium Guy
  13. Is DirectX 8.1 even available for .NET? Why can't you just use the textbox control provided with .NET? You just have to enable the MultiLine property and you can type in multiple lines. -The Pentium Guy
  14. No problem. It looks like Microsoft needs to update their documentation :).
  15. All this seems redundant just for one small thing :). I've just thrown all my drawing code into the GameClass.Paint event and it works fine: Public Sub New(Gameform as form) AddHandler gameform.Paint, me.Paint End Sub Public Sub Paint(sender as object, e as paintevnetargs) e.graphics.drawimage(etc) If Not clsSomething.TheBitmapItNeedsToDraw = Nothing Then e.graphics.drawimage(clsSomething.TheBitmapThatItneedsToDraw) End If End Sub I wish Microsoft offered a simpler solution to this. But oh well, the one I'm using right now works. -The Pentium Guy
  16. Crap. J# doesn't let you do SendKeys? I was going to suggest you do this: Public Function GetScreenCapture(Optional ByVal FullScreen As Boolean = False) As Image ' Captures the current screen and returns as an Image ' object Dim objSK As SendKeys Dim imgCapture As Image If FullScreen = True Then ' Print Screen pressed twice here as some systems ' grab active window "accidentally" on first run objSK.SendWait("{PRTSC 2}") Else objSK.SendWait("%{PRTSC}") End If Dim objData As IDataObject = Clipboard.GetDataObject() Return CType(objData.GetData(DataFormats.Bitmap), Bitmap) End Function Try SendWait then ;). Sorry I can't help you there. -The Pentium Guy
  17. (Shhh..) Just kidding. The space for me is just an added bonus. You're right - ever since hotmail upgraded to 250 MB, gmail seems sort of... ishy.. and pointless. I mean hell, 3 years ago I was crazy for ten MB :). The main reason I wanted it becuase hotmail's junk filters SUCK. I have over 50 word filters + I set the highest junk filter, and I get flooded with mails every day. Since they've upgraded to 250 MB, I haven't deleted any junk. Earlier with 2 MB if I didn't check my mail for more than 2 days, I'd go over my limit - and that was the reason I wanted something like gmail. It was only the junk that screwed me over. Yeah, now there's no need for gmail (for me), but hell why not use it if you can have it. Right? Advantages over hotmail: Space (who needs it.... honestly, in reality you're never going to use it, but you're safe to know that you have it) Bragging rights (Even though some feel there's no need, others want this badly ;)) Conversations (Uncluttered mailbox) Good for slow connections (Fast + No popups at all) Disadvantages over hotmail: Can't use it on Messenger (Maybe there'll be a Google Messenger :D) Invite-Based only (Once the beta gets over, it'll be "normal") Switching over to gmail is a pain (you have to tell everone your new address...etc) So all I'm saying is, yeah there might be no real need. But if you have a choice between something and something better, why not take the better thing? Telling everone your address, changing your email in workgroups/newsletters/forums/mailing lists - Yeah you're right. However, if you can get over that then you've got a better deal. If you go to a shop and find a $20 item, but next to it if you see the same type of item, except it was better, and reduced from $30 to $20, what would you take? Would you take the first item (which you've used before and you know how it works), or would you take the second item (which is better, but you've never tried it before). As for me - I'd take the better item. If they're the same price why not get the better one? -The Pentium Guy edit. I got IMed by a person (whose name I won't mention here) who told me that I was wrong and hotmail and gmail didn't cost money. Note for the slow: Reread the above paragraph and then tell me where it syas that gmail went on sale from $30 to $20.
  18. Well Hog if you've got a fast connection you should get the December update ;). -TPG
  19. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES!! Now I can go ahead and make that clsText tutorial for my site without worrying about this problem :D. -The Pentium Guy
  20. Yep. There's like 50 different threads complaining about this on the forum ;). -The Pentium Guy
  21. Nothing. I just created a new project to test this out. And uhh... all I'm doing in keydown is Me.Invalidate lol. -TPG
  22. I'm actually pretty surprised. That actually took quite longer than I expected (I expected "I WANT AN INVITE" within minutes...!). Well, I'd like to say a few words about gmail, for those that are interested: -One GB. -Fast -Google Search Technology -KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS ^^ -Folders -Strong junk mail screener -Messages are grouped in conversations, just like instant messages. -Free POP3 Access (aka you can use Outlook) -Free email forwarding -One freakin GB. Some people are getting away by the Targeted Advertisements feature in gmail. What happens is, a computer (not a person) scans your email message. It tries to pick out the "subject" of your email message and delivers advertisements accordingly. You'll be surprised at how amazing it is: I was talking to a friend about buying fan controllers and what brand ...etc to buy. Looking at his response (convo style :D), I saw to the right (off to the side, aka not bothering the contents of the actual email) about 5 or 6 different AdSense advertisements about Fan Controllers. Prettty leet. Sponsored Links Fan Controllers - xPCgear and Fan Adaptors to Reduce PC Case Noise and CPU Fan Noise www.xPCgear.com Fan Control Products Performance, Supply, & Product. Various Configurations. Learn More! www.maxim-ic.com Fan Controllers - Xoxide Baybus, Rheobus and Controllers Fan Controllers On Sale At Xoxide! www.Xoxide.com Heh. (There's a little more. But whatever.) Some feel that this feature is an infringement of privacy. I'd like to say that it really isn't. I mean a computer is doing this for you. Oh and, these ads - they don't become part of the email message. Only the gmail user sees them... off to the side. So yeah, there's my 'reasons to get gmail' of the day. -The Pentium Guy
  23. On keydown, my form is redrawn. No timer. No changing properties, I maximize in the load procedure and that's it. So even if I hold down a key, the text flashes. It doesn't come out clearly (and yes, I have doublebuffering...etc all that stuff turned on). -The Pentium Guy
  24. All my invites are done. I guess the rest comes from coldfusion?
  25. Hm. Is there any way to make what's drawn stay drawn? (I think?). It gets drawn for just a second and then disappears. Putting it in a loop does the same. -TPG
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