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  1. this is my first times using direct3d, and i want to create my own tile based games. we made a tile engine before along time ago in c++ but now i want to try it in c#. the problem i am having is i cant seem to load a texture. i am using TextureLoader.FromFile and everytime i do, it keeps crashing my program and throwing a direct3dxexception. no matter what i cannot get it too load the texture. i guess what i am trying to do is simply load a background bitmap (800x600) and display it as the background to my engine. i dont know what the problem is, but i cant seem to get it to work no matter how many times ive tried. i keep getting this error and i dont know what it could mean. i am using an orthographic projection. can anyone show me an example of loading and displaying a bitmap in the simpliest way possible. i cant see what im doing wrong. thank you!
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