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Everything posted by hrabia

  1. Declare one more stored procedure parameter as an out parameter for example: param_ID OUT NUMBER and then... RETURNING ID INTO param_ID; ...and then you can read param_ID value in your c# function.
  2. I've tried to install my cofigured component in more than one application partition on Windows 2003 Server using regsvcs.exe /parname:<name of partition>. The first installation has worked without problems but the second has failed with an error: "...already installed". I haven't found anything in google or msdn. What's wrong? Adam
  3. Thanks georgepatotk. The idea with imagelist works very well but... ...is it really the one and only way "to see" images at design- and run-time without big effort? Hmm... thanks anyway to you all!
  4. marble_eater - it's simple, I'd like to see my button images in the designer. At the moment my buttons are all blank. I can reference an image using path to a file to see the image in designer, but how to do this with an embedded image (withaut referencing the file)? Thanks DiverDan, that was my idea also, but how to change an image for different buttons?
  5. I've some embedded images in my app. I load them dynamically at run-time: Assembly assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); string assemblyName = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Name.ToString(); Stream stream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(assemblyName + ".Images.ARROWDN.BMP"); this.butBottom.Image = Image.FromStream(stream); I've no idea how I can do this at design-time. Help :) ? Adam
  6. Yes, I have. I have an idea to secure my business logic using the code security. I can then restrict an access to my public functions/objects etc. only to assemblies with known public key.
  7. That's right :) But the problem occurs for example when you want to load a user control. I receive a "System.IO.FileLoadException: The located assembly's manifest definition with name 'XXX' does not match the assembly reference". I think, that's because of dynamic compilation of pages through asp.net (\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\Temporary ASP.NET Files\). These dlls are not strong typed. How can I make asp.net use my *.snk file during the compilation? That's my problem (I've thought it's common ;).
  8. Sorry, of course "How?".
  9. Have you got any ideas?
  10. I'm about 4 weeks before the beta release of my asp.net applications and I already see the performance problems. Very special during application start. I've found a lot of information in internet about precompilation of asp.net pages but I'm not sure which is the best solution. Have you experience of precompilation? Thank's in advance for any help. Greets Adam
  11. bri189a, thanx a lot. I've found this in your rendered page. Cool. May I use your idea :)? Now I'll have to override the render method to emit new __doPostBack function, hmm :) <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> <!-- function __doPostBack(eventTarget, eventArgument) { var theform; if (window.navigator.appName.toLowerCase().indexOf("microsoft") > -1) { theform = document.Form1; } else { theform = document.forms["Form1"]; } theform.__EVENTTARGET.value = eventTarget.split("$").join(":"); theform.__EVENTARGUMENT.value = eventArgument; theform.submit();[b]__DisplayWaitMessage();[/b] } // --> </script> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> var __WaitTimerRef; function [b]__DisplayWaitMessage(){[/b] __WaitTimerRef = window.setInterval(__WaitDisableShow, 1000);} function __WaitDisableShow(time){ // turn off timer window.clearInterval(__WaitTimerRef); // get form var forms = document.getElementsByTagName("form"); forms[0].innerHTML = "<div><h2>Please wait while the page loads...</h2></div>";}</script> ....... Greets Adam
  12. But the quality of GetThumbnailImage output is miserable.
  13. You have to use Logging Handler and then configure the Logging and Instrumentation Application Block (database sink) so that you can log into database.
  14. Bind your handler in codebehind, not as an attribute. Sub CargarTareas(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles codigoEntidad.SelectedIndexChanged
  15. You have to use ADO.NET or extra framework (like Enterprise Library - Data Application Block). Look for tutorials in internet.
  16. Thanx mark007 and bri189a for those ideas. bri189a, I'm not quite sure I've understand your idea. After replacing the inner html to div tag, how do I steer that the page once again renders its content (with data)? A piece of code would be greatfull.
  17. I've one "master page" that loads a user control. This user control contains a grid with a database datasource. When I load o lot of data, the user has to wait with a blank page for an answer. I'd like to make my page more user friendly and show a message "please wait, loading...". So, I'd like to load first some kind of "wait.ascx" user control and than (when the data is ready to show) my main user control with the grid. Any ideas? Adam
  18. I don't want to use delegates and BeginInvoke because of the small threading pool (AFAIK 25 threads pro processor). I want to use new Thread(...) :) Any ideas? Adam
  19. Thanx for all answers, fellows! IngisKahn - super, the first RegEx is very good for my purposes!
  20. I'd like to check in my program user password for quality (mixed case, letters and numbers and so on). I've googled but without success. Any ideas? Thanx in advance Adam
  21. Enable debuging in browser.
  22. That's a problem (only) of rights to oracle folder. Try login/logout to propagate permissions. http://dbforums.com/t765398.html
  23. Than you have to fire your own event in one control and handle it in second.
  24. I'm not sure I understand you :) AFAIK the version of framework fixes the version of ASP.NET so framework 1.1 means ASP.NET 1.1 and so on. Only some products (for example WSE) are distributed independently from framework distributions.
  25. Check your IIS application configuration. You can see there which aspnet_isapi.dll will be used for *.aspx extention (for example c:\winnt\microsoft.net\framework\v1.1.4322\aspnet_isapi.dll)
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