I have a program I am trying to make, however I am a novice,
and this is my first program I have written to be used by anyone other than myself. My question is this.. Is there any easy way to switch to the Microphone and to the Stereo/WaveOut like on the windows mixer.
I would like to be able to offer this feature in my program, so people can easily switch between these two settings. I have been reading alot of tutorials and things. The only way I have come across so far is maybe with Windows API, but this seems very extensive, and a very lot of code for what seems like should be two simple functions. So please, if anyone could recommend an easy method for doing this? Something a novice could understand, it would be greatly appreciated. Also if anyone can link any tutortials that might help me, I would also be greatful for that. If API is my only chance, maybe somone who is good with API can help me? Thanks in Advance for the help!! :eek: