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Everything posted by vbdotnetxt

  1. Thanx but I resolved it: If (myString.ToString.toLower.Contains(searchTermTB.Text.toLower))
  2. I have this line of code to see if a search term is found in a string: If (myString.ToString.Contains(searchTermTB.Text)) .... The problem is that the Contains method returns TRUE, sensative to the case. For example First and fIRST are different. How can I make it case insensative?
  3. I have a RichTextBox control on my form1. I have two strings called firstStr and secondStr. firstStr = "(123456)" secondStr = "(1234567890)" I want to select 123456 from the secondStr. This is how I wanted to do it and print it to the RichTextBox: secondStr.Select(1,7) RichTextBox.Text = secondStr.SelectedText but it doesn't work :( this doesn't work either: secondStr.SelectionStart = 1 secondStr.SelectionLength = 7 RichTextBox.Text = secondStr.SelectedText I want to eventually compare the selected text with firstStr. How can I do that?
  4. I remember in VB6 we had the winsock control. Is there on in the .net too and how can I use it? any info appreciated.
  5. No i++ in VS 2005?!!! Really?!
  6. I'm very new to .net although I have been programming a while with open source languages. I just installed VS 2005 and MSDN 2005. I need to know about a good tutorial to start programming in it. What confuses me is the beginning where you run the IDE and then... I ask what should i do?! Thanx in advance.
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