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  1. I'm doing a website that has a master page and the main content is updateable through a administrator interface and instead of just posting content I would like it to be more dynamic and be able to be edited with HTML. Response.Write dosn't specify where the code will appear?
  2. Is it possible to generate an entire <DIV> at runtime using a string with HTML in it? If so how?
  3. Thanks Nerseus, you are indeed correct. I did some research and found this known issue for the IDE. 1.3 References to 32-bit COM components may not work in VB and C# Applications running on 64-bit platforms Most existing COM components are only available for 32-bit platforms and will not run in a 64-bit process on a 64-bit platform (although they will run correctly in a 32-bit process on a 64-bit platform). VB and C# applications that reference these 32bit COM components will not run by default on a 64-bit platform because by default the application will launch as a 64-bit process. The problem appears when a project with one or more COM references is: Migrated to VS 2005 and executed on 64 bit platforms -or- Created using VS 2005 on 64 bit platforms In VS 2005 the VB and C# compilers use the platform target property to determine if the.exe or .dll should run in 32 bit or 64 bit CPU architecture mode. The default setting for this property in Visual Studio 2005 is set to 'AnyCPU' which indicates that the application can run in either 32 and 64 bit mode, depending on the host platform. In this situation you may see an error such as "Cannot instantiate class �" when you debug or run these applications. To resolve this issue Set the platform target property to 'X86' for your VB or C# projects that have references to COM components. For C# Projects: Right click the project in the solution explorer and open 'properties' Choose the Build tab Set the Platform Target property to 'X86' For VB Projects: Right click the project in the solution explorer and open 'properties' Choose the Compile tab Press the Advanced Compile Options� button Set the Target CPU property to 'X86' Express Edition: The VB and C# Express products to not expose the Target property inside the development environment. You will need to carefully modify the project file using a text or XML editor. Close the project and/or solution Select Open File from the File menu Navigate to the project directory, and highlight the project file Press the Open button, the project file should open in the XML editor Locate the first <PropertyGroup> section and add the following line: <PlatformTarget>x86</PlatformTarget> Save the project file Reopen the project and/or solution using Open Project/Solution from the File menu Continue with development, debugging, and testing Alternatively, if the application is targeted to 64-bit platforms, you can ensure that the COM controls added to the application have 64-bit equivalents on the development and deployment computers. -- I really wish there was an easier way to upgrade programs to 64-bit since vendors are now only selling 64-Bit Processors yet you cannot fully utilize the power unless your running a 64-Bit version of that process. By the time everyone is caught up to 64-Bit i'm almost positive there will be a 128-bit processor available.
  4. I've run into an extremely strange error which I'm guessing has something to do with the pathing of the references in Windows XP 64-Bit. The first time I ran into this problem was with Pepperwhite; a GPS mapping control kind of like Google Earth but 2D. I shrugged it off and used Visual Studio 2003 (.Net 1.1) and I was able to pull in that control no problem. So today I needed to use the Shockwave Flash Object from Adobe (previously Macromedia) and I added as a reference from the COM tab no problem and when I tried to drag it to the form I got the error "Error: Check to see if ActiveX Control is Registered"; which I know is registered because I can use it in VS 2003. So I went into the references and under Shockwave Flash under path it said that it could not be found. So now knowing actually where the ActiveX control I manually added it. I was able to get it to the form at this point. So pleased with my efforts I decided to run the program and BAM; the dreadful and annoying InvalidOperationException popped up. An error occurred creating the form. See Exception.InnerException for details. The error is: Class not registered (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80040154 (REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG)) This was the same exact error I was getting when trying to run a form with the Pepperwhite control I mentioned earlier. I've tried running Filemon, Regmon, reinstalling VB.Net 2.0, but I have not been able to correct this problem. Is there anyone else who has Windows XP 64-Bit edition that would be willing to test this to confirm that there is indeed a problem with COM controls and VB.Net 2.0? (Since they all run fine on VB.Net 1.1, this would be a problem with the new framework and or the Visual Studio 2005 IDE.) Thanks so much, Ken
  5. I have created an application that is extremely graphic intensive and uses many controls; i'm having a visual problem with labels loading in a linear fashion when I would rather them load in the background and then all show at once. In example: I have a form with 28 labels, when the form sets those labels to visible it takes about 2 seconds for them all to load and you see them load one by one. Also another example is having that number of labels on a form and then bringing a form on top of the form with the labels and then sending the form without the labels to back, it reloads all the labels in the same fashion. If there is a way to make them just all pop up on screen at once that would be great. I have tried DoEvents, Redraws, Suspend Layout, Resume Layout, without much success. Any information would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks.
  6. Thank you, i'll try that right away!
  7. Hello, I have a program that copies two .OCX files to the %SystemRoot%\System32 folder and then registers them using shell cmd """regsvr32 C:\Windows\System32\MSWINSCK.OCX", null shell cmd """regsvr32 C:\Windows\System32\MSCOMCTL.OCX", null This brings up a message box saying that the registration has succeeded, I was wondering if there was a way I could do this silently. Either in the command prompt or completely in the background. If anyone has any suggestions I would greatly appreciate it.
  8. How do you make it blue like that? :rolleyes:
  9. I'm looking into finding the most efficient movie controls and need some advice. I have been working with Windows Media Player and it just takes *way* to long to load the video and pause it at the first frame. If you know a good movie control that loads movies quick and possibly has a built in feature to load them to the first frame of video, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks!
  10. Solved! Added a Do Loop that would loop nothing until all six movies were loaded. It looks great! Thanks for the help, I can see threading will be extremely useful in the future.
  11. I studied into Threading and I have done pretty well with it. It fixed the problem I was having with the buttons. I decided to use threading to load six movies onto a form and pause them at the first frame. The problem with this is that I need to know what thread is last to finish so I can set the movies to visible to avoid seeing the nasty play till first frame pause sequence. Any ideas? I'm using STA due to the Windows Media Controls not being able to work with MTA so I cannot use the WaitHandle.WaitAll(WaitAllEvents), which would be ideal! So any STA equivalent to that would be excellent! Thanks!
  12. I have an application that searches a CSV document. The document has over 8,700 lines so it takes a few seconds for it to get through it, which is represented by a progress bar. I have a picturebox that acts as a button that triggers this sub routine. I have a stop button which I want to trigger while the search is running. The problem is, once I am searching, no matter where I click, it triggers the button that searches the CSV. I have tried Application.DoEvents() in a few different places and this hasn't fixed the problem. Any help would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks!
  13. I have a form with six Windows Media Control videos on it. I was wondering if it is possible to load videos to the controls Asynchrously? Pseudo Code: Grab video URL from XML Load Video(i) from URL Pause Video When it Starts Playing Grab Next Video Any help or suggestions would be appreciated, i'm not apposed to using a different video control.
  14. I figured it out, the Flash background was taking 100% of the CPU in 32bit color mode. The Application.DoEvents() would freeze code execution because the CPU was at 100%. Lowering the colors to 16bit fixed the problems but the Flash file is still taking up a good 60% of the CPU. All in all, Flash is not the best control to play a looping movie.
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