Hello everybody,
Thank you very much for your fast response ...
I will start from the begining to clarify any missunderstanding
1- clsCats is a class
2- Form1 is a form
3- OtherForm is a form which will be different every time I use the class clsCats, but all of the OtherForm(s) will have the same custom properties for Example "ProductID"
When I instanciate clsCats it will
-Show Form1
-Store a reference to the OtherForm in the Form1
-Store the Value of the Property "ProductID" which will be used later by the OtherForm
Form1 has a Button1 when clicked will show the OtherForm Loaded with the Product information Where ProductID = whatever ..
And this step is the problem because I can't use:
as this is considered as a late binding .. in the design time the debugger does not know that mOtherForm will have a property called ProductID and fire an exception >> "ProductID is not a member of system.windows.forms.form"
Thats all .. for more information please let me