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  1. Hi, thanks for the reply. About reading and comparing from dataset/datatable, could you elaborate more or provide a simple sample?
  2. Hi, I am making a login web service. First a database is created. It has ID,username and password attributes. I plan to use the SELECT statement to retrieve the user record from the database. How do I enable the ASP.Net code to check the password attribute value returned by the SELECT statement? And if there is no record found, what value does the SELECT statement return and how to make ASP.Net know about this value?
  3. Hi, I would like to use IIS to host one asp.net website. The website will be used by many users simultaneously. I have 3 doubts to ask: Does IIS allocate resources to these users one after another or does IIS use multi threads to process these users at the same time? Also, regarding application settings, IIS 5.0 has Low, Medium, High. Does IIS 6.0 have any improvements over those of version 5.0? Also, are the application settings related to multi threading? :)
  4. Hi, How do I draw a rectangle onto an Imagebox control on an asp.net webpage when the user drags the mouse within the imagebox control? Inserting another imagebox onto the original imagebox when the user drags the mouse is ok too
  5. Hi, :p I would like to know how to implement Single Sign On/In (SSI) for asp.net web applications or websites. Using .net passport is too expensive and microsoft doesnt support the sdk's development anymore. What are the general steps used to create Single Sign On/In facilities? Are there any links which describe how to implement the SSI feature? I've found a few sites but would like to read up more
  6. Hi, I am using .net passport for an asp.net website. To use the passport, the application has to be registered at the Microsoft Services Manager website. At the site, the passport service is selected. Then details like domain name, Default Return URL, Expire Cookie URL, Logout URL and a few other URLs have to be provided. Does the URLs have to be webpages which are already hosted on IIS and are made public on the Internet already? Can the URLs just be directory paths of local asp.net webpages? e.g C:\My Documents and Settings\Test.aspx
  7. Hi, :) I would like to use .net passport with an asp.net application. I have installed the passport SDK. I came across a website that said that after installing the SDK, the developer has to create an application in the .NET Services Manager. In other words, the developer must submit the application information to Microsoft using the Microsoft .NET Services Manager. This allows the ASP.NET application to access the Microsoft Passport servers. Particulars about the application has to be entered. Is it possible to have .net passport functionality done locally, instead of using Microsoft's Passport servers? All I need is just a .net passport user account which can access 2 different websites. The page explaining passport can be found here: http://www.builderau.com.au/program/windows/soa/Integrate_Passport_into_ASP_NET_apps/0,39024644,20273635-1,00.htm
  8. How to manage multi threads in IIS? Hi, There is multithreading capabilities in IIS 5.1 but how do we enable and manage multithreading? I would like to know the general steps to do so. Or any weblinks describing multithreading management in IIS would be appreciated also :)
  9. Hi, Does IIS(Win xp version) support multithreading? If so, how do we manage multithreading on IIS?
  10. Yup,i've visited this site. I think MS has withdrawn development for the Passport sdk for good :( But thanks for replying. At least I dun have to search fruitlessly.
  11. Hi, I would want to use .Net Passport authentication for asp.net websites. According to Msdn (VStudio 2005), the passport SDK has to be downloaded first. But the link given in msdn is no longer valid. I searched the net and microsoft's website but cant find any place to download the passport SDK. Has microsoft withdrawn support for the .net passport SDK? Are there any links to download the SDK? :confused:
  12. Hi, :p Is it possible to send information (e.g string) from one page to a control of another page without using Session States or other server-based state management techniques? i.e no postback Right now, the label of the 2nd page has to display the 1st page's radio button's text when it is clicked.
  13. Hi, :D How do we pass values from one asp.net webpage to a textbox of another asp.net webpage? There are 2 asp.net webpages. Default.aspx and Frame.aspx. When I click on a button on Default.aspx, some text has to appear on the textbox of Frame.aspx
  14. Hi, Thank you for the reply. I used the window.onload javascript method and it can work too :)
  15. Hi, I have the same problem as you too. To solve it, I put the jscript in the aspx.vb file under the Page_Load method. RegisterStartUpScript is used. e.g Page.RegisterStartUpScript("MyScript",_ "<script language='javascript'>" & _ "function Hello() {alert('Hello');} </script>") If u wan the jscript to run when the page loads, use window.onload e.g window.onload = function Hello() {......
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