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  1. The assignment requirements are pretty open. All that is required is that i create a web site that measures the bandwidth a client is recieving when they download a file from the site. such as : http://www.zensupport.co.uk/speedtest/results.asp I was advised to use activex. Craig
  2. Thought it would be along them lines. Has anyone got any advise as to how i would go about creating an activex componant, that measures the amount of time it takes a file to download to a client machine? Would the activex componant actually initiate the download and time it or would i do this in my web application then call on the activex componant to time it? Cheers Craig
  3. How do you call on an activex control from visual studio.net 2003 Craig
  4. Anyone? Your help is much appreciated. Craig
  5. As part of a university project i have to a create an activex componant that times the download of a file of known size. This is so that my website can measure the bandwidth of any client machine that accesses it. I am coding my website in C#.net using visual studio.net 2003, i have never used activex before and am unsure of how to link my web site to an activex componant let alone code the activex componant. Below i have wrote an algorithm of what i believe the activex componant will do. I am unsure of whether this is correct. Start download Start timer Error = False while error = false while (timer<given threashold) AND (download is finished) Stop Timer Return Timer value else error = true end while I would be grateful if someone could send me a small activex componant and let me know how to call on it in my visual studio.net web application, just so i can practice using activex with visual studio .net 2003. I would also be grateful if you could advise me whether i am on the right track with the activex componant that i have to design to measure bandwidth. Thanks Craig
  6. Cheers That worked fine and all compiled ok. But When i run it i get this error The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot open the file 'D:\Inetpub\wwwroot\bandwidthmonitor\ISPDatabase.mdb'. It is already opened exclusively by another user, or you need permission to view its data. Its not been opened by another program. I am the administrator i thought i would have permission. Do you know why it has thrown up this error. Craig
  7. I want to link to a Microsoft Access database in visual studio. i am coding in C# and have found how to do using the site below http://www.geekpedia.com/prog_ttrls.php?id=158 i've got upto the section where you enter the page load event to fill in the data grid using the following VB Code private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { Dim myReader As System.Data.OleDB.OleDBDataReader; OleDBConnection1.Open(); myReader= OleDbCommand1.ExecuteReader(); ISPDataGrid1.DataSource = myReader; ISPDataGrid1.DataBind(); } Can someone help me convert this to C# code as i am struggeling to perform this in C#. Thanks Craig
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