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About guest31ro

  • Birthday 03/25/1982

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. the problem is I don't how the read function for an element and his atributs. Can someone help me with that? <Video Id="2" Title="Title2" Time="Time20000" Path="Path203" /> for example how do I get teh information from this tag... Thanks.
  2. <?xml version="1.0"?> <!--Playlist Myplayer--> <!--Playlist --> <Playlist> <Video Id="0" Title="Title0" Time="Time00000" Path="Path003" /> <Video Id="1" Title="Title1" Time="Time10000" Path="Path103" /> <Video Id="2" Title="Title2" Time="Time20000" Path="Path203" /> <Video Id="3" Title="Title3" Time="Time30000" Path="Path303" /> <Video Id="4" Title="Title4" Time="Time40000" Path="Path403" /> <Video Id="5" Title="Title5" Time="Time50000" Path="Path503" /> <Video Id="6" Title="Title6" Time="Time60000" Path="Path603" /> <Video Id="7" Title="Title7" Time="Time70000" Path="Path703" /> <Video Id="8" Title="Title8" Time="Time80000" Path="Path803" /> <Video Id="9" Title="Title9" Time="Time90000" Path="Path903" /> <Video Id="10" Title="Title10" Time="Time100000" Path="Path1003" /> <Video Id="11" Title="Title11" Time="Time110000" Path="Path1103" /> <Video Id="12" Title="Title12" Time="Time120000" Path="Path1203" /> <Video Id="13" Title="Title13" Time="Time130000" Path="Path1303" /> <Video Id="14" Title="Title14" Time="Time140000" Path="Path1403" /> <Video Id="15" Title="Title15" Time="Time150000" Path="Path1503" /> <Video Id="16" Title="Title16" Time="Time160000" Path="Path1603" /> <Video Id="17" Title="Title17" Time="Time170000" Path="Path1703" /> <Video Id="18" Title="Title18" Time="Time180000" Path="Path1803" /> <Video Id="19" Title="Title19" Time="Time190000" Path="Path1903" /> </Playlist> I have something like this I would like to get this values in a loop in a c# program, but I don't kow how to read. Can someone help me with a code? Thanks.
  3. If I declare in Class A a static variable how do I change it's value in Class B?
  4. I want to acces a function or variable from a class without creating an object of that class.
  5. class B; class A { int Func1( B& b ) ; int Func2( B& b ) ; }; class B { private: int _b; friend int A::Func1( B& ); // Grant friend access to one // function in class B. }; int A::Func1( B& b ) { return b._b; } // OK: this is a friend. int A::Func2( B& b ) { return b._b; } // Error: _b is a private member. I want to declare in C# a function as friend, like up there .... It is posible, and how?
  6. VB? becose in c, c# you put { } after if and without the "then", and by the way do you make the timer.Enable = true? ahd why don't you put the code into a loop C# Timer1.Enabled = true; ProgressBar1.Value =0; do { ProgressBar1.Value = ProgressBar1.Value + 10; } while (ProgressBar1.Value <100); Timer1.Enabled = False; fLogin.Show(); Me.Close();
  7. I have to forms (cass-es) Form A and Form B The problem is that I nedd to modify something from Form B in Form A, and olso I need to modify something form Form A in Form B. What should I do? Any sugestion? Thanks.
  8. for exapmle I have something like this: public class Form1:form { ...... static void Main() { Form1 FormN = new Form1(); Application.Run(FormN); } ..... private void top() { FormN.Size = new Size(30;56); } } I would like to use the FormN in a new form but if I declare it outside the main, I can not see it in main, and if I declare it in main I con not see it outside the main. What should I do?
  9. I have to forms (2 diferent clases) and one object, I need that object in the bougth forms. How do I do that? If I declare that object in the first form, how do I see it in the second? Thanks.
  10. And If is posible to modifi the width and the colors of the srollbars of a listView.
  11. yes but if I put this.listView1.Scrollable = false; becouse I have a Column I don't whant to show , If I put this.listView1.Scrollable = true; I get also a horizontal scrollbar. I want only a Vertical scrollbar or not to show one of the coloms in Detailed View. It is posible?
  12. Can I put only a vertical scroll and how? Thanks
  13. But now I have a new problem, I have a video object in that form, and when I move the form it changes to black, and only when is in the new place it starting to work fine. I want to say that while I drag the form I don't see the content of the video. I am using DirectX 9.0 SDK and the AudioVideoPayback namespace. Can you help me with that? Thanks.
  14. Thanks a lot divil, it's working great. :)
  15. I would like to change the "style" the width for example, I can not put less then 52. The bar I would like to be half of the normal size, so on... Can you give me some code? Thanks
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