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Everything posted by Jelmer

  1. Thats him!
  2. No its a textbox... in winforms .net not in asp.
  3. I like to make a field with a maximum of chars, the maximum is 50 char's. But how can i program that?
  4. Hello, I build a project. I read a xml, the crystal report makes a report of this xml file. On my computer it runs well after the installation. But if i change the build directory, and i run the executable again, everything runs well exept the making of the crystal form. If i make the form, the project saves the current directory, thats the directory where my project items are staying and also a xml file. But how can i get a normal path without d:\project\items\build .... Just: Article.xml Where can i find the path? and how can i change it? Greets. Jelmer
  5. hello I have a little code to change a '.' into a ','. But after the changing the cursor is put to the beginning of the textfield. Before: 45.| after translation: |45, The | is the cursor. My code: txtPrijs.Text = txtPrijs.Text.Replace(".", ","); I like to put the cursor tot the end of the line.. But how?
  6. Hello, Ive build a program with some crystalreports in it. If i install it on a 'clean' windows machine, i'll get some errors running the normal program (install works fine!). The program stuck on the place i wanne print a crystalreport. I'll get the print properties. Then the crystal report should be filled but that doesn't work. :( Some experts know what the problem is?
  7. thnx.. now it must work :)
  8. If i save it like this: IniFile ini = new IniFile("C:\\test.ini"); Then the file is on the root of C:\ But withouth that path.. where would he save it.. Does enybody know how i know the full path of the running exe file????
  9. *ini files of other program's are showed well..
  10. Hello My program is completed. So i build a install file. But i need 1 more file. The ini file i've generated. The program needs it. But it's gone!? I've searched all disks and can't find something... But the program can open it :S . Maybe you can help me. This is the code: IniFile ini = new IniFile("JTBilling.ini"); ini.IniWriteValue("Info","Database",database.Text); ini.IniWriteValue("Info","LastName",textBox2.Text); Where should Microsoft visual studio save it like this??? If i made it like: IniFile ini = new IniFile("c:\test.ini"); Then i cant find it in de the root of "C:\"
  11. sleep thats it !! Thank you!
  12. I'm looking for a command that breakes (not break; ) the computer for a few seconds... wich command is ok? i can't find it..
  13. Hello, I made a program that fills a crystal report as a bill. But if i make the bill so big that they need more than 1 page, then the crystal report makes a 2nd report. But thats with the Section2 and section5. Section2 is only on the first page needed Section5 is only on the last page needed So how can i configure this? With code or some properties of the crystal report? From code i can put some sections to: height = 0; But how can i see how many pages there are....
  14. solved :cool:
  15. A code like this doesnt work in access: SELECt * from factuur where factuur.datum > #11-9-2006# It looks like the datum is converted to a big number.. wich code is good ?
  16. I make a crystal report, it works well. But i have a section5 (page footer) that is printed on every page on the bottum. I want to print it only 1 time on the bottom of the 3 page. or sometimes on the 2nd. Also my Page header is wrong. Its printed on every page. It should just be printed on the first page..
  17. I've got a while loop that works well if the messagebox is active. But withouth the messagebox there loses 1 item each time i run this code... int aantal,teller; aantal = betalingscondities.Rows.Count; teller = 0; while ((aantal-1) > teller) { //MessageBox.Show(betalingscondities.Rows[teller].Cells[1].Value.ToString()); stats.add_conditie(betalingscondities.Rows[teller].Cells[1].Value.ToString()); Application.DoEvents(); teller = teller + 1; } The stats.add: public void add_conditie(string item) { try { OleDbConnection Connection = new OleDbConnection(); Connection = dbase(Connection); // Create an OleDb command, OleDbCommand command = new OleDbCommand(); command.Connection = Connection; command.CommandText = "insert into betalingscondities(conditie) values('" + item + "')"; command.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Error: " + ex.Message); } } strange isn't it?
  18. This code works: update bedrijven set debiteurnr = id where id = (select max(ID) from bedrijven) After the insert code... (id is the ID field).
  19. This works for a part: update bedrijven set debiteurnr = '(select max(ID) from bedrijven)' where id = (select max(ID) from bedrijven) Ok.. the items have a different name.. But the field debiteurnr is a tekst field. And if i run this code, the field gets this value: (select max(ID) from bedrijven) Thats not right... without the ' , it would work but then the database gives an error.
  20. SCOPE_IDENTITY() doesn't work with an access database :(
  21. This works okay:: CrystalReport1 print = new CrystalReport1(); printDialog1.PrinterSettings.Copies = 2; printDialog1.ShowDialog(); //print.PrintOptions = printDialog1.PrinterSettings. print.PrintOptions.PrinterName = printDialog1.PrinterSettings.PrinterName; print.PrintToPrinter(printDialog1.PrinterSettings.Copies, printDialog1.PrinterSettings.Collate, printDialog1.PrinterSettings.FromPage, printDialog1.PrinterSettings.ToPage); // print.PrintToPrinter(1, Convert.ToBoolean(1), 0, 1); NieuwFactuur_Load(sender, e);
  22. A little problem. I insert a field right this: insert into veld1(row1,row2) values(1,2); row0 is the ID field. I want that row3 is the same as the id. So: insert into veld1(row1,row2,row3) values(1,2,[id]); But wat doe i need to put into the [id] place??? to get the ID?? (the id must be generated by the database jet!!
  23. Hello I try to print my crystal report with some print options. This is what i get: CrystalReport1 print = new CrystalReport1(); printDialog1.PrinterSettings.Copies = 2; printDialog1.ShowDialog(); The dialog is displayed... And i like to print the report: print.PrintToPrinter(1, Convert.ToBoolean(1), 0, 1); But that doesn't work... , it just print the document to the normal printer, also if i tell him to print it to another... Normally without the printdialog it works perfect! But i like to set the print conditions...
  24. Maybe you know this problem also: The result is: 1653,84 I like it to display as: 1.653,84 What code is responsible for that?
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