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Everything posted by ALEX_0077

  1. PS- also view this post about AVI. Very interesting http://www.xtremedotnettalk.com/showthread.php?t=75894
  2. Hello mannis. I believe this can be accomplished with the technology of AVI files. As such, I recommend going to MSDN.com and searching for AVI in .NET. :)
  3. Thank you, PentiumGuy. :D I figure thats a problem if I need to draw a zillion frames a second. ;) A paint canvas tends to be a static one. If i go into speed-needy animated stuff, there must be some sort a work around. A possibly way to 'speed up' GDI+ might be if I draw all objects to DX surfaces,and only redraw that surface if the object changes color or size and stuff. That way, i can draw at high frame rates with the power of DX and the beutty of GDI+. (I hope :p )
  4. Hello! I have been documenting my latest piece of work, but need input as to what people feel would be a neccesity to have. The purpose of this software is to allow the creation of pixel/vector based graphics and have them saved in a 32-bit ARGB* format or possibly as a metafile; basically, a huge wrapper for GDI+ that the software will access by script. It encompasses 2-D Vectors, Imaging, and Typography. Some Things I have planned on and already documented for: -There needs to be 2 types of zoom: one that pixelates the more you zoom in (since thats what happens if you show your art on a smaller resolution!), and one that stays all vectorish, just like Flash does when you zoom in. -It must be able to have more that just solid, gradient, and image fill. What about the basic hatch brushes and adding your own algorithem(s) (e.g. -fractal) to create your own textures? -The software's environment will allow for plug-in support. -It will support not just .bmp, .png, .jpeg, .gif, .ico, et... (the stuff built into GDI+), but will also integrate the ability to edit/make Icons (both single, and the ones with more that one icon), AND Cursors (.cur and .ani). Anyone have any suggestions? (UI? new Features? etc...) Thanks in Advance! :D NOTE: I do not intend to make a Flash MX clone or Photoshop clone. This software is oriented twards enriching the experience of the Pixel (or even Texture?) artist with helpfull features and such.
  5. Ive always used a standard keyboard, but i find the 'contoured' keyboards (ergonomic or somethin) to be quite comfy. Something with fancy LED's and extra keys is really neat, but i find it important to also watch out for carpels (carples? carpelles??) tunnel, as typing alot can be a dangerouse sport. :p :)
  6. just a simple FYI: if you have a litte extra $$, you can always find a perfectly good Linux box (or boxes) to experiment for real cheap. Fry's Outpost.com has such an example (current as of 10-8-04) http://shop4.outpost.com/product/4199383 PS- I dont wanna seem like some kinda spammer or something. i hate spam
  7. eg. - in Red Hat linux, the command to Print a file is "lpr", while Solaris can use lp or lpr (although Solaris is a varient of Unix, Linux also has alot to do with Unix) stuff like the awk command, vi editor, and diffrent shells should be the same. i think. :D then again, its been a while since iv booten linux. :-\
  8. as far as that goes, some commands are different. Nothing of a complete overhall of a difference, though.
  9. folks. i think i gotta brain storm. (maybe a brain leak, dunno) I noticed how stuff like "WarezP2P", fake e-mails, and Spoofing all make up random numbers. Simple, .. ok. I also noticed that ALOT of proffesional grade software such as SwishMax use random numbers mixed with the date and time of download to encode/decode their product key. ... stay with me here ... wouldn't it be viable to make some sort of way to allow your e-mail to periodically change its "address", so that spammers can't track you, but anyone on your address book CAN. ??? ... just an idea. :confused: :)
  10. Good job lebb. :) I noticed posts from the EVBF don't count here. Thats cool though. This is , after all, a seperate forum. Time to start learning .NET...
  11. :D Yeah, it does. Theres something different though. I cant quite put my thumb on it.
  12. to Admins: Nice job. This forum looks great.
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