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Everything posted by ALEX_0077

  1. Heres a few (but there are more out there) 1-Programs can run in the background (kinda like an IM app that only shows its icon on the bottom right of the screen). You can have them start up when windows starts up 2-Install as a service, and have your service run automatically (again, when windows starts up). What do you see would be the simplest way of getting your app working?
  2. Please post what code you are having issues with. Thank you kindly.
  3. Seriously. Stop taking it so personally. If I don't like how something works, I am entitled, like everyone else, to post my RANDOM THOUGHT. Here is something constructive: get back to work and stop worrying what my random thought was. I didn't ask for help. I already stated what this post was about. You have done nothing but try and change my opinion, instead of making your own. Unless you have something related to VB and NOT something that has to do with me, I suggest you wise up and move on with your life. ---END OF DISCUSSION---
  4. Thanks for the HTML doc, marble_eatter. Already did that. And yes, it was ssssllllooooowwww. (My pc = P4 w/ HT @ 3.8 GHz, 1GB ddr 400 dual-channel plat. ed OCZ mem, asus p4p800 se mboard, RAID-0 7200 WD Caviar 300 GB, and the cherry on top, BFG GeForce 7800 OC 256MB GDDR3 AGP video card) And i quote "...Unfortunately, .Net doesn't make it as simple as we would like when it comes to direct image memory access... " Again, I know better than to use a screw driver as a mallet. Its just funny how I get 99.9999% done with a program, only to find out the one essential function I need cant be done without doing back-flips to get it to work. Huge overhead + hard to implement = Screwy workaround.
  5. Hmmm. so it is (or isnt). Guess i didnt use the singular form for "fart". I didnt imply I couldnt do it. I implied It wasn't easily accessible via the built in managed methods of VB.Net. I am forced to use API calls (not very "managed"), or unsafe code blocks in C# (also not very "managed"). Get it? Now, if I want to redefine the term "DLL hell", I will. So bite me. :-) (...dont get your panties in a knot about it) Now, read the following carefully: I am not the only one facing quirks in the .Net framework. If you want to be in denial and live in la-la land, go right ahead. Its a free country. I found them. It bugs me. Period. K? EDIT: I forgot about VB 6. As we all know so well, one major issue was that it wasn't actually OOP. But at least there it was safe to expect everyone to know that before starting a huge project. An hence, you didn't always hit a killer wall when you were 99.9999999% done.
  6. I certainly can. I have a paint program that needs to be able to manipulate bitmap bits directly, but cant. Only C# can do it, and only because you can temporarily use C++ in an unmanaged way. VB.net (1.0, 1.1, and possibly even 2.0) doesnt. I would be forced to use API calls to DLL hell. Not a very 'managed' approach to creating apps in .Net. But hey, everyones entitled to an opinion. :) Oh, and type in "define: flatite" at google.com Google is your friend.
  7. If you have the time to kill, try reading "What code DOESN'T do in real life (that it does in the movies)": http://www.drivl.com/code.html
  8. If your gonna flame, shut up and read first: I have been programming in VB (5, 6), VB.NET (1.0,1.1, 2.0), VBA, etc.. since 2000. I really loved working with that RAD tool, Visual BASIC IDE, and Visual Studio .Net. But the think that just drives me past the brink of flipping insanity is the FACT that half the crap thats supposed to work a certain way in VB6 or .NET just plain DOESN'T!!!!!!! WHAT THE @*&!# HECK!!!! Always with the stupid 'workaround' solutions. Burn VB!, burn to a crisp. I hope you die of a lethal flatite. Everyone hates you VB, Nobody likes you. I certainly dont. And I hope you and your stupid 'workaround' functionality all just explodes into a gazillion snippets of code. So there! Well, enough of that. Hope you all enjoyed my dumb post. Maybe you can relate sometimes. If not, feel free to let me know. :-) EDIT: Just so everyone is clear, I do like VB, and I just need to vent a bit. Its just frustrating sometimes. No flatites or harm is intended to anyone resembling any of the characters mentioned in this post. Thanks.
  9. Try e-bay, search for "Database Processing kroenke david 2005". its about $90 to $100 bucks w/ shipping total.
  10. use this from microsoft: http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/archive/en-us/directx9_c_Oct_2004/directx/graphics/tools/3dsmaxexporter.asp
  11. The simple reason is that once your in full screen, you can't writ back to the video object. (At least, thats what im told) Check this article on the video obect, and what to do in your case: msdn article on the video object
  12. You will have to use DirectX to load TGA (maybe not HAVE to, but a good idea.) Check out this link from msdn: http://msdn.microsoft.com/archive/default.asp?url=/archive/en-us/directx9_c_Summer_04/directx/graphics/reference/d3dx/enums/d3dximage_fileformat.asp
  13. Thats right. = is not the same as == (duh! ) :D
  14. IF its not 4 spam, and indeed a legit use (Im not saying it IS for illegit use), catch every instance of <A></A> HTML tags, then split those by the href="" values, and get everthing inside the first and last instance of the " " quotes.
  15. absolutly nothing. The <> method is just less code.
  16. If (Not (string1 = string2)) Then 'some code here... End If
  17. Unfortunatly, .Net doesn't seem to work like VB 6, were you can just 'run' and it builds for you. You have to build (i usually re-build), to see new changes. I could be wrong tho.
  18. Just some more info: If its not too many controls, i guess you could also do this: Public Sub SomeMethod() Dim obj As Object For Each Obj In frmTheForm.Controls If GetType(Obj).ToString.ToLower = "System.Windows.Forms.TextBox" Then Dim txt = DirectCast(Obj, System.Windows.Forms.TextBox) 'Do some stuff with your txt object End If Next Object End Sub Of course, you have to see if its a collection of type OBJECT, or some other type. Set the 'obj' variable's type accordingly. :)
  19. Quick fix: at least untill a better solution comes up. Try using a MessageBox.Show() from entry point to the ending code to see if all code is being executed. Just in case.
  20. Page_Load?? ...uh... what type of binary are you trying to execute? Check your project's property and see what the Startup Object is. (Sub Main?, frmYourForm?). If that still aint it, post back.
  21. I believe copying the Font File(s) to the Font folder on your local hard drive will suffice. (If not, post back.)
  22. I remember in vb6, I would use the API 'ExtractAssociatedIcon'. (This would return a Handle to the Icon) Maybe Allapi has a .Net example next to the 'ExtractAssociatedIcon' API listing.
  23. It really depends on what you plan to do with it, and who your 'target audience' will be. If its going to be small business and local customers, just go with Pro. Enterprise and Architect are overkill unless you plan on using all the extra do-hickies that come with them.
  24. I was once told, "Why re-invent the wheel?". This holds true in this case. If you ever have (or had) a chance to try out Macromedia Flash or Swish, you will see that a button is no more than 3 states and a Black and white Region that says if the button was clicked or not (by reading the color of a pixel in the region at the mouse's location) Because Bitmaps can be drawn to with the Graphics object, you can choose to load them with images OR draw your gradient fills, brushes, and what not. A button's images need only be redrawn if the button changes size anyways, right? 1-MouseDown Bitmap 2-MouseOver Bitmap 3-MouseUp Bitmap 4-Hit Region - Black and White image to determine where button is clicked (by reading pixel color @ that location on the Region, not the actuall button)
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