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About vijju

  • Birthday 01/11/1978

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  • Visual Studio .NET Version
    developer edition
  • .NET Preferred Language

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. hi, iam having an application which has a login screen. After logging in the user can see a list of reports.once the user clicks the report he will be given a list of parameters(input parameters for the crystal reports and the export type(which is the export type to pdf,word,excel and rtf) and also a generate report button. once the user enters the input parameters,select the export type and click on generate report button.The report will be generated. Here i got one problem if i select the pdf as export type the report is successfully exported to adobe pdf and it is shown. But if i select the report type as word or excel or rtf,instead of opening the generated report (word report is generated into the disk and opened it with ms-word and the report contents are correctly written) its showing login screen(the first screen) as word report. if i change this piece of code to Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "inline; filename=exported" & strExtension) to Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=exported" & strExtension) where strExtension is nothing but .doc,.xls or .rtf. Can any body suggest me the solution for the problem.iam not able to figure out what is the error. regards varma
  2. getting query engine error,crystal reports,vb.net,foxpro hi, iam working on an orderprocessing application. i wrote the following code Dim empReport As New PackSlip() Dim cnn As New OdbcConnection() Dim empAdapter As OdbcDataAdapter Dim empDS As DataSet Dim strQryString As String Dim strQryString1 As String strQryString = "Select Orders.order_num,Orders.status,Orders.batch_id,Orders.cost_code,Orders.st_fname,Orders.st_mname,Orders.st_lname,Orders.st_add1,Orders.st_add2,Orders.st_add3,Orders.st_city,Orders.st_state,Orders.st_zip,Orders.st_zip4,Orders.st_cntry,Orders.st_intzip,Orders.deliv_inst,Orders.comments,ship_methods.descrip from orders,ship_methods" strQryString1 = "Select ship_methods.descrip from ship_methods" Try cnn.ConnectionString = "DSN=Visual FoxPro Database;UID=;PWD=;SourceDB=C:\Bowne\POC\temp\data 1. dbc;SourceType=DBC;Exclusive=No;BackgroundFetch=No ;Collate=Machine" cnn.Open() empAdapter = New OdbcDataAdapter(strQryString, cnn) empDS = New DataSet() empDS.EnforceConstraints = False empAdapter.Fill(empDS, "Orders") empAdapter.Fill(empDS, "ship_methods") empDS.EnforceConstraints = True empReport.SetDataSource(empDS) Catch oleEX As OdbcException MessageBox.Show(oleEX.Message) Catch RepEX As Exception MessageBox.Show(RepEX.Message) End Try CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = empReport the above code prints orders whose shipping method is same the relation is orders.reg_or_on=ship_methods.id. i created this relation in the xsd file. i created the crystal reports with this xsd file as data source. i created the same relation with crystal database linking export. the main aim is to get the data for the reports using relation between two tables. but iam getting Query Engine Error:'C:|Docume~1\buddha.r\LOCALS~1\Temp\temp_4a6fc71-4a9d-403c-beb1-388c-4b23a16d.rpt' what may be the problem with this . should i need to do any thing other than creating relation ships or use joins. if so how should i create relation... please give suggestions... regard varma
  3. hi, iam working as a software engineer in vb.net iam very new to vb.net i have been given a task of populating data to crystal report from vb.net classes,printing should be very fast. i have done some pretty work on displaying crystal reports from vb.net using crystal report viewer. but now i had a very tough situation... i need to do the following things 1)Design a windows form with a simple combobox which takes all the batch ids from foxpro database. 2)When a batchid is selected and a button called "Print Orders" is Clicked,this batch id should be passed as a parameter to class. 2)The data should be fetched from more than three tables 3)All the data should be populated to crystal report through classes,so that there is no coupling of database and report directly. so what is the meaning of populating data from classes to crystal reports? could any body please tell me how to go forward to make it successfull.i have been trying to find out the approach from the last two days.can any body give me the idea..... if would be very thankful if somebody provides me a some sample code....... iam drawing the flow.... windows forms(Reports) | | | vb.net class (which should fetch data for the report) | | | Foxpro database regards varma
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