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Everything posted by evaleah

  1. I have a simple html img control I would like to add a background image to. I have the following but the background image does not show. The image being referenced is there. I can see it in the second image control. I just don't see it as a background. Any ideas? <img id="htmlImg" style="background-image: url('physicianGraphic.jpg'); background-position:top center;" src="uploadedimages/Member_Photos/adkins.jpg" alt="Doc Photo Test" /> <img id="Img1" src="physicianGraphic.jpg" alt="Doc Photo Test" /> Thanks!
  2. I have implemented code to send an iCalendar formatted email from the web. My users want to be able to send multiple invitations to the same attendees for the same event over an extended period. Basically, they want to send out the initial invitation and then reminders. The issue I am running into is if a user accepts the first invitation and then later receives another one and accepts again the same meeting appears in their Outlook calendar twice. Does anyone have any idea of how to check for the existence of the meeting in the calendar before allowing it to be added again? Thanks!
  3. I would like to be able to export a dataset directly to a pivot table report in .Net 2.0. I looked at CarlosAg.ExcelWriter but it looks like that is only good for 1.1 or 1.0. Does anyone have a good idea of how to do this in 2.0? If you even know of some good links to start with that would be great. I have gotten totally lost in Google land.... Thanks, Eva
  4. I have to admit, I don't understand why you don't want to do that. You won't take a performance hit to do it in the code rather than in the html. It's still faster to do it this way than to create the controls at runtime. Since you need the path to be dynamic and all the images are different, I'm afraid this is the most effecient way. Especially if all the image names are not something you can loop. Otherwise, the loop option is the best you've got. If you name all your img html objects the same as the images you are looking for you could run your loop that way. It just seems to me you are avoiding one method without really gaining anything. Whether you set the variable "image_path" or the src itself in code, either way you have to set something in code. The easiest and fastest way to get the image you want is to set it as we have all suggested here.
  5. Right, I know that part. What I don't know is FROM where you want to SET that value of "image_path". Just putting a variable someplace doesn't assign it a value. How did you *want* to assign the value? Where were you thinking of doing that? Maybe if you tell me that there might be other options. It's just that you have to assign a value somewhere in order to read it here. Does what I am asking you make more sense now?
  6. I guess I am confused about what you are really trying to do. You have to set the value of the variable somewhere. Where are you setting the value of the variable? Aren't you doing that in code? If you aren't doing it in code somewhere it's not dynamic. In that case just put in your image path string.
  7. If I am understanding you correctly then you have a user control that you want a different image to appear based on what page calls the control. You want to set this value in the calling page and let the user control read it. Try adding a hidden html control and make it public. Set the value to be the value you want for image_path. For example: <input id="ImagePath" type="hidden" value="image_path" name="ImagePath" runat="server"><br> Your code behind declaration of the hidden control should read: Public WithEvents ImagePath As System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlInputHidden When you incorporate the usercontrol into a page set the value of the control to be the image path you want. For example: MyUserControl.ImagePath.Value = "theactualimagepath" Then again, back at your usercontrol. In your page load set the src of your image control from the hidden control. myImg1.src = ImagePath.Value I know that is a bit of a complicated explanation but I did my best to make it clear! HTH Eva
  8. I have a .Net app installed on an IIS 5.0 server. When I attempt to browse to the start page the browser just appears to keep refeshing and never gets anywhere. When I check the web logs, I get an error 302: Object Moved. This works on my development server. I just can't get it moved to the production environment. Does anyone have any idea where I can even begin to look to solve this issue? Thank you!! Eva
  9. I have an application that is using "windows" authentication mode to allow me to import my NT domain users and impersonate them rather than forcing them to learn new usernames and passwords for my web app. I am using basic authentication with SSL on the IIS server though. Does anyone know of a way to clear the cache so that after the session times out if the user attempts to navigate to a page in the application the little gray box prompting them for their username and password pops back up? Thanks, Eva
  10. I have noticed this occurs if you do not switch to Design View when you click save. Clicking save from HTML view does not automatically add the code for some reason. I usually end up clicking save twice. Once while in HTML view and then again from Design view to make sure it gets put into the code page.
  11. You will need to have authentication on your app (Web.Config) set to "Windows" mode. Then you can use User.IsinRole("DomainName\RoleName") to check that they are in the group you need. HTH Eva
  12. You could put the control in a table and call the OnMouseOver event for the table cell your control is in. Then call a routine from there that would change the backcolor of the radiobutton control. Something like the following: <td onmouseover="ChangeRBColor"> <asp:radiobutton id="RadioButton1" /> </td> Protected Sub ChangeRBColor() RadioButton1.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Purple End Sub HTH Eva
  13. I don't know if there is a way to get a list of the groups the user is in. I only know how to check that the user is in a specific group. That code is: User.IsinRole("DOMAINNAME\GroupName") Not sure if that at least gets you in the right direction.
  14. The only way would be to open yet another window and call the event. Since these are web pages you cannot call routines from one to another like you can with windows apps.
  15. This is usually related to the framework versions or security setting differences on the two machines. Do they both have the same version of IIS and the framework installed? Does the ASPNET user have access to what is needed to call the web service?
  16. I have several pages that controls appear to be created at runtime but they are not. I just set the controls to visible=false until they are needed. Then at runtime it is easy to set visible=true again and vice versa. .Net doesn't actually send the HTML code for the control to the browser if it is marked as visible=false so it automatically controls the layout. I like it doing it for me:-) HTH Eva
  17. With Response .Clear() .ContentType = "application/pdf" .AddHeader("Content-Disposition", _ "inline; filename=""" & strFileName & """") .WriteFile(strSaveFile) End With where strFileName is the name only and strSaveFile is the full path. This will cause the page to open Acrobat and show the file you listed. HTH Eva
  18. ah... ok. Now you have a need:-) This won't work compiled on its own exactly as you have seen. It needs the project to have references to all the system.web stuff. Sorry, I should have made that clearer when I first sent you the code. Go to Project and "Add Class". This will give you a .vb file. Call that whatever you like. As I said before, I like to call it "Common". Then put this inside it. Let me know if I am still missing something I should be telling you.
  19. I don't compile this on its own. I just include it as part of my Common.vb in whatever ASP.Net project I am using it in and then reference it from there. Are you compiling only this?
  20. I regret to say that my best solution is to reinstall VS. I am sure there is something simpler and if someone here knows it would be great if they would tell us both. I had a similar issue after I made some major changes in software on my dev PC. After many hours of aggrevation and sweat I finally decided to reinstall and am now happy.
  21. I don't do this with a bookmark. I do it with a class that sets focus. The code for the class is: Public Class SetFocus Public Sub SetFocus(ByVal controlToFocus As Control, ByVal callingPage As Page) Dim scriptFunction As String Dim scriptClientId As String scriptClientId = controlToFocus.ClientID scriptFunction = "<script language='javascript'>" scriptFunction += "document.getElementById('" & scriptClientId & "').focus();" scriptFunction += "</script>" callingPage.RegisterStartupScript("focus", scriptFunction.ToString()) End Sub End Class Then I end the routine that causes the postback with: Dim objSF as new SetFocus objSF.SetFocus(PanelWithDetails, Me) HTH Eva
  22. Quoted directly from the very last entry of the post I referred you to: Dim txt1 as new TextBox Private Sub Load(....) if txt1.text <> "" then me.controls.add(txt1) end if End Sub Private Sub Button1_Click(.....) Handles Button1.Click txt1.text = "Hello" me.controls.add(txt1) End Sub
  23. It sounds like your best bet is not to include it in your selection. I would write my stored proc or my SQL statement to only select the items I wanted to appear in the datagrid. This would be the fastest way to do this.
  24. Take a look at this thread that was just recently posted: http://www.xtremedotnettalk.com/showthread.php?t=85119 I think it addresses a lot of what you are asking.
  25. First I would check the registry that no references to those directories still exist. Assuming there aren't anymore.... When are you getting the error? Are you getting it when you try to open a project in VS or when you try to create a new one?
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