Hey, I'm pretty new at VB.NET and had gained interest in creating a tic-tac-toe game from scratch.. although i had no idea where to begin so i downloaded some source code... though i need some help decifering it as a lot of it doesn't make sense... mainly what each private sub does and some of the confusing bits in it.. like bytes and chars and whatnot...
I know it's a lot of code to just go and summerize, but any help is appreciated, especially with the math and checking stuff. The form is composed of 9 picturebox controls.. XO 1-5 and thats for the playing board.
Again, any help is appreciated :)
Dim chrXOChar As Char = "X"
Private Sub XO1PictureBox_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles XO9PictureBox.Click, XO6PictureBox.Click, XO8PictureBox.Click, XO5PictureBox.Click, XO7PictureBox.Click, XO4PictureBox.Click, XO3PictureBox.Click, XO2PictureBox.Click, XO1PictureBox.Click
Dim lblClicked As Label
lblClicked = sender
If GetLblText(lblClicked.Tag()) <> Nothing Then Exit Sub
Call SetLblText(lblClicked.Tag(), chrXOChar)
If CheckWin(lblClicked.Tag) = True Then
MessageBox.Show(chrXOChar & " Wins!")
Exit Sub
End If
If chrXOChar = "X" Then
chrXOChar = "O"
chrXOChar = "X"
End If
End Sub
Private Function CheckWin(ByVal bindex As Byte) As Boolean
CheckWin = True
If CheckGrid(1, 3, 1) = True Then Exit Function
If CheckGrid(4, 6, 1) = True Then Exit Function
If CheckGrid(7, 9, 1) = True Then Exit Function
If CheckGrid(1, 7, 3) = True Then Exit Function
If CheckGrid(2, 8, 3) = True Then Exit Function
If CheckGrid(3, 9, 3) = True Then Exit Function
If CheckGrid(1, 9, 4) = True Then Exit Function
If CheckGrid(3, 7, 2) = True Then Exit Function
CheckWin = False
Dim i As Byte
For i = 1 To 9
If GetLblText(i) = Nothing Then
Exit Function
End If
End Function
Private Function CheckGrid(ByVal bfrom As Byte, ByVal bto As Byte, ByVal bstep As Byte) As Boolean
Dim bctr As Byte
Dim i As Byte = 0
Dim c(2) As Char
For bctr = bfrom To bto Step bstep
c(i) = GetLblText(bctr)
i = i + 1
If c(0) = c(1) And c(1) = c(2) Then
If c(0) <> Nothing Then
CheckGrid = True
End If
End If
End Function
Private Sub SetLblText(ByVal bIndex As Byte, ByVal sText As Char)
Select Case bIndex
Case 1 : XO1PictureBox.Text = sText
Case 2 : XO2PictureBox.Text = sText
Case 3 : XO3PictureBox.Text = sText
Case 4 : XO4PictureBox.Text = sText
Case 5 : XO5PictureBox.Text = sText
Case 6 : XO6PictureBox.Text = sText
Case 7 : XO7PictureBox.Text = sText
Case 8 : XO8PictureBox.Text = sText
Case 9 : XO9PictureBox.Text = sText
Case Else
MessageBox.Show("Please contact game designers and quote error #69")
End Select
End Sub
Private Function GetLblText(ByVal bIndex As Byte) As Char
Select Case bIndex
Case 1 : GetLblText = XO1PictureBox.Text
Case 2 : GetLblText = XO2PictureBox.Text
Case 3 : GetLblText = XO3PictureBox.Text
Case 4 : GetLblText = XO4PictureBox.Text
Case 5 : GetLblText = XO5PictureBox.Text
Case 6 : GetLblText = XO6PictureBox.Text
Case 7 : GetLblText = XO7PictureBox.Text
Case 8 : GetLblText = XO8PictureBox.Text
Case 9 : GetLblText = XO9PictureBox.Text
Case Else
MessageBox.Show("Please contact game designers and quote error #96")
End Select
End Function
Private Sub NewGameMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles NewGameMenuItem.Click
Dim i As Byte
For i = 1 To 9 Step 1
Call SetLblText(i, Nothing)
End Sub
'Exits the program
Private Sub ExitMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ExitMenuItem.Click
End Sub