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  1. I found this on an earlier post, and it works out great for me. thanks! Add a group on whatever calllog field you would like to group by (like CallLog.CallID). On the right where it says Group Header #1, right click and select Insert Section Below (or Insert if you are using the Section Expert) to add another row that is tied to that group. Add the other calllog fields you want in that section (you can add additional sections if you want for additional info). Add the journal information in the detail section. _________________ Clint Heat 8.03\SQL2K, HAT 8.03, HSS 8.0 Last edited by ShortReed on Thu Feb 02, 2006 6:16 pm; edited 1 time in total
  2. Hi, Good Morning I have created a report that shows all the journal entries for a particular account. The problem with this report is that for each journal entry it shows the ticket # each time as well as the other detail information such as the customer name, address, etc. Does anyone know (if possible) how i can display one ticket#, cust name, address, etc for an account that has say 10 different journals. Any help or suggestions you can give would be most appreciated. Thank you again for all your help. tasha
  3. Hello, After playing around with this for couple days, I found what i was looking for. Thank You! I guess with time and being able to search around the web it will eventually come. The correct formula i needed to use for my report was HFWDurHoursNormal({RecvdDate,Time,ModDate,Time}) found on http://www.businessobjects.com/support Kindest Regards, tasha
  4. Hello Again, Can someone assist me with creating a duration formula for a report i've done in crystal using heat? I see heat has a cduration field and this field is a number. I have been unsuccessful in converting this # to string. I would want the duration time in hh:mm:ss, for calls received to the time it was modified. Any suggestions/assistance you can give me would be greatly appreciated. Many Thanks! tasha
  5. what i found was that i had to use the HFWDate to Date function in a formula and replace it in the detail of my report where the dates were being used. tasha
  6. crystal report date format comes like yyyy-mm-dd. I would like to know if this date can some how be converted to mm-dd-yy format? I have tried using the HFWDatetoDate function, but it does not change the data in the report. It only changes the report date format, not the data in the report. I need the data(dates) in the report to be changed. If any one has done this before, any help you can give would be great. thank you! tasha
  7. thank you, i got it. I was making this more difficult than it actually is. I was able to get more information from front range solutions web site. what i had to do was create a start and end date parameter(allowed for prompting) and then define the date field in the report expert selection, where (date field) is between start date and end date. tasha
  8. hi, iam trying to create a formula that prompts for the date values. Iam capturing all completed jobs in the DB: ie, where compdate >= install date and the current status = "complete". after a few days of trying, nothing seems to be working out. any help you can give would be appreciated. iam using crystal 8.5. thanks again, tasha
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