Hehe, I'm definitely not using the right terminalogy. Part of the problem of being a newbie is lacking the basic knowledge to ask questions properly; I'll try again.
My paramaters are being passed to my stored procedure (@Value, @Value), and the command text has been told the stored procedure name (sp_blah_blah).
I wanted to see the completed t-sql string that is being sent to the SQL Server.
For instance...
t-sql command = " sp_blah_blah '124312', 'asldgj' "
There must be a way to capture the command being sent to the database....
My stored procedure is executing without any reported errors. However, when I check the database, no updates or inserts have been made; therefor I'm curious to see what values are being sent so that I can try to debug from the database end of things.
Cheers for your help, it's much appreciated.