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  1. Not sure if this helps...but we have an error class that we direct all of our error calls to as well as all close/end events (i.e. instead of system.environment.exit(0), we use LocalErrorLink.GoodExit(0)). By funneling everything through this class, you are guaranteed to have one exit point where all errors/exit calls are sent...which could give you the "global" spot to decide what to do if an error occurs.
  2. Hi: Ok, abstract question...not sure if there is an answer. Does visual studio provide a mechanism to track how the software is used (i.e. software opens, method1, method2, software closes)? If something like this exists and could be turned on, it would be helpful in troubleshooting. We could construct something like this on our own, but was just wondering if something already exists. Also, is there a way to change my user name, I looked for an administrator email as well as in the profile options, but couldn't find either. Thanks!
  3. Hi: We want to use the microsoft treeview, but be able to have some nodes have checkboxes and some not...from what I can see, its either all or nothing (i.e. CheckBoxes property). Is there a way around this or is there another treeview that would allow selective checkboxes that someone can recommend? Thanks!
  4. Found it...It is under the file menu, file-add-existing project.
  5. Hi: In VS 2003, you can add different projects to a solution and use them as needed...in VS 2005, this doesn't appear to be the case...or at least I haven't found out how to do it. Thoughts? Eric
  6. Found the answer...Remote File Viewer. Select Start -> Programs -> Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 -> Visual Studio Remote Tools -> Remote File Viewer. It will prompt you for the device you want to connect to...here, select the emulator for the pocket pc. It will give you a view of the file system on the emulator...navigate to where you want your file loaded to and the select File -> Export. Select the file you want moved over to the emulator from your development machine and it will be copied over. Then, when referring to this file in the IDE, refer to it from the PDA perspective (i.e. if you move a file to program files, the path starts "program files\").
  7. Thanks Cags! It answers part of my question...the other part, when developing, how to I get my test files over to the emulator? Specifically, I am using an xml file and I put it in the shared directory (set through the configuration menu on the emulator), but the emulator never finds the file. I have gone through the special folder enumeration as well as tried various hard coded versions. My boss told me that when he was working on it, there is a way to move files from the development computer to the emulator (ironically both running on the same PC)...basically a shared directory. But his laptop crashed and all of that was lost. The path he used was "\program files\PNC\WBData.xml"...thoughts? Eric
  8. Hi: Forgive me if this is the wrong forum...didn't see a forum that applies to this. Are there any good sources on how to do file IO on pocket pc development? Application.startuppath isn't an option here and it is not apparent to me how to test with file IO (i.e. get files read in and out). Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks! Eric
  9. thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Hi All: Just sitting here with one of my collegues and was wondering if anyone knows what visual studio is built with? And for that matter, windows itself? I have always assumed it was C/C++ since that is what the API calls resemble. Just curious... Eric
  11. Sorry...spoke to soon, when I go to the run button (i.e. green button), there is no combo to select the run method (i.e. "Release", "Debug", etc.) and no option to add that to the standard bar. But I believe Mr. Paul is right...each time I set a break point, it stops...which is what I care about. That actually was one of my issues with 2003...I had to remember to set to release to build an installer...so, I to think this is a good thing :) Thanks for the responses guys! Eric
  12. Thanks! it did
  13. Thanks, but they are uninstalled. It hasn't happened in about 3 weeks now, so it may have been a fluke...thanks for the thought!
  14. Where is the Release/Debug settings in Visual Studio 2005?
  15. Hi: This is a bit wierd...we have a number of .net applications (2003) that use crystal reports. Recently (and very intermittenly), some of the applications will be in use and they will spontaneously uninstall themselves. We reinstall and they run fine...no errors thrown. My search on the internet hasn't turned anything up and I was curious if anyone had any thoughts. Thanks! Eric
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