Hi good people :)
First of all, how do you make your application run in fullscreen mode?
I set the PresentParameters object, I check with the Manager object
to make a BackBuffer with the correct width, height and format, I create
the device and try clearing it and the application crashesh. Does anyone
have (undoubtedly, but is also willing to post) a working piece of code? :D
2nd question: What is the true nature of the znearPlane and zfarPlane parameters in Matrix.PerspectiveFovLH(..)? Ok, they are clipping planes, but do they apply in camera (view) space? I suppose so, but application behavior suggests otherwise. For example, my camera is at (0, 0, -1000), looking at (0,0,0). I'm drawing only 3 axes, so there isn't a single point with Z < 0. However, for some reason it works with (znear, zfar) = (0, 100) and for some reason doesn't if I put znear > 0 :confused: :confused:
Please help, experienced ones :rolleyes: