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  1. hello, what db engine (access, berkeley, etc) can i use for a single desktop app with VB.net 2003, the only requisites i need are the hability to store images, and to store the entire database in a single file so i can copy and transmit it over the internet in only one step, i don't want to install a service like mysql, and i don't want to use access because it doesn't support limits and ofsets in a select query thanks for your advise
  2. i have a table with a lot of columns, is there a way to copy a row without selecting and reinserting it again? i'm using ms access thank you
  3. hello, i want to call the click event handler of a button when the user hits the enter key after typing some text in a textbox, but the keypress event of the text box only works with characters keys, what can i do? thank you
  4. thank you that was very helpful!!! :D
  5. hello i have a loop that creates controls with info from db, this controls are pictureboxes, after being created and configured they are added to a panel control, how can i set event handlers for click and double click events to this controls as they are created?? here is my code: Private Sub fotos_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load Dim dt As DataTable = selectDatos(Me.cnxStr, "select id_foto,ext from fotos where id_paciente=" + idpacientecur) Dim dr As DataRow Dim foto As PictureBox 'loop to create pictureboxes For Each dr In dt.Rows foto = New PictureBox foto.Size = New Size(90, 90) foto.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage foto.Image = Image.FromFile(Me.path + "fotos\" + Me.idpacientecur + "\" + cString(dr.Item(0)) + "." + dr.Item(1)) 'add to panel control panelFotos.Controls.Add(foto) foto.Location = New Point(Me.refx, Me.refy) foto.Cursor = Cursors.Hand Me.refx = Me.refx + 100 'here i want to add the event handlers for click and double click events Next End Sub thanks for your help
  6. hello i want to copy an ms access database file (.mdb) from a dir to another, simple, but my program throws an excpetion NotSupportedException saying "Given path's format is not supported", how can i copy my file??, here's my code: Dim path As String = "" 'target filename will contain today's date Dim hoy As String = Today.ToString hoy = hoy.Replace("\", "-") Dim path1 As String = selPath.SelectedPath + "\udm_" + hoy + "_" Dim ext As String = ".mdb" Dim num As Integer = 1 'generate target path path = path1 + num.ToString + ext 'check if not exists, else increment the number While File.Exists(path) num = num + 1 path = path1 + num.ToString + ext End While Dim source As String = Me.path + "db\db.mdb" 'exception thrown around the next lines Dim fs As FileStream = File.Create(path) fs.Close() File.Copy(source, path) thanks for your help
  7. thank you!!!!!!!!1 :D :D :D :D :D
  8. is there support in .net for creation and handling of zip compressed files? thank you
  9. hello, how can i get the value of the autonumeric key field for the last inserted row in an ms access database using odbc (something like mysql's mysql_insert_id() function)?? thank you
  10. thanks for this and for the past one :D ;)
  11. how can i make a method to wait n seconds and then resume execution?? public sub blah() 'statements 'wait one second or two... 'resume execution end sub thank you =)
  12. hello how can i block users from entering special sql characters in textboxes, like # ' \ " and -- ? i know it can be done with the keypress event of the textbox but i don't know how exactly thank you
  13. hello i have a datagrid, the first time i bind it to a dataTable it shows the rows and cols correctly, but after updating that table in the db and binding again to a new datatable it still shows the old records, i have no building/runtime errors, i use odbc and an access 2000 db, what can i do to bind the datagrid to a new datatable and force it to show the new data ?? thanks for your help
  14. i think the problem is the update of the datagrid, it has only one datatable and it doesn't update with the new datatable, how can i update it?? thank you
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