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Everything posted by fkheng

  1. i see thanx a lot mutant... yeap assembly info...is that really assembly language? do i need to touch it? if so, when do i use it? does it serve any purpose or wat?
  2. i see, hm.......i'm still so used to VB6, still trying to get used to the development environment i need to get certain things right i need to know wat is a solution? how that differs from a project? in the solution explorer they show the link to the assembly file... do i have to code in this assembly file? do i need it? wat is a class view?
  3. i see, hm.........a video store application eh? hm....... i see... i was thinking, wat would be a suitable system, which can be applied thru the internet as well as locally? (used and accessed through an internet browser as well as a local application) er.....wat's a content management system? can u give me an example?
  4. i see, okok thanx a lot... also wat is this thing called Sub Main()? wat is a shared Sub Main()? must i put any code into this function?
  5. In VB6, we had an easy splash screen option. How do I create one in VB.NET? Is there any similar way? or do we have to create one from scratch?
  6. i see, a game eh? hm......... will think bout it , wa3t bout other things other than a game? probably something which will serve as a system which could be used by an organisation?
  7. hehe, er.....something other than that?
  8. you guys really did not encounter any problem? can u pls give me the proper sequence to do th ings so that i could try? when do i install the service? after compiling or wat?
  9. probably something that would be challenging...
  10. hm......could anyone give some ideas FOR a project? coz i really need some...
  11. To all who can help, I am currently seeking a bachelor in computing /applied computing, and am in the final year. We are required to complete a computer project module, whereby I will have to choose a language as well as a scenario or a system to create. I have chosen VB.NET. Is this a good choice? Or do you think I'd be better off choosing other languages to attain higher marks? Also, I need suggestions for a system. Can anyone just pour in opinions so I can get some ideas? I'd be really really grateful! Thank you.
  12. ok, while in the Service1.vb frame, i build solution, build myservice, and then ran the InstallUtil <path> command from the VS.NET command prompt, then i get the same error again! wat cou ld be wrong man!
  13. is MSDN = SDK?
  14. do all linlks which begin with 'ms-help' require me to install the MSDN .NET?
  15. er.....okok, i'll try once i get home later tonite, i'm actually at work now, will get back to both of you later...thanx a lot, u guys have really been a lot of help to me...
  16. was it wrong of me to run the service? i am really unsure, but can u pls tell me wat i should not do... also, there are 2 build options i realised, one is Build the service the other is Build the solution wat is the difference?
  17. fkheng


    What are Hashtables, Stack tables, and queue tables? What's the difference between these 3 and using them? Are there anymore tables?
  18. In VB.NET, there seems to be many keywords like MyBase, AddressOf and others. Does anyone out there know if there are any online articles which enlist this keyword list for VB.NET, and gives a good explanation of each of them?
  19. the attachment file... unzip it, the name of my code is MyService... myservice.zip
  20. nope...i did not add any files of that sort to my folder... it is lookiung for some file called My, the thi ng is i can't find, in my code, any syntax or line of code which specifies this filename... the core of my code is basicallyt this : Private Sub Timer1_Elapsed(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs) Handles Timer1.Elapsed Dim MyLog As New EventLog() ' create a new event log ' Check if the the Event Log Exists If Not MyLog.SourceExists("MyService") Then MyLog.CreateEventSource("MyService", "Myservice Log") ' Create Log End If MyLog.Source = "MyService" ' Write to the Log MyLog.WriteEntry("MyService Log", "This is log on " & _ CStr(TimeOfDay), EventLogEntryType.Information) End Sub This is just a tutorial i followed...just to test out a Windows Service, and how to create one... the error msg is Exception occured while initiliazing the installation. System.IO.FileNotFoundException : File or Assembly name My, or one of its dependencies, was not found.. I think I'll attach the zip file of all the related files to my project...here for your reference...
  21. i see, ok..... er......i have a problem, after installing the Service i created thru the VB.NET command prompt, i get an error stating FileNotFound, and that a File or assembly name or a dependancy file could not be found... i did everything accordingly, i do not know why this error has occured...any idea?
  22. When coding a Windows Service, firstly, do i need to use a timer? Can i work without a timer? Also, how do I create a Windows Service, and then make use of a User Interface, so that when the service is started, at least I can use the interface to control certain things?
  23. okok, sorry, i had to add the service process reference...
  24. do i have to add any reference?
  25. i get an error message stating "Type System.ServiceProcess.ServiceBase" not defined, wat does this mean?
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