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Xtreme .Net Talk


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Everything posted by fkheng

  1. how did i fire it, and lose focus? coz i dun see any part where i lose focus...
  2. What is the difference between XML and XSLT? What can I use XML or XSLT for (what's an example of its application)? I'm asking these questions as I'm trying to decide which one to learn up...
  3. <%@ Page Language="VB"%> <script runat="server"> Sub tbMessage_Change(Sender as Object, E as EventArgs) lblMessage.text = "Hello " + tbMessage.text End Sub </script> <HTML> <body> <font size="5">Sam's Teach Yourself ASP.NET in 21 Days: Day 2 </font> <hr> <p> <% Response.Write("Our First Page<p>") %> <form runat="server"> Please enter your name: <asp:TextBox ID="tbMessage" OnTextChanged="tbMessage_Change" runat=server /> <asp:Button ID="btSubmit" Text="Submit" runat=server /><p> <asp:Label ID="lblMessage" Font-Size="20pt" runat=server /> </form> </p> </body> </HTML> I have obtained this piece of code from some book, and would like to ask some questions. During run-time, based on my understanding, please correct me if I am wrong, as I type text into the textbox, the TextChanged Event is fired. Based on the above code, as the letters are typed consecutively into the textbox, the letters should also be consecutively reflected in the lblMessage label. But somehow, the label only displays the message after I press the Submit button. Furthermore, I do not see any code here which links the submit button to the tbMessage_change procedure. Could someone please clarify the situation to me?
  4. can .NET be used to create applications on mobile devices? wat about for PDAs like pocket PC or palm? also, wat about handphones? is java the onli language which can be used?
  5. so how do i link the4se separate dlls to the main exe? or how do these DLL files of different languages communicate with each other, if trhat is possible?
  6. are there any sample programs u know of or tutorials which can teach me how i can mix managed an unmanaged code? does C++ make use of MFC? i'd really appreciate more opinions on this...
  7. What is the difference between C++ and C++ .NET? I would like to create a system for a final year project but firstly, i need advice on whether i should learn up C++ or C++ .NET, what is the difference really? wat about between C++ and C instead? what is MFC? are there situations where it is best advisable to use C++ and scenarios when C++.NET would fare better?
  8. Is it possible for me to use .NET language to create a system, which can then also include a separate module that uses C++ (not .NET, the old one)? What must I do?
  9. Does the Microsoft .NET framework provide support for amzi knowledgeright? as i need to integrate this reference into my asp.net project... anybody has any clue?
  10. er.....any really good books to recommend? i have seen some from wrox and sams publications... could someone recommend me a specific book?
  11. I hvae added an item to a main menu. Where do i go to define a link between the item and wat i want to do and how do i do it? for example, when a user selects an item from the menu, i want a form to open...
  12. wat about the property in the code, not as in the property of an object... for example, Public Property Name() As String ... End Property wat about a delegate?
  13. wat do u mean by this stop character?
  14. Some questions Er........wat is the use of a property in VB.NET? Wat about a delegate?
  15. i see, cool, i did not know that we could just add watever parameters we like to form our own version of a constructor!
  16. Does anybody know where I can get a set of icons which can be used like those in ICQ? coz i am making a sample chat program for fun...i can't find sample icons...anybody know of any place to get 'em?
  17. interesting... how do i pass it through a constructor?
  18. I have seen people asking questions related to replication... wat is it in programming terms?
  19. ui see, just curious coz i saw my friend store pictures in his database, so i thought it was something cool, but since yeah, not such a good practice as u said... i'll just store the path then, thanks a lot!
  20. i see, okok, so this onli applies to startup forms?
  21. I am using VB.NET. How do I detect if a user is connected to the internet or not?
  22. would storing it in sql server 2000 be better? or still the same problem?
  23. yeah i can do this, but when i close form B, form a will still be active since it is actually hiding there, is there anyway of fully closing it at the same time doing formB.show()? i'm doing htis when i click some button...
  24. Is it possible to store image or picture files in MS Access?
  25. Er....wat does .repaint do for a form? is it like a refresh? Also, I want to call form B from form A which, i want to close after calling the form B. My code in form A is like : formB.show() me.close() however, after i do this, the whole program terminates if i do formB.show() me.hide() with this, formA is still active... someone did suggest to set the formA to nothing, how do I do that? also, is there a better way around this?
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