is it possible to have a drop down combo box consisting of specified checkboxes in excel so that users can select a few options from a drop down box via check box?
for example, i would like a cell to have a drop down box, which is a field that displays the qualifications a particular graduate holds, for example, a graduate might have BSc in IT and a BSc in Maths
whereas another might have BSc in Maths and BEng in Civil Engineering, so there are a variety of this possible? or how should this be achieved?
okay, i have learnt that XML provides for interoperability capabilities...
so would it be wise to utilise both XML and database access for different purposes for a same application?
Is it possible to execute a file when someone double clicks or enters a folder in a windows directory? Say, in Windows 98 for example?
Any code involved in doing this, if it is posisble?
I am using Microsoft Excel 2000. Although this is a coding section, I just would like to know if it is possible, without the intervention of VBA, to have a combobox within a cell in an Excel sheet, so that the user can choose a pre-defined selection from a combobox list. Is this possible? (I am not referring to the "Right-click" & "choose Pick From List" as this gives a whole list of previously inserted information.)
hm.........interesting, ah man, means i'll have to get an XML book...
okay, just another question, er.....are there any so called "guidelines" as to when i should use a relational database or when i should use XML files for storing data? which would be appropriate so i can decide...
i see, okay, i am learning ASP.NET now, in the process, but was curious becoz many modern internet apps seem to involve hype about XML, so i also want to try it out, but wat can i use it for? in wat kind of applications then?
becoz from wat i understnad from the explanations above, XML can be more efficient than normal relational databases...
so in terms of developing an internet application, i'm not sure whether i should go ahead with ASP.NET or can i use 'em together? still undecided about it advisable to use them together for the same webpage?
Can the .NET framework be used to write, modify or do other operations to Excel files like we could do in VBA using the old VIsual Basic? Are there any articles or tutorials which show how it's done in .NET?